Warts on her arms


Warts on her arms

Warts — These are skin benign education
viral nature. Arise as a result of the presence in the body of one of
Papillomava virus varieties. They do not hurt, they do not bope and do not deliver
Special troubles. But they can move from benign education
in malignant, because their treatment should be started as quickly as possible, immediately
After their appearance.

Varieties of warts

Warts are customary to classify based on their
appearance and localization. The most common, component of 70% of the total
Numbers, is a view of Verruca vulgaris. The reason for its occurrence becomes
Fresh contact of hand with a dirty medium that becomes a source of infection.
If, after its occurrence, the wart is broken or scratched, it
Almost always causes the defeat of uninfected skin sections,
located nearby.

The second prevalence in Verruca
Plana. It has a flat shape, does not protrude above the skin surface and often
Accepted for moles or freckles. Color varies from dark brown to
red, and the size can reach 0.5 cm. On the hands appears rarely — Most warts at this location are presented by Verruca Vulgaris.

The development of pathology

Papillomavirus of any type falls into the human body
Through abrasions, scratches and other skin damage. Some of his varieties
cause the development of warts for several weeks, others can
develop for a longer time — up to six months. Happen,
that they can spontaneously disappear, but most often require treatment.

Development mechanism

The virus penetrated through scratches and microcracks of the skin, falls
in blood. His DNA in the human genome is able to launch the proliferation process
cells leading to an increase in blood flow to the affected area.
The result of this process becomes the creation of favorable conditions for
Accelerated cell growth. Usually for the development of pathology requires 7-14 days, in
Individual cases, the process can stretch for several months.

Provoking factors

A strong healthy organism is easily able to cope with
virus. The causative agent is able to multiply with a number of unfavorable

  • hormonal disorders;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • elevated level of radiation;
  • violation of sleep and recreation;
  • Excessive sweating of palms;
  • the weakening of the protective forces of the body;
  • Vitamin deficiency.

Treatment of warts

Warts on her arms
The main method of treatment of warts is their removal when
help of physical impact or reception of medicines. Methods can
Combined among themselves. The effectiveness of destructive methods is almost
90%, but some patients have relapses: within three months after
wart disappearance may appear again. For this reason, at the same time c
The local treatment is carried out with general contradictional therapy, measures are taken
By improving immunity. Recommended during the treatment lead a healthy image

Methods of removal of warts

There are several modern efficient and safe
Wart removal methods.

Laser method. Its effect is coagulation or
evaporation of skin cells, resulting in a minimum of complications in
shape of scars and hyperpigmentation. Removing warts is carried out in layers under
Local anesthesia for 1-2 minutes. The depth of processing is in
Depending on the localization of education and its size. Arising on the surface
Skin Small deepening is aligned within 1-2 weeks.

Removal with liquid nitrogen. Implemented
Impact on the skin of the affected area of ​​the substance of a very low temperature, in
The result is the effect of deep frost, leading to the death of fabrics.

Surgical excision method. Represents small
Operation and applied if the wart occupies an extensive area. Held
under local anesthesia, accompanied by imposing intradermal cosmetic
seams that are usually filmed in a week.

Method of electrocoagulation — Conducted by means
Surgical coagulator under local anesthesia. The layers are carried out
Cutting warts with a current coming to fine metal
Plate. At the same time, the surrounding tissues are coagulated. In case of education
Deep inside the skin, can stay flat light scar after

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