Feminism: history and ideology


  • From the history...
  • Equality or equality

  • From the history...

    it happened historically that in our country it is customary to be equal to the West. With antiquity
    we mowed and adjusted «for them». Yes, in exceptional cases it brought
    benefit, as it happened with the creation of the fleet Peter I. But these cases are single, and are
    exceptions only confirming the rule. Being almost inconspicuous, this
    The process began to spontaneously gain momentum with the establishment of information exchange
    between different countries and reached their peak by the end of the last century.

    Everything «overseas» We always seemed to us
    consistently better, more beautiful, more correct. Remember French perfumes or dresses from «Burdis» - Top of dreaming of a modern woman about thirty years ago. This will continue
    List of music, jeans, money (one of their kind inspiring a sense of confidence
    In tomorrow), international processes, rules and traditions.

    The question of whether global recognition is able to achieve
    And the success of the state constantly obliquely on others requires a separate conversation.
    But we «Under Calca» I'm moving away from the West all that you can, absolutely not reversing
    attention to the historical prerequisites and features of the mentality that led
    to one or another phenomenon there. Distort the rustled, in an attempt to adapt at least somewhere,
    to surreal monster, but we are proud that now and we «This» also there,
    It seems like we are not worse.

    Immediately make a reservation that, preparing this stuff, I won
    Many work on this issue, from historical certificates to analytical articles.

    Feminism: history and ideology
    In the whole history of the origin and development of feminism, specialists
    Two waves are isolated. The first, which began in the middle of the 18th century in America, and then
    in Europe, was a reasonable and sensible. The ideologists of the flow defended the right
    women on education, work, choosing their life path and independence from
    unreasonable tyranny father and husband. During this period were legalized
    Divorces on the initiative of a woman, and later - abortions are allowed. But the woman did not compete
    With a man for a place under the sun. She just argued that she was the same
    man, with all the ensuing consequences, and not an animal worthy of only meetings
    Universal cathedral for establishment, and whether she has a soul.

    wave, gaining momentum in the 50s of the last century and marked sexual
    the revolution, turned into a real farce, in the Euphoria of Lakalk,
    found a grenade launcher and reveling with its unexpected strength and power, without thinking,
    what will happen if the weapon will shoot.

    I am strange the problem itself
    confrontation between the floors. First of all, because it is direct rivalry
    Mother-Nature. After all, there is nothing superfluous in nature. And if enough
    There was one sex, Nature would have created us the same - hermaphrodites
    with equal rights, responsibilities and capabilities. And since she did otherwise, it means that,
    This makes sense, albeit hidden from most people.

    In addition, modern
    Social structure also did not fall from the sky. This is a consequence of centuries-old formation
    Society, starting from the Stone Age, when more enduring - Men - Leaving
    mining mammoth, and more - weak - women stayed in caves sew clothes
    from the skins and knit meat.

    The whole second wave of feminist
    flows - thoroughly, sudden from finger. Probably from boredom. After all, then
    Stone Age, Woman and Enemy would not have come to prove that she is able
    Fall buffalo. Before those people stood the lowest problem - survival.
    Men and women worked together, making not what I want, but what everyone
    can make better and more efficient.

    Today, when humanity lives in relative
    security when most of the problems of that time for us simply do not exist,
    You can give the will of whims.

    Consider, let's say, notorious «Sexual
    harassment» - Symbol of modern feminist
    flow. In most cases (I specifically emphasize - in most, and
    not in all), this process seems to me somewhat contradictory. Power justice
    with a reservation, the judge of which is the prosecutor. In other words, the court where the law
    represents only the accused party, the defender practically does not have the right to vote,
    And the judge is generally absent, as a class.

    Equality or equality

    By nature, it is configured to success among men. Otherwise they would not use such
    Success Numerous perfumery-cosmetic firms, fashion salons, beauty, sports clubs
    and school dance. And you do not need to criticize the soul, speaking,
    that woman does it for himself, beloved to feel more confident. This
    point of view - logical deadlock. For, on the one hand, a person never anything
    does not do for myself, but only to raise in front of others - it
    wonderfully proved Cant. And on the other, a person who is sincerely concerned only
    named as? That's right, egoist.
    Let's go back to sexual harassment.

    Feminism: history and ideology
    Aimed at success woman does
    everything to achieve it. And, moreover, it requires him, offended if her efforts
    Stay unnoticed. And here it comes very not ethically. For nobody
    It is no secret that in any team every person has its own «Pets» and «not
    Pets» Among the members of this team. And attitude to them, respectively, different.
    That woman, in every way encourages the marks of attention to her men and stops,
    accusing B «Sexual harassment», Men uncompatible. Moreover, if
    It will happen that a woman, falling in love with his colleague, will be with him in one
    Beds, she and in the head will not come to court. On the contrary, it will be in every way
    encourage its hints and flirting, trying to be even sexier and more attractive.
    But beware «not pet», hinted to meet after work! You will be called
    by the rapist, chaim and devoted to the shame.

    The law is the same
    for all. And even the one who creates it, has no moral right to interpret it
    In a particular situation in moderation. And woman caution for a certain
    to her attitude, must prove in every way what it is really
    need: look in the workplace
    worthy and prevent any hints, regardless of personal sympathies to the
    they proceed, and for sexual appeal there are appropriate places.

    It remains incomprehensible: why was it to strive for this? After all, taking commitments,
    any person, regardless of gender, is obliged to perform them. Or recognize your inconsistency
    and fully incur responsibility for their mistakes. Otherwise, I do not see differences
    between this example and how the janitor shouting on the whole world that he is the most
    smart and everything knows how to take a doctor's place and will be prescribed medication and assign
    Treatment to the left and right, but, having killed a hundred-of-other patients, will say: «Well, sorry,
    I'm not a doctor, I am a janitor!». And will require condescension.

    play unwritten moral and ethical laws, bringing others to exhaustion
    and nervous tick. After all, increasingly and more often can be observed when for one
    And the same propulsion dismissed a man, and a woman is separated by a little recovery.
    And is it - equality? Here already at the time to protect men's rights!

    became universal weapons used by women to achieve any of his
    goals. As a result - aggressive interponing between a man and a woman.

    But we, men and women, created by one force: Divine
    whether, alien whether natural is not important. Each of us has their own, unique
    Quality. Women - Wisdom and Tenderness. In men - endurance and determination.
    Undoubtedly, we are different. Among women -
    your destination and duty in this world, in men - their own. But we have one common goal.
    And we can only achieve it. And for this you need to learn mutual understanding
    and the ability to find a compromise and humble your egoism. Would our people won
    Great Patriotic War, if ordinary soldiers argued with generals, proving,
    what and they have rights and they themselves will solve their fate?

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