Sex during pregnancy

The child's waiting time is a very important and unique stage in the family life. And not only women, although it is she who granted happiness to feel his baby. For a man, this is also a difficult period, starting with awareness of the new role of the Father and ending with changes in the field of intimate relations. Of course, the peculiarities of physiology and pregnancy proceeds also play not the latter role.

The child's waiting time is a very important and unique stage in the family life. And not only women, although it is her happiness to feel his baby, feel the blows of the heart, enjoy his movements and shoes. For a man, this is also a difficult period, starting with awareness of the new role of the Father and ending with changes in the field of intimate relations. Despite the many changes, the joy of appearance in the life of a small little man will block all the storms and adversity, so it is necessary to precipitate the inconvenience and whims, bursts of emotions and squalls of passions, ups and downs of sexual desires. After all, pregnancy causes such a hormonal boom in the body of the future mother, that, submitting to him, not only the mood, but also a sexual attraction can fade, then again flashed with unprecedented costly. Of course, the peculiarities of physiology and pregnancy, the initial sexual activity, the behavior of the sexual partner, the peculiarities of sexual life, psychological satisfaction are also played.

Prejudice and delusion

If you touch sex during pregnancy, then the information about it is reminded by confusing grandmother's tangle, with whom the playful kitten played. For they are so scattered, contradictory and covered by many nodules of prejudices and delusions, which try to scatter where it is true, and where is a lie.

So, the first prejudice: Intimate life during pregnancy is harmful to mother and child. The true state of affairs is: if the course of pregnancy is classic, there are no complications and contraindications (about which we will talk later), and the woman still feels sexual desire, then intimate life can no longer harm her mother nor the future child. Actually, during pregnancy, you need to make a maximum of those affairs that we bring the pleasure of the future mother. And it doesn't matter whether it will be the contemplation of the beauty of nature or reading aloud Basen Krylov. If the mother gets satisfaction, then the child, together with the endorphins, receives all of her positive. And, of course, sex in the list of things that are pleased, not in the last place. By the way, during pregnancy, many women begin to receive a large discharge at the expense of an intensified blood flow to the pelvis authorities and easier to reach orgasm.

While having sex you can bed a child. Readers our site should not worry that because of having sex you do harm the child. Mother-Nature reliably hid it under a variety of protective layers: anterior abdominal wall, uterus, a fruit bubble, and, finally, the mucous plug, a tightly clutching neck of the uterus and protecting the fetus from external influences. Thus, if you are not adherents of sadomasochist techniques, and love to indulge in gentle and sensitive to each other, you can throw this delusion from the head and boldly take a bed. Especially since the woman instinctively chooses postures that do not have physical impact on the belly.

Sexy contact affects the psyche of the child. This prejudice is also not justified by anything. On the contrary, at the time of orgasm, a hormone of oxytocin is distinguished, thanks to which the muscles of the uterus are cut, which is a kind of good workout before childbirth. It is believed that the child has a conditional reflex built on interconnection «The cuts of the uterus - the release of oxytocin», And therefore, when childbirth will begin (and they are launched all the same hormone), the child will experience less anxiety and its first emotions «Out of habit» Will be positive. It should be noted that the small body is primarily subject to physiological effects, the development of the brain and the perception of the outside world is gradually and, naturally, it is not about the awareness of the sexual intercourse as such. Moreover, in his small Mirka, the child is reliably protected and emotionally tied to the mother, so everything that brings pleasure to her, similarly affects him and vice versa. Moreover, long-term ignoring sexual desires leads to a concentration of negative emotions, a stressful state, which may inform the beneficial course of pregnancy.

Orgasm can lead to miscarriage. In fact, abbreviations of the muscles of the uterus of a woman who has reached orgasm is not dangerous for the child. If the pregnancy is dusty and before childbirth, there are several days left, as well as if you are overestimated, most doctors advise sex as a pleasant starting mechanism. In addition, the future feminine requires the useful substances contained in sperm: it's both enzymes and men's Hormones. Thanks to them, the cervix becomes more elastic, which in turn will help her easier and faster reveal.

How to enjoy «Pregnant» Sex

Sex and pregnancy
Actually, universal councils, how to enjoy «Pregnant» Sex, no. Use the same ways to satisfy each other as before, however, you should more selectively take advantage of the choice. Remember that there is a period of you in front when you can forget about traditional sex (at least 6 weeks after childbirth). Posses are excluded, in which there are excessive pressure on the belly of the woman either the penis hits directly into the uterus. Positions must be gentle, optimally sitting, lying on the side, two-level placement (one of the partners lies on a small hill, the other is standing in front of the knees), various variations are possible.

This is the most favorable time to discover the new sides of your sensuality. In order to better relax, advise the readers of the peacesets to try such proven methods like aromatherapy, light relaxing music, candles. Bring something new to your relationship, for example, make sex on the floor, pre-removed it with a thick fluffy blanket, or enter the intrigue, appearing in the new role. More attention is paid to the foreplay, which opened sensuality will allow the flight of fantasy. You can use more Casanov methods by applying various aphrodisiacs. For example, suffer from chocolate before sex or during preliminary caress. However, this is only suitable for pairs that have no allergies to these substances. Remember the tenderness, pay great attention to touch, kisses. Many women like light stroking movements, while you can use screed tools like a large fluffy pen. Do everything that gives you sensual pleasure, but do not forget that the main thing is to navigate the woman's body. Usually in the first trimester, future mothers experience painful sensations during copulation. They often pass to the second trimester of pregnancy. There are changes in the body, as a result of which the filling of blood vessels of vulva and vagina during the occurrence of sexual desire increases. Also at this time it becomes more intense and moisturizing the genitals. All this leads to the emergence of more vivid sensations during sex. Many representatives of beautiful sex for the first time experiencing an orgasm during this period or even detect the ability to multiple the multi-history, which did not even suspect. In the third trimester, the desires of partners can slightly decrease, mainly due to physical discomfort, as well as due to the psychological state due to approaching childbirth. Do not insist on physical proximity, if it does not bring pleasure to you. But know that those liberated in sex life, active women give birth much easier.

In which cases it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to be guided by the principle «Even if you really want, it is still impossible». And although this question is quite scrupulous, be sure to discuss it with his doctor to dispel the existing doubts. You must be 100 percent sure that there is no taboo on sexual contact with a partner. What can limit your sex life? This is:

  • chronic diseases with frequent relapses;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • Low attachment placenta;
  • Eastic and cervical insufficiency;
  • premature rupture of the fetal shells;
  • Infectious diseases of various localization, primarily the urogenital system and oral cavity (toxoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia);
  • If during the previous pregnancies there were miscarriages.

These contraindications are most relevant in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is in it that there is differentiation and laying of organs of the future organism and the slightest stress, infection, physical impact may cause irreparable damage. Although in this period, women have a decrease in the libido due to the released pregnancy hormone - progesterone, which, responsible for preserving pregnancy, is somewhat suppresses sexual attraction.

The doctor can also ban sexual relationships if a woman belongs to a high risk group with a suspicion of threatening premature birth. In addition, it is worthwhile to enter intimate relationships in those days when the menstrual cycle had to start, if there were no pregnancy, because these days the threat of miscarriage increases. In order to prevent the infection of the generic channel and the likelihood of infection of the fetus, it is prohibited to enter into sexual contact with new, untested sexual partners.

Finally, I would like to note that pregnancy is a peculiar stage of the life cycle of the family, the period of her adults. And on how you pass this stage, a lot depends. The main thing is that harmony reigned in your family. After all, it is in the spiritual environment of love and tenderness that the happiest children are born and grow.

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