Treatment Rosacea


  • Treatment Rosacea
  • Dermabrasion

  • Treatment Rosacea

    Rosacea treatment is always comprehensive and phased. At the initial stage there is a diagnosis, examination with the aim of identifying the pathological foci of the body and factors that stimulate the development of Rosacea, the selection of methods of treatment according to individual symptoms and recommendations of specialists: a neuropathologist, a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

    Treatment RosaceaImportant in the treatment of the disease is the correction of gastrointestinal pathology, ovarian dysfunction (regulation of violations of the ovarian-menstrual cycle or the period of menopause period). Also need to eliminate risk factors, sharpening the course of the disease, avoiding negative environmental factors, as well as harmful production factors.

    If necessary, prescribe a diet, including vitamins (RR, B2 and B6), vitamine-containing and homeopathic preparations for stabilizing the work of the body systems. At the same time begin the treatment of the pink eels themselves. As a rule, this is done through various cosmetic procedures and therapeutic massage.

    Doctor – Dermatologist gives detailed advice on skin care at home. To eliminate the effects of extension of vessels, such an operation can be recommended as a diathermocoagulation, which, as if closes, seals large vessels, but does not remove the shallow vascular grid. Therefore, parallel with this procedure is prescribed vesselsfactory and dehyperiferring agents. The antibiotics of the tetracycline group showed well.

    They significantly reduce the inflammatory process at Rosacea. They drink them within 1-2 months together with the complex of vitamins.
    In addition to the vitamins of the group B and RR, vitamins of group A and their derivatives are prescribed. Isotretinoin (the main component of vitamin A) normalizes the production of subcutaneous saline, which in itself is very important at Rosacea. Proper work of the sebaceous glands of the skin leads to skin cleansing from rashes and inflammation. Strengthen the effect of the use of akta or roaccutane (isotretinine preparations) will help creams and ointments, which include antibiotics.

    After two weeks of such multi-level versatile treatment, the doctor can fix the first positive results. Further dynamics and its speed depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and the timely correction of therapeutic effects. In some cases, after three weeks, it is possible to reduce the overall redness of the face, «Slowness»
    Gnovenic wounds, suspension of the formation of new acne.

    In severe cases (rosacea 3 stages without fibrosis of the skin), some improvement in the clinical picture may occur no earlier than a month of reinforced treatment.

    If the disease is at that stage, when the inflammatory formation of the nose skin led to the formation of hardened coarse layers, surgery for the removal of such tissues was inevitably – Dermabrasion and decortication.


    Dermabrasion is a mechanical erasing of the top layer of the skin, or, in other words, mechanical skin grinding. The procedure is performed by a special cosmetic cutter. The beautician prepares the skin to grinding - causes an anesthetic cream, gives the patient a soothing. Then the skin area, which is subject to grinding, is frozen by cold gas and treated with cutter.

    Treatment RosaceaDermabrasion is considered to be deep peeling, the depth of grinding is determined individually. Like any hardware procedure, dermabrasion requires accuracy and caution. Therefore, if you want to make this procedure, sign up into an authoritative clinic to an experienced cosmetologist. Dermabrasion is prescribed to remove scars and birthplace spots, face grinding removes the surface layer of the skin and eliminates wrinkles. Unlike other types of peeling, dermabrasion works with deep layers

    After the procedure of the dermatifice, the skin needs special care. When processing cutter, deep layers of the skin are affected, in which blood vessels are located. Therefore, after dermabrasion, the skin can bleed 15-30 minutes, and after the crusts are formed, which themselves fall out again in a week. Dermabrasia is best to spend in winter and in hospital conditions, when a doctor is watching the healing process so that scars did not form on the treated surface of the skin.

    Dermabrasion is more effective than other skin grinding methods, but also trauma. Therefore, in modern clinics, along with dermabrasia, microcrystalline dermabrasia practiced. Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a hardware facial grinding method, only grinding is carried out not with a cutter, but using aluminum oxide powder. This powder has an abrasive effect, but does not damage the epidermis, he exfoliates surface dead skin cells and stimulates skin renewal.

    Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a cross between mechanical grinding and chemical peeling. Method gentle, but also deep wrinkles and skin defects does not save.

    In the procedure of microdermabrasion, the cosmetologist delivers special regenerating cosmetics, which accelerates the healing of tissues, and the result is visible almost immediately. Microdermabrasion is used in hypertrophic scars, pigment spots, wrinkles, broken sickness, stretch marks.

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