A little anatomy and physiology
Healthy shoulder joint is endowed with high mobility, it allows a person to perform the required types of movements in different directions. It can be said that the shoulder joint is a kind of ball joint, formed by a massive round shape of the head of the shoulder bone and a small concave view of the articular bladder blade. The head of the shoulder bone in this embad is firmly fixed by bundles and muscles. Connecting fabrics that surround this joint, ensuring the stability of its work, are referred to as the joints of the joint. The inner surface of the capsule is lined with a synovial shell, replete vessels and nerves. Thanks to the vessels in the custody of the joint metabolism. Condition of the joint, its mobility is very dependent on the state of the synovial shell. Outside the joint capsule is attached to durable and elastic ligaments. Spacious capsule and muscles, completed tendons, makes it possible to join the shoulder to make free movements. It becomes clear that the volume of movements is very dependent on the state of the muscular and tendral complex and surfaces lining the capsule. And if any damage occurs, the whole described system can respond in response the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues.
What is adhesive capsuitis?
If the required effect is not, then the doctor can assign injections inside the joint with corticosteroids. Usually this is 2-4 procedures. Extremely useful will be Magnetotherapy, Laser therapy, Electrophoresis, Mud, parafinotherapy, acupuncture, Acupuncture, setting leech. In severe cases, the surgeon has to make an arthroscopic operation, the purpose of which is made by the removal of the inflated and scar tissue, located around the patient's brachial joint. Then the range of movements may be able to increase.
When the exacerbation starts to be cleaned, it is necessary to make a complex of simple exercises every day, which the physician doctor will recommend. First, the movements are made test, careful, the load increases slowly. Then such complexes are made twice a day. Mirways warns readers that first will be tolerant pains - this is a normal phenomenon. But if pains become sharp, then the load immediately reduce, change the amplitude. Later it is possible to develop a limb, doing special simulators.
What People's Medicine offers?
As an addition to the main treatment is allowed to use medicinal plants endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. Inside use healing infusions, decoctions, tincture. It is possible and exterior rubbing tincture, ointments, oils.

Our site offers to choose a suitable recipes for you from this list:
- Place in a liter bank 1 tablespoon of the grass of a marsh saber (there is in pharmacies) and 2 tablespoons of field horsetails (also acquire in the pharmacy). Fill everything boiling water. Cover the towel, pre-put the lid. After 40 minutes, the means is ready for filtering and receiving. His drink it is necessary for the day, dividing on the portions.
- Cheap tea. Flooded with boiling water tablespoon of grass placed in a glass (250 ml). Cover it with a lid for 40 minutes. Drink infusion during the day, dividing into four receptions.
- Sick shoulder is useful to rub a tincture of a saber or Golden Usa.
- Prepare such an ointment: Mix on a tea spoon of natural honey (for example, donkey, cyvel), soda, salt, mustard powder. Apply to the disturbing joint, damage the bandage, impose compress paper. Take a towel or wool handker.
- Compress from horseradish, radish, radishes for inflammation. Take anything from the listed roots, soda on the fine grater. Shoulder lubricate vegetable oil, and then apply Cashitz. Cover the marlevary cloth, warm the towel. After 2 hours, remove the compress. If you feel very strong burning, then the duration of the procedure is reduced - listen to yourself.
- Tincture for rubbing shoulder. For it, you will need: dried (or recently torn) flowers of white lilac in the amount of 3-tablespoons, 2 pods (with gracious) sharp blows, chopped root of the burdock in the amount of tablespoon (dry raw material purchased in the pharmacy). All pour a liter of high-quality vodka. Put in a dark place in a closed vessel. After three days, the small part is strain and use for the trituration of the sore shoulder. And let the rest continues to appease.
- Can be purchased in the store «Ecology of man» Ointment or cream, which includes a socket, saber.
- To remove pain, it is recommended to apply to the shoulder for several hours of cabbage leaves. Only before the sheet you need to walk the rolling pin so that it becomes softer and allocated the juice. The side of the sheet should be applied to the shoulder, which was closer to the Cochan (that is, the lower side of the sheet).
Pain in the shoulder necessarily requires access to a doctor so that it can correctly diagnose and designate a comprehensive treatment, including drugs, physiotics, medical gymnastics, folk remedies. Implementation of all recommendations will help eliminate inflammation, return the joint mobility, prevent relapses. Take care of your joints!