HCG level during pregnancy

On the early period of pregnancy, when a woman can not yet know about his position, the child inside it already declares his presence by developing a certain substance, abbreviated called hgch. What does it represent and what is its features, let's try to figure it out in this article.

What is hgch

blood test, pregnancy, conception, signs of pregnancy, hgch, chorionic gonadotropin

This abbreviation is decrypted by three words: human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone begins to be made by chorion after the fertilized egg is joined to the wall of the uterus. It is on this substance that all the tests for pregnancy react. Determining its presence in body fluids, they testify to the occurrence of pregnancy or its absence.

There are certain standards for the production of hCG in different periods of pregnancy, which can be determined whether the kid is growing normally in the womb or there are some pathologies in its development.

There are cases when an overseas indicator of this substance is observed in the blood of men, as well as women who do not wear a child. In this case, there is a possibility that any pathological processes occur in the body. Sometimes the increased content of chorionic gonadotropin is preserved for some time after the commission abortion.

The name of the hormone itself happened from the word «Gonads», denoting genitals women. The importance of this substance in the body of pregnant women is difficult to overestimate. HCG helps rebuild the sexual system of future girlfriend so that she could make a baby without any problems. Gonadotropin has a great influence on the uterus and ovaries, especially on the so-called yellow body responsible for the production of progesterone. It is known that progesterone is one of the most important hormones of pregnancy period. He is responsible for the proper development of the fetus, and also helps the uterus adapt to the baby tooling

If the future mother expects a boy, hCG and there is not the last role, contributing to the normal development of male sex glands at the embryo. Among other things, Gonadotropin helps pregnant to fight with many stresses characteristic of this period in the life of a woman.

In order for the uterus did not perceive the fetus as a foreign body, HCG to some extent weakens the immune defense of the body. Thus, the pregnancy proceeds normally and does not threaten spontaneous miscarriage.

The detection of hCG in the blood is considered fairly accurate and reliable way to establish the fact of the accomplished fertilization. Such analysis is able to give a positive result for 6-10 days from the date of conception. Home pregnancy tests are built on the same principle, only they define a hormone not in plasma, but in the urine. This method will help figure out the fact of pregnancy 2-3 days after the monthly delay.

Methods for establishing pregnancy

blood test, pregnancy, conception, signs of pregnancy, hgch, chorionic gonadotropin

A constant slight increase in the number of HCG in the blood is considered normal if it does not go beyond the limits of the established indicators. It should also be known that when entering more than one child, the mining of hormone reaches higher indicators than with one-bed pregnancy. In the case when the level of gonadotropin in the blood significantly exceeds the indicators characteristic of this period, the following reasons can be assumed:

  • The term of pregnancy was calculated incorrectly;
  • During the toaling of the baby, a woman uses synthetic hormonal drugs;
  • The patient suffers from certain diseases, for example, from Sugar diabetes;
  • The fruit in the womb is developing with pathologies or vices.

Reduced level of hCG

The reasons for the unreasonable decrease in gonadotropin produced may be the following:

  • incorrectly prescribed period of pregnancy;
  • frozen fruit fruit;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • pathology and delays in the development of the embryo;
  • violation of placental functions;
  • Reduning a child in front of the normal period.

In case of identifying any problems with the development of hCG, re-analyzes should be conducted, as well as make ultrasound procedure.

Hgch for ectopic pregnancy

blood test, pregnancy, conception, signs of pregnancy, hgch, chorionic gonadotropin

Ectopic pregnancy - a dangerous pathological condition that makes health a woman irreparable harm can lead to infertility, and in rare cases threaten life. The most reliable way to detect this deviation is considered ultrasound, but the ultrasonic apparatus on an early term may not see the embryo attached to the phallopyan pipe. Modern HCG analysis allows you to identify pathology at the first weeks. Usually, with an ectopic pregnancy, the level of gonadotropin is underestimated compared to the norm, and the dynamics of its growth slowed down. However, finding this fact should not be absolutely talking about pathology before ultrasound.

Hgch when measuring pregnancy

You can talk about frozen pregnancy when the fruit in the womb is dying for various reasons. Most often it is typical for the first trimester, but such pathology can occur and later. With a frozen pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase in size for some time, but the level of hCG decreases sharply, which can be seen by making blood test.

False result

Sometimes gonadotropin is found in a person who has no relation to pregnancy. Among the main reasons, such:

  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • first days after abortion;
  • Tumors of uterus, kidneys or other organs;
  • neoplasms of eggs in men.

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