Allergy during pregnancy

Pregnancy - joyful, but at the same time a difficult period in the life of a woman. In the body there are colossal changes, which cannot but affect the health and well-being of the future mommy. There are often cases when an interesting position is accompanied by manifestation of allergic reactions, which a woman could not even guess before.

MirSoveto tried to figure out what is an allergy during pregnancy, how does it manifest, what consequences are and is there any way to avoid it.

Causes and symptoms of indisposition

Allergic reaction, allergy, pregnancy, immunology

This disease is an immune response to the impact of some special substances called allergens. During the tooling of the child, the body begins to work at all as before. The protection system functions otherwise, therefore, different aggressive factors of the external environment can negatively affect the overall state of health. Among the causes of the disease, 2 main:

  • changes in the hormonal system;
  • The presence of allergenic substances in the near surrounding space.

Consider the main symptoms that are accompanied by this disease:

  1. More than half of women in the position on the first weeks of the period there is a manifestation of rhinitis: nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing.
  2. Among the main signs should be highlighted dermatitis, urticaria and different skin rashes. Very often, this condition accompanies the first pregnancy.
  3. Rarely, but still it happens that the disease becomes cause Bronchial asthma. In case the future mother, even before conception, suffered from asthma, on the 24-36 week its condition can exacerbate, so the doctor must observe the health of the patient during the whole period.

Consequences of allergies for the fetus

Allergic reaction, allergy, pregnancy, immunology

The best way to avoid treatment is to take right preventive measures. Let's designate the basic rules that follow:

  1. First of all, you need to make a diet that will not enter «Dangerous» products. Food is the first source of allergens, which, besides, can form an immune response from the future child to some substances. Among such products can be allocated the most common:
    • chicken eggs;
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
    • Strawberry;
    • citrus;
    • spices and smoked;
    • nuts;
    • mushrooms;
    • honey;
    • exotic species of seafood;
    • caviar;
    • Vegetables and fruits, uncharacteristic for native latitudes.
  2. Contact with those allergens you know about. For example, do not iron animals if you sneeze from their wool. Also, try not to make a pet during the baby tool. Even if you have never had symptoms of illness - it does not reduce the risk of catching it during pregnancy.
  3. It is important timely and as possible to carry out wet cleaning in the house, shaking the pillows, blankets, blankets and carpets. This will help you get rid of dust, as well as from ticks provoking allergic reactions.
  4. Drug chemistry and perfumery also pose a danger to pregnant. It follows as much as possible to use spirits, air fresheners, any compositions containing fragrances. Contact with washing powders and other detergents need to be performed only in rubber gloves.
  5. It is worth abandoning bad habits in the form of alcohol and smoking. The consequences of the impact on the organism of these substances of one allergies are not limited.

Allergy treatment in pregnant women

Allergic reaction, allergy, pregnancy, immunology

As it has already been said earlier, to use any medicines during the baby tooling should be with great care, carefully weighing everything «per» and «against». Only a doctor can not think about independent treatment, only a doctor can assign the therapy, he also makes monitoring the patient's condition. Accepted doses should be small, and the term of treatment is short. It is important to remember that to a drug solution to the problem should be resorted only as a last resort, when the disease presents a significant threat to the health of the mother and the fetus.

We give a list of drugs, to use which during pregnancy is prohibited either extremely undesirable:

  • DIMEDROL, because it leads to the contractions of the uterus, and this can provoke premature labor;
  • Terfenandine - this medicine contributes to the undeclaire of weight by the baby;
  • Asthemisol - is extremely dangerous for the fetus due to its toxicity;
  • Suprastin, Claritin, Fexadine and Cetirizin are not as dangerous, but before their use you need to evaluate all potential risks;
  • PIPERACILLIN is not recommended both during pregnancy and in the lactation period.

Vitamins as a means of treating allergies

Allergic reaction, allergy, pregnancy, immunology

This method of therapy allows you to remove the manifestation of many symptoms, facilitate the state of the patient and at the same time not to harm the baby. Consider more this question:

  1. Ascorbic acid, it is vitamin C, in a small dosage helps to get rid of rhinitis and weak bronchial spasms. Take the reception with the number of 500 mg per day, increasing the dose to 4 g. The course of such treatment is about 10 days.
  2. Vitamin B12 has good antihistamine properties. It helps to reduce asthmatic manifestations and dermatitis. Use it recommended 500 μg for a month.
  3. Nicotinamide is an excellent means to reduce allergic manifestations, especially if we are talking about floral pollen. The term of its reception is also a month, and the dose is 200-300 mg per day.
  4. Pantothenic acid treats rhinitis perfectly, removing his symptoms in 20-30 minutes.
  5. Zinc helps to cope with allergies to household chemicals. Its use has some subtleties: if you drink zinc in ion form - it can lead to a shortage of copper in the body and provoke anemia. Therefore, this drug is taken as a complex of picolinet and aspartate.
  6. Oleic acid, which is part of olive oil, perfectly copes with allergy symptoms, softening their manifestations. Pregnant women are advised to use this product in its daily diet.
  7. Linoleic acid, as well as fish fat, Remove the swelling during a cold, nasal congestion, make it easier for itching with skin rashes and dermatitis.

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