In the tooth «hole». You can not normally eat, because when food in carious cavity, you have a wild tooth hurt. Pulpitis - reason for a visit to the dentist, but why after his visit you still have a tooth sore? After the treatment of pulpitis it happens quite often. Why does pain arise after the treatment of pulpitis and is it worth worrying?
Treatment of deep caries accompanied by pulpitis — This is a complex multistage process. Initially, the tooth depugt is cleared by the dead fabrics affected by the caries and carefully prepares to filling. Then the restoration of the shape of the dental crown with sealing materials should.
It would seem that the disease is heal, but why the teeth sick so often after the treatment of pulpitis? There are many reasons: Starting from quite objective physiological, ending with subjective, reflecting poor quality provided dental care.
Physiological causes of pain after the treatment of pulpitis
A short stupid stupid, and amplifying the pain after the therapeutic treatment of pulpitis, is quite normal and explanatory phenomenon.
- Treatment of pulpitis implies the removal of the vascular-nerve bundle, and the injury of the nervous tissue naturally leads to the fact that some teeth soreness remains after depulpation.
- In the process of treating deep caries, tooth channels are processed by a special tool, which also injures tooth fabrics and periodont.
- When the roots of the tooth are rinted, some of the chemicals falls for the reworkers of the root, irritates periodonta tissues and causes pain after the tooth filling.
- When the retraction thread is introduced for the best imposition of sealing material and creating an anatomically faithful tooth shape, its neck is exposed, which in turn can cause the appearance of pain and acute response to temperature and chemical stimuli in the subsequent.
After sealing, the tooth hurts? So the pulpit was treated wrong!
Dental pain after the treatment of pulpitis can be associated with poor-quality work of the dentist.
- Incomplete filling of root canals. With dense jaw closure recently
Those treated tooth hood. Pulpitis goes into periodontitis, there is a feeling that the crown of the tooth has become higher and interferes with the jaws tightly close, sometimes the body temperature increases, the general ailment appears, the tooth begins to break out.
- Output of sealing material beyond the roots of the tooth And result — sore teeth after the pulpitis, which is no longer. Material entering the canal of the mandibular nerve, and it becomes the cause of painful pain, loss of sensitivity of the lower lip and skin in the chin area.
- If a tooth hurts, after the treatment of the pulpitte, it is worth thinking about breakdown tool, The presence of his fragment in the root canal leads to the development of periodontitis.
- Dental pain after pulpitis can be a consequence Perforation or fracture tooth root With a low qualification of a doctor, deep damage to caries, convoluted and difficult to pass root canals. In this case, the dental pain occurs immediately after treatment, when the action of anesthesia ends, it is of a good character and enhanced when tapping about the tooth.
- If you have treated caries and still did not get rid of dental pain, it is possible that usedPeople's materials cause reaction reaction Your body has.
- If from the moment of treatment, the dentist passed several months and you again began to root, the pulpit I did not count to the end, Caries continues to develop and the inflammatory process has already been out of the roots of the teeth. The reasons for this phenomenon are linked in poor-quality sealing of channels and carious cavities.
Conclusion from the above: if a tooth hurts within 1-3 days After pulpitis, you should not panic. Physiological pain arising after the treatment of teeth do not require access to the dentist. They are not so strong to affect the quality of life and will be held independently for several days. Easy analgesics and rinsing of the oral cavity with warm soda solution will help to get rid of.
If the toothed pain is so strong that prevents you from living or lasts for too long, it should be referred to a dentist. Poorly installed fillings will be removed, tooth shall and is polished again. We will have to say goodbye to the tooth, if the cause of the appearance of pain has become a fracture or perforation of the root. The positive point is that the subsequent orthopedic treatment will be carried out at the expense of the medical institution, since the loss of the tooth was caused by the doctor's error.