What is useful for watermelon during pregnancy

Juicy and cool watermelon - one of the most favorite delicacies at the beginning of autumn. His future moments especially appreciate, because this sweet berry perfectly quenches thirst, and her taste will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

At the same time, few pregnant women allow themselves to enjoy watermelon and belong to him with caution. After all, on that there are good reasons - swelling, recommendations of doctors and personal thoughts on this.

MyMedinform.COM will help to figure out whether it is possible to eat watermelon to future mommies, and how good it is for pregnancy.

Immediately we note that the opinions of specialists about the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy differ. Some believe that this berity is possible in any quantities, others categorically prohibit its use. Why are the opinions such polar? We will find out ..

What can be useful to a pregnant watermelon?

Watermelon, Pregnancy, Watermelon Benefits, Fruits, Berries

Fruits and berries have always been valuable sources of vitamins. Not exception is watermelon. In its pulp contains valuables that contribute to favorable pregnancy:

  • Vitamins A and C will have a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and the development of the future kid;
  • Vitamins of group B, among which folic acid are especially important, as they are directly involved in the formation of the fetus of blood formation, protein synthesis;
  • Watermelon has Licope. This antioxidant able to reduce the risk of heart disease. Prevents the formation of oncological diseases;
  • The content of a large number of trace elements, the most important of which are iron, iodine and calcium, make watermelon one of the most useful products for pregnant women;
  • The use of just one Watermelon Solk satisfies the daily need of a person in magnesium;
  • Organic acids and pectin, as well as fiber of beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The main beneficial properties of watermelon

Watermelon, Pregnancy, Watermelon Benefits, Fruits, Berries

Many mothers refuse themselves in pleasure to enjoy watermelon in a single reason - fear of poisoning. Indeed, this product has a property to quickly deter. Therefore, the crazy beyond should be kept in the refrigerator not more than 24 hours. And when buying, do not ask the seller to cut watermelons, otherwise it can quickly score.

Symptoms of poisoning appear after a couple of hours after the eaten watermelon:

  • You begin to nauseate and tear;
  • available diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain appear;
  • rises temperature bodies;
  • Lomit bones are possible Causes;
  • You are constantly znobit.

At the first signs of poisoning urgently contact the hospital!

To eat this wonderful and useful health risk to eat, remember several rules:

  1. Do not buy watermelons with cracks.
  2. Avoid sellers selling berries right on Earth.
  3. Purchase watermelons in places with canopies and specially equipped wooden shelves.

Choose watermelon without nitrates

Watermelon, Pregnancy, Watermelon Benefits, Fruits, Berries

Another harm to health a pregnant woman can be the presence of nitrates in watermelon. It is dangerous for anyone, not to mention the future Mama. Toxins are able to destroy the placental barrier, which may cause miscarriage. Therefore, watermelons with nitrates are categorically prohibited by pregnant.

To avoid buying nitrate watermelons will help our recommendations

  1. The first and most importantly: buy watermelon in natural maturation time for it. This period is at the end of August - the beginning of September. No need to acquire early berries, exposing the risk of your baby.
  2. When tapping, a nitrate watermelon makes a muffled sound.
  3. In meakty «healthy» Watermelon should not be yellow streams, only white. Ideally, she is red and sweet.
  4. «Chemical» Watermelon issues uniform painting without characteristic strips.
  5. When compressing the watermelon should not be soft.
  6. When cutting should be a characteristic crackle.
  7. Watermelon with nitrates in a slice perfectly smooth.
  8. Puffed watermelon with chemicals paint water in pink color. «Healthy» Watermelon will make water slightly turbid.
  9. An indispensable device for future mothers will be nithethomer. It will determine the presence of harmful substances not only watermelon, but also other products.

How to eat watermelon?

Watermelon, Pregnancy, Watermelon Benefits, Fruits, Berries

Excessive watermelon use can harm the body. All doctors unanimously in this. This product has a diuretic effect, and therefore pregnant women should be consulted with his doctor about a safe norm. One can be eased and sheltered at a time, another - no more couples pieces.

Doctors recommend to rummage this product separately from other food and drinks. Eat watermelon one hour before the use of other products. By the way, some people love to eat watermelon with bread. They should know that it is better to give preference to white varieties. Neighborhood with black bread while eating can provoke a stomach disorder.

When the future mothers should refuse watermelon?

Watermelon has many positive qualities. However, due to some factors, pregnant women still should refuse to eat watermelon.

  1. Due to the presence of sugar in this product, it is not recommended to use watermelon to people-diabetics and suffering obesity.
  2. Watermelon can cause gases in the intestines and bring the inconvenience of pregnant.
  3. Berry almost completely consists of liquid. Therefore, if a woman has disorders of urine outflow, watermelon use is contraindicated.
  4. It is impossible to use watermelon to women who have large kidney stones.
  5. If a woman is absolutely healthy and has no listed contraindications, she can easily enjoy this delicious and useful product.

Useful watermelon recipes

Watermelon, Pregnancy, Watermelon Benefits, Fruits, Berries

  1. Watermelon juice in the morning - a wonderful assistant with nausea. Drink can be squeezed with hands in a glass, pre-removed from the grace of seeds.
  2. You can make frozen juice from watermelon. It is great quiet thirst on a hot day.
  3. Make a supervitamin salad from watermelon and other fruits as desired and enjoy easy refreshing taste!

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