«My light, the mirror, say yes all the truth!». But the words are not easy, they laid a deep meaning. It is the face, his color, bags under the eyes, damaged eyelids, extinct eyes and much more can tell about the state of our body: about impending or already chronic diseases, about how the doctor it is time to seek help. Visible on the face of symptoms of diseases is engaged in pathophysiogenic. An experienced doctor will immediately determine the face that is going on in your body. But we are not flashed Spit. You only need to carefully read our article and look in the mirror. We warn you immediately: do not panic if you found a sign of any beginning disease. It does not mean that you have it. It means that you need to go to the doctor and pass the survey! So, proceed.
This soul mirror is able to tell a lot. More precisely, they are capable of, however two. There is science iridology (with Greek. Iris - «Rainbow», Logos - «knowledge»), which, according to the iris, diagnose various types of diseases. It is possible to even determine your genetic predisposition to diseases, find out what state is immunity and nervous system.
If you are not ready to go to a specialist, let's look carefully for yourself:
Temane and redness can talk about developing Glaucoma or retinal detachment. In addition, tearing speaks of inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, hymorit, Blepharitis. And if you wear contact lenses, This may indicate an incorrect handling or allergy.
Barley Appears if infection is listed. Either you were fascinated by oily food, especially pork, because of this, the work of the gallbladder and liver makes it difficult.
Frequent blink arises due to diseases of the liver and nervous system.
Strangins of red in proteins indicate chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion or venous stagnation.
Brilliant and convex eyes - There was a failure of the hormones of the thyroid gland, even the Basedova disease is possible.
Yellow scler - Sick liver or gallbladder, very rarely infectious hepatitis.
If you have Little rainbow shell, Check the joints.
Dark brown dots on the iris - There is not enough iron in your body. It is possible that you have anemia.
White Ring Around Iris - lack of calcium in the body, problems with joints. A small ring indicates an excessive deposition of salts in the body.
Pale yellow Ring around the iris - High blood pressure or excavating cholesterol level.
Bursting blood vessels in proteins - pressure drops.
Wide pupils - Sign of hypertensive crisis or myopia.
Nervous tick, or twitching eyes - you have problems with nerves or lack of magnesium in the body. If one eye twitches, you may have a migraine.
White mucous flask - Approach Cataract.
Leather around the eyes
The skin around the eyes can tell about many.
Beach many - dark circles under the eyes or small dark spots. And they arise not only from overwork or excessive drilled liquid. Their appearance may indicate Diseases of kidneys, nervous disorder, intestinal inflammation. And this is the signal that sand and stones appeared in the kidneys.
And here Tight bags under the eyes They say not only about problems with the genitourinary system, but also with cardiovascular.
Bruisies under the eyes - Stress. Appear and smokers.
Yellow spots around the eyes - insufficient level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Pale pink circles around the eyes - problems with bladder.
Brown-black circles around the eyes - insomnia, weakness of the nervous system. Either a serious circulatory disorder.
A kind of eye guards, just an eyelid protection from external influence.
Color of the inner part of the eyelids can tell about many diseases:
- White talks about the shortage of hemoglobin and about anemia;
- Red signals about disorder in digestive and urogenital systems, as well as problems with blood circulation;
- Red-Yellow - You do not have the work of the liver, kidneys, spleen or pancreas.
And only pink testifies good health.
Often swell - symptom of renal failure or thyroid problems.
Brown stains and wen in the upper eyelids - diseases of the kidneys.
Double fold in the eyelid - weakness of connective tissue.
Flashing of eyelashes - lack of vitamins of group B, decrease in immunity.
This is a decent eye frame. What they say they.
Busy bush in women - Early Climax, Surplus Testosterone, Violation of Functions of the Garden.
Rare and brittle, With often drop-down hair - check the thyroid.
Narrow eyebrows. Lack of estrogen in women, and in men - insufficient function of the genital glands.
Gray - depression, sclerosis of the brain.
Step unilateral wrinkle over eyebrows - Load for cervical vertebrae, migraine.
Heard wrinkle between eyebrows, You may have chronic sinusitis.
Ground eyebrows Specify the predisposition to headaches, violations of the cerebral circulation.
Skin on the face
Face colour - Excellent indicator of what state is your body:
- Yellow talks about the inflammation of the gallbladder and the liver;
- Green screaming O Gallgamed disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and sometimes it is a sign of the appearance of a tumor;
- Sonya. Appears on cheeks, lips, forehead. Sign of chronic lung disease, Bronchial asthma;
- Pale - you have anemia!;
- Red testifies to hypertension. The same color gives alcoholics.
If you are pursued Permanent itch - It's time to visit the allergist (allergy symptom) or nephrologist (renal failure).
Crushed leather - Diseases of the pancreas.
Acne and white spots - metabolic disease. Stop eating fatty, roasted and sharp.
Acne - Violation of digestion. Appear in diabetes.
Dark spots - hormonal disbalance.
Brown leather near hair roots, wrinkles over the base of the nose - Sign of liver failure.
Deep transverse wrinkles For a short time - incorrect work of the stomach, problems with digestion.
Wrinkles on the nose or over one eyebrows - Headaches, bubble problems.
Dense wrinkles and fat skin on the forehead - Check the kidneys.
Salisians - Violation of sexual functions.
Pale skin - reduction of blood pressure.
Blood from the nose and small blood vessels on the back of the nose - enhancement of blood pressure.
Surmines going through the base of the nose - problems with thyroid gland.
Redness of the wings of nose - Inflammation of bronchi.
Pale wings nose - pneumonia.
Thickening the wings of nose - Perhaps you have asthma.
Blue nasal tip - incorrect work of the heart or lungs.
If after meals The tip of the nose is blushet, It says O Gastritis.
Vertical tolerant - a tendency to depression.
Nasolabial folds
Straight folds (from the nose to the mouth) - bad cardiac activity.
Rounded form - Weak peristalistic, it's time to pay attention to your intestine.
Rold on the right, descending to her lips - Liver disease.
Folding left - do your pancreas.
Folds ends at the chin level - problems with digestion.
The appearance of brown spots - urinary bubble or kidney disease.
Bags - All the same bladder makes itself felt.
Redness (between the nose and cheeky) - there is not enough magnesium in your body.
Red color Signals about heart disease.
Blush, which appears independently of external reasons, indicates problems with pressure, and perhaps about diabetes.
Wrinkles and gray on top of the cheeks - Diseases associated with carbohydrate exchange.
White spots - Cardiovascular Disorder.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and Yellowish skin - Disease of the stomach, pancreas.
Sunken cheeks on both sides and blue-red skin - pulmonary tuberculosis.
Inspeat pure cheek - The disease of the liver.
Wpapute left cheek - heart disease.
Violation of the water balance and shortage of nutrients in the body will immediately affect your lips.
Cracked corners of the lips - lack of vitamin B12, as well as iron and zinc deficiency. Low immunity.
Dry cracked lips - Dehydration of the body. If, besides dry lips, you suffer thirst, this is a faithful symptom of diabetes or gastritis.
Woman over the upper lip in a woman - imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels.
Unknown ulcers Appear in people who adore sunbathing and visiting solariums.
Blue-red lips talk about heart failure.
Pale - predisposition to ulcerative disease.
Thin striped white color over the upper lip - bad learning.
Small wrinkles on the bottom lip Speak about dishwashes with digestion.
The chin
Acne, acne and extended pores - Problems in the hormonal sphere.
Wrinkles from chin to cheeks - not in order duodenum.
Deeperation in the center - Pay attention to the spine.
Thickening on sites below the angles of the mouth talk about stagnant phenomena in the pancreas.
Swelling - There is a burden on the kidneys.
Preliminary diagnosis is an important thing that will help prevent serious illness and begin treatment. But! Organism, like every person, is unique. Therefore, not all those signs that we describe can be attributed to yourself. Only a doctor is able to put the final diagnosis.
And our site in turn wishes you to look at the mirror, but not to make diagnosis, but look at your happy face and smile to your reflection. And in no way!