Today it is customary to distinguish between several types of common viral hepatitis: b, a, d, c, e. Our body is protected by immunity, which is programmed to determine and eliminate pathogenic cells. The more prigible the immune barrier, the greater the amount of cells he can overcome in a short time. And accordingly, in the process of combating the virus, the liver disorders will appear stronger. Thus, acute hepatitis proceeds.
But if the immune response has an adequate stage, then the human body is capable of destroying the pathogen itself, which leads to complete recovery. This is a common phenomenon when hepatitis E flows, and, as well as in most cases of infection with a virus in.
When the immune system is unable to destroy the primary appearance of hepatitis cells, virus «Set up» In the liver and the disease acquires a chronic character. This is a heavy stage that is common in defeat Hepatitis S, And in some cases and the virus in.
On the possible methods of prevention, which will warn with infection with this infection, will tell peace.
Prevention of viral hepatitis
Hepatitis C pathogens are a kind of DNA-containing virus that infects liver cells. This is a more serious illness that is transmitted by such paths:
- in donor blood transfusion;
- from mother to child;
- joint use of hygienic devices (razors, toothbrushes, scissors);
- Application of non-sterile medical instruments.
The term of incubation adaptation can last up to 120 days. And the first stages of the disease usually take place at least - nausea appears, pain in the right hypochondrium, the severity in the stomach, the appetite disappears and the joints are sick.
The shape of the acute manifestation of hepatitis in can be both a rude and yellow, but often it goes into a chronic stage. Signs of such a complication is: weakness, bleeding gums, frequent hematomas and a slight increase in liver.
To avoid the virus entering:
- Protect with sexual contact with a condom;
- avoid the use of narcotic drugs and random intimate connections;
- Do not use other manicure sets, tweezers, scissors or razors.
How to prevent infection with hepatitis with?
The most severe form of the disease is hepatitis infection with. This kind of pathogenic cells has a one-dimensive linear RNA and can form different subtypes, genotypes. Feature of the disease - hidden and long-term development, and then - a rapid transition to cirrhosis.
Ways of transmission of the virus - from mother to child, through blood, unprotected sexual bonds or non-sterile medical instruments. Symptoms of the disease are: lethargy, loss of appetite, pain in the right hypochondrium and fast fatigue.
Prevention of infection with hepatitis cells with similar to precautionary measures for a viral pathogen in.
Preventive actions for hepatitis D
This virus is also called a parasite, since it cannot be without a hepatitis causative shell in. So it breeds in the human body and often flows in the form of infection at once 2 types of pathogenic cells. The paths of its transfer will be similar to the related pathogen:
- through unprotected sexual contact;
- from mother to the fetus;
- through blood.
The chronic form of damage to hepatitis D is manifested in weakness, unprecedented chills, increasing liver, the occurrence of vascular stars on the back, face or shoulders.
Prevention of infection is one - vaccination and avoiding someone else's biological fluid entering the body.
Precautions with hepatitis E
This type of infection is transmitted similarly to hepatitis A, T.E. orally fecal. The flow of illness begins with general weakness, disorders digestion, body fatigue, sometimes temperatures can increase.
The complication of hepatitis E is the appearance of hemorrhagic syndrome and acute renal failure. But the special danger of infection is for pregnant women, as this can lead to fetal death and bleeding at birth.
The prevention of the disease is as follows:
- improvement of sanitary and hygienic standards;
- heat treatment of food;
- purification and boiling drinking water;
- Careful hand washing after toilet or street.