Mrs. leech


  • Treatment of leeches

  • Treatment of leeches

    The effect of leech per person is complex and multifactor; carried out on the spiritual, energy, psychological, biochemical, physiological and other levels of self-regulation of the body's activities.

    Under the influence of more than 40 studied enzymes in leeches, in all organs and systems, normal microcirculation of blood, lymphs and intercellular fluids are restored. Even the swelling, stagnation, inflammation, pain, ischemia, well-bezed phenomena, decreases increased and rises (normalizes) reduced blood arterial pressure. Blood supply is improved, including the most vital organs - the head and spinal cord, myocardium, endocrine glands, other internal organs, musculoskeletal system (in T.C. muscles, bones and joints). Swamp thrombus, benign tumors and scars, the local and general immunity increases, the indicators of blood coagulation and metabolic processes (fatty, carbohydrate, protein, salt, etc.) ECG dynamics, other physiological and biochemical indicators improve.

    Mrs. leech
    In addition, leeches like «Live needle» Provides a powerful reflexogenic effect by replacing with success, needleflexotherapy. Hirudotherapy restores the energy of the body, improves the mood, well-being, reduces anxiety, irritability, increases performance, sexual and creative possibilities, awakens the best spiritual qualities (the joy of life, energy, love and others,.D.)

    Hirudotherapy is actually effective with all diseases of the cardiovascular system in T.C. Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, insufficiency of the general and coronary blood circulation, the effects of stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertensive disease, hypertensive states, varicose veins of the lower extremities and seed rope, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoid, referring endartment and t.D.

    At the same time, in an isolated form, ischemic heart disease (like other diseases, cardiovascular system) occurs extremely rarely.

    As a rule, in the absolute majority of patients there is a complex, combined pathology concerning the remaining organs and functional systems of the body.

    At the same time, each patient is considered in an integrated approach to compile an individual treatment scheme, taking into account the main mechanisms for the development of diseases. For example, in varicose veins of the lower extremities, the pathology of the urinary sphere (adnexites, misers, prostatites, prostate adenoma, etc.) The leading value is attached to the treatment of chronic blood stagnation in a small pelvis, the main cause of which is the dyskinesia of biliary tract.

    Thus, due to the complex nonspecific effects of enzymes and biologically active substances, the energetics of the leech on various links of regulatory mechanisms of activity of various organs and systems is gained by the possibility of non-specific basic therapy of a wide range of diseases. What makes it possible to consider hirudotherapy with one of the main methods of integral medical.

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