All the best children


  • Probiotic specifically for children from 3 years
  • Useful bacteria
  • Causes and manifestations of dysbiosis
  • Prevention of intestinal microflora disorders
  • NEW! For the first time in Russia!Medicine specially for children from 3 years

  • Probiotic specifically for children from 3 years

    Children – our future. No matter how tritely sounds, but for parents a child - whether he is the only one and not the only one in the family, but still the long-awaited, beloved and most! For him, parents are ready to accomplish any «Feats». And, of course, the health of the child – This is one of the most important desires of any parents in any country, any point in the world. Formation of health – This is, first of all, the organization of proper nutrition. From the normal operation of the digestive system, the growth and development of the kid, as well as the formation of immunity. From what the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby depends?

    Useful bacteria

    One of the most important regulators of normal digestion is the intestinal microflora - the factor of the natural protection of the children's body from infections and the adverse effects of the external environment.

    In the intestine microflora numerous functions. This is the maintenance of immunity in a state of constant «combat» readiness for the invasion of external enemies – Miscellaneous Pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and participation in digestion of food, fiber, fats and in the synthesis of vitamin K and vitamins of group B, as well as the effect on the process of updating cells in the intestine.

    Causes and manifestations of dysbiosis

    Walled diseases, the reception of some drugs, irrational nutrition, poor ecology and even moving to another city or a country with a change in water, climate and food habits can lead to disorders of the intestinal microflora, dysbacteriosis in children and, as a result, the emergence of intestinal disorders, diarrhea or a constation, disabilities of digestion, discomfort, development of allergic reactions, decrease in immunity.

    Prevention of intestinal microflora disorders

    But there are universal means to help quickly cope with dysbacteriosis and support immunity. They are called probiotics – Useful bacteria that protect the child's digestion system, eliminate dysbacteriosis and its unpleasant All the best childrenconsequences.

    NEW! For the first time in Russia! Medicine specially for children from 3 years

    In the spring of 2011, a new drug has emerged in Russia specifically for children from 3 years – Probiotic Baphiform KIDS production of the Danish company «Ferrosan».
    It contains well-studied lacto * - and bifidobacteria, as well as vitamins of groups in. It is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal disorders and in the complex treatment of allergies. Release Bifiform KIDS in the form of chewing tablets that are convenient to take kids.

    Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

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