Malgy, Symptoms and Treatment

Almost every adult man at least once in his life came across such a problem as pain in the muscles. In medicine, this phenomenon was given name «Malgy». For what reasons may occur painful manifestations, what are the symptoms and features of their treatment, read in this article.

Prerequisites for the appearance of Malgia

Muscle pain, Malgy, Muscles, Sustaines

The main reason for the occurrence of painful sensations is the hypertonus of muscle tissues, which can manifest itself both in intense and in the relaxed state of the body. Note that the described phenomenon is observed not only in mature people, but also in adolescents. MirSees allocated several reasons for the appearance of Malgia:

  • supercooling of the body;
  • severe overvoltage of muscles as a result of intensive physical activity;
  • the presence of injuries and bruises;
  • Infectious diseases: Orz, flu and T.NS.;
  • diabetes;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthritis, radiculitis;
  • experienced stressful situations;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Varieties and symptoms of Malgia

Muscle pain, Malgy, Muscles, Sustaines

To eliminate such a state or alleviation of symptoms, there is a whole set of events. It includes the following:

  1. Medical therapy. Patient prescribed special anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs. These funds belong: «Analgin», «Diclofenak», «Indomethacin» and etc. For outdoor use, ointments can be used with a warming and anti-inflammatory effect: «Finalgon», «Fast Gel». Patient can also be tricing patients with pepper tincture or drug solution «Menovazin».
  2. Medical physical education. Exercises for the patient are developed by the doctor, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on their regular execution.
  3. Physiotherapeutic events. Such procedures applies Electrophoresis and irradiation of the affected ultraviolet lamp zones.
  4. Manual procedures. This type of therapy conducts a profile specialist. Massage helps to remove edema and improve blood circulation.
  5. A variety of folk methods.

Folk recipes for muscle pain

Muscle pain, Malgy, Muscles, Sustaines

Many people along with traditional medicine prefer to use some proven folk remedies. Let's consider several similar recipes:

  1. Treatment dry heat. This is a fairly common and popular way that helps relieve painful sensations in the muscles. If you suffer from Malgia, sew a small bag of natural fabric and fill it with salt. Tie or squeeze the edge, and then warm the salt in the oven. After that, attach the bag to the patient and fix with a warm scarf. When the contents cools, remove the envelope. Conduct this event should be twice a day. After such heating, the affected zone can be triggered by pepper infusion or anti-inflammatory ointment.
  2. Potato treatment. The principle of action here is the same as in the previous case, only instead of salt to warm the muscles is used boiled potatoes. Several tubers need to be washed and without cleaning, cook. To the sore place should be layered with a layer of dense fabric, top to put potatoes and tightly climb it with a warm scarf or scarf. After cooling the compress you need to remove.
  3. For the treatment of Malgia sometimes use burdock. Its leaves are poured with boiling water, applied to the affected area and fix not a woolen handkerchief.
  4. Application of chamomile oil. Make a similar tool just enough. Buy packaging of the pharmacy chamomile, well shred. Melt the butter and mix it with grass in a 1: 4 ratio. This mixture is used as ointment, rubbing it into the affected areas in the morning and in the evening. Oil residues are stored in the refrigerator and before each following application is heated slightly on the steam bath.
  5. Badyaga also won folk confidence as a means for treating muscle pain. Beodlya ointment can be made as follows: Take 1 hour. L. Calming butter, 1/4 h. L. Bodhaya and mix thoroughly ingredients. In the evening, in front of bed, sore the sore spot obtained by the mixture, look with something warm and lie in bed. Such a procedure must be repeated every night until the pain go.
  6. Compress from Altea will help you reduce pain when muscle inflammation. For the preparation of the means used roots of plants, crushed with a terk or meat grinder. 3 st. L. Such a mass must be pouring with a glass of water and leave broken within 8 hours. After that, the mixture is filtered and made from it the compresses three times a day.
  7. Another people's method of treating Malgia - the use of a laurel sheet. It is crushed, measured 3 st. L., mixed with glass of vegetable oil and leave for 10 days. After the resulting composition is rubbed into the affected areas in the morning and in the evening every day.
  8. One of the plants, which is used in folk medicine for the treatment of muscle pain, is a field of field. 1 C. L. crushed plants are mixed with 2 st. L. Softened creamy oil. The resulting mixture is applied to sore places, covered on top of a polyethylene film and fixed with a woolen scarf. After a few days of such procedures, the symptoms practically disappear. Instead of oil, you can also use pork fat.

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