Montinyak diet

Montignaak diet was developed by the famous French Montignak Michel. Michel himself had overweight problems. Therefore, he knows about his experience, as it is difficult to get rid of hated extra kilograms. His scientific research and their own experience taught him that in nutrition you need to be afraid of not at all calories, but bad food habits.

Since the appearance, this diet has quickly gained fame worldwide. It is believed that she was able to commit a real revolution in the field of dietary food and in the area of ​​weight loss. She actually proposed a fundamentally new approach to weight loss.

Hungry diets that existed before that were too tough. In particular, they are overly limited both the quantity and calorie. Because of this, many diets were very difficult to withstand. People who tried them to stick to, have experienced a strong feeling of hunger, weakness and decay. In addition, due to a sharp calorie restriction, subsequently, the scared weight gained again when a person returned to ordinary nutrition.

Basics of diet

Glycemic index, diet, diet Montinyak, diet and weight loss, diet

The main idea of ​​the Montinyak diet is not a decrease in the number of food consumed, but a decrease in the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time adhere to the diet just enough. Only for this will have to carefully examine the product compatibility tables and their glycemic index. This indicator characterizes the amount of glucose in the blood, which remains after consuming this product. In addition, it is important to understand which products in what quantities and in what relationships can be used.

According to this diet, the most dangerous products are products that increase blood glucose level. Of course, the sugar simply cannot be at an absolutely unchanged level. Its increase depends directly from products that the person consumes. The use of only permitted products will allow maintaining the amount of glucose that the necessary needs of the body. If there is «Bad» Products, then glucose in the body will be excess, which can be deposited as extra kilograms.

Arises the question of which products can be used, and which are not worth. And here products according to this diet can be divided along the same glycemic index. It is believed that the higher the glycemic index, the product is worse. Specifically about the figures, it must be said that if the product is more than 50 product glycemic index, then this product is considered bad. Consequently, products that have an index less than 50 are considered good. That is, products whose glycemic index is greater than 50, it is necessary to exclude from the diet completely. Especially in the first stage of the diet. In the second stage there are various relaxation. If this indicator is 20-50, these products are allowed to consume food, but must be done with an interval of at least three hours before the consumption of bad products. In the event that the product is a glycemic index 15 and less, products are allowed to consume practically no restrictions. At the same time combine these products permit arbitrarily.

Stages of diet

Glycemic index, diet, diet Montinyak, diet and weight loss, diet

The menu of the first stage of the diet can be approximately the following. So, breakfast is recommended to start with fruits. This is due to the fact that it is fruit that it is best to stimulate the work of the intestine, quickly digested, prevent constipation and well absorbed by the body. At the same time, breakfast should be dense. It must contain carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. For example, you can eat low-fat yogurt for breakfast or you can also make cottage cheese with a piece of oat or gray bread. It is also recommended to add oatmeal, low-fat dairy products or can be jam, only without sugar.

During the second breakfast, carbohydrates should not be present. You can eat, for example, cottage cheese, cheese, scrambled glazing and ham.

As for lunch, it must necessarily include lipids and proteins. It is important that food is not fat. In general, bad carbohydrates must be completely eliminated. So, for lunch as the main dish can be fish, meat or poultry meat, which is prepared on the grill. At the same time, as a side dish, you can use fresh vegetable salad. Just should not be used in the diet of beets and carrots. As a dessert, you can cheese without bread and 125 grams of cottage cheese or yogurt.

Dinner, as mentioned, should be the easiest. At the same time, it can be protein-lipid or protein-carbohydrate. Moreover, this meal must be carried out no later than 19 hours. The dinner is suitable for vegetable soup, which is prepared from the allowed vegetables. In the diet, you can turn on the poultry meat, eggs and fish. It should be avoided by various sausages. The fact is that they contain in their composition although a bit, but still meat. In addition, such food contains many soybeans and various harmful chemicals. In dinner, it is best to include products with a lack of fats that consist of carbohydrates with a large amount of fiber. Tomatoes, skimmed cottage cheese, beans, eggplants, green salad and cauliflower fit well in this case.

At the second stage, diet should be excluded from the diet all flour products and bread. As for the creamy oil, it must be replaced with her plant. At the same time there should be no alcohol, especially on an empty stomach.

Pluses diet

Glycemic index, diet, diet Montinyak, diet and weight loss, diet

This is a rather balanced diet. In compliance with the Montigna diet due to the consumption of fruits, meat and other products, a lot of vitamins will flow into the body. In addition, the person on this diet will not feel a feeling of hunger. After all, he himself will choose its products that are resolved by a diet and which are very nutritious. With this diet it is allowed, there is baking and sweets. The main thing is not to abuse. In general, the author of the diet in his works indicated many dishes that can be prepared when complying with this diet. Huge plus MyMedinform.COM notes that the scared weight is not recruited again when a person after a diet returns to his familiar lifestyle.

Cons diet

Some finished dishes that are saturated with various components may simply not approach you, although their components are combined with each other. Generally preferably have every product separately. In addition, under the observance of the diet it is quite difficult to choose a suitable hot dish, and this can deliver psychological discomfort. Also not forget about contraindications. Diet is contraindicated pregnant, people with violation metabolism, People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, children and adolescents before puberty, mentally ill people and people who are restored after any long-term illness.

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