Treatment of umbilical hernia in children

Hernia in the field of navel - rather common pathology from the kids. They say about hernia when any organ or partially proceeds in an unnatural way. In the case of umbilical hernia, the protrusion is formed in the region of the drawn scar, which remains to us in memory of the umbilical cep coat, connecting the fruit with the maternal organism.

The hernia consists of a hernia gate, the role of which performs a navel ring, a hernial bag and its contents. With suspicion of the umbilical hernia to the doctor, they are mostly infant and kids, born ahead of time.

Causes of the development of pathology

hernia, belly, navel, navel of the newborn, bubble hernia

The factors provoking the development of hernia in the navel's child are conventionally divided into two groups. Briefly list them:

  1. Factors that reduce the tone of the umbilical ring:
    • congenital fragility of connective tissue;
    • Slow formation of the umbilical scar;
    • Big body weight bordering with obesity.
  2. Factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure:
    • colic, Because of which the child often goes in screaming and crying;
    • strong cough;
    • problems with the intestine, as a result of which the child is forced to suffer from constipation;
    • the presence of certain diseases (for example, when Rahite The muscle tone is extremely weakened).

In addition, hernia can be congenital and acquired.

Clinical picture of umbilical hernia in children

hernia, belly, navel, navel of the newborn, bubble hernia

Massage - an efficient and safe way to eliminate hernia in infants. It's enough every day to massage the belly of the child with stroking movements clockwise in the direction from the ribs down. Need to follow the movements to be performed smoothly, without sharp movements. Next, go to the slight spring movement from top to bottom - it is necessary to look like a brush out of the tummy the invisible sorts of fingers.

Positive results will appear during the month of regular massage. In addition, the baby should be laid out every day on the stomach, because it helps to reduce intra-abdominal pressure, exhausting gases, increase the motor activity of the hands and feet of the baby. In general, this body position trains and strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. MPSovtsov warns the parents of the baby, who has found a pupil hernia: the younger child, the better the pathological protrusion can be corrected using massage.

Older children make the same massage, with the only difference that movements can be performed more intensively. You can connect a special medical gymnastics to this massage, but you can not do exercises for the press.

Classes of healing physical education are starting only after the doctor enters the hernia and fixes it by a bactericidal bandage. If you neglect this rule, the bombardment of hernia can occur, as a result of which the intestinal blood supply is partially disturbed and the dieting of its individual parts.

Surgical intervention.

The operation is shown in the following cases:

  • hernia in the baby after the first year of life increases in size;
  • infringement of hernia;
  • After reaching the child, 4 years of hernia did not disappear anywhere.

Operational intervention (henioplasty) allows you to eliminate the physiological defect of the umbilical ring. During the operation, which lasts no longer than half an hour, the surgeon cuts the hernia, puts its contents back to the cavity of the peritoneum, fixes and ears the hernia. For the patient's life, surgical treatment of umbilical hernia is completely safe. If the surgeon will be pleased with the result of the operation, the kid will return home on the same day.

Treatment of umbilical hernia folk methods

hernia, belly, navel, navel of the newborn, bubble hernia

In the case of an umbilical hernia, the child has time to remember the traditional medicine, since with the help of its recipes you can achieve very good results.

  1. We offer you a reliable and not one generation a proven way in the fight against the umbilical hernia in children. Take a copper five-facing coin, attach it to the navel and firmly secure it with a bactericidal plaster. Please note that it is necessary to do it only after the doctor enters the doctor. The child must wear a coin on the navel within 1-1.5 months, removing it only for swimming time. Practice has shown that this time is quite enough for hernias to be drawn up, and the herniated gate closed. Also not be lazy to lay out the child on the belly 5-6 times a day for 3-5 minutes. What is the secret of this method? The therapeutic effect is copper ions that coin saturates the skin of the baby (this means that modern coins for the treatment of hernia are not suitable). In addition, the five-terrible coin has the optimal size for stimulating the umbilical rings with its edges.
  2. Obdictions of the belly of cool water. This method of treatment allows you to give the abdominal muscles an additional tone. Poultry suitable for older kids. Follow the procedure in the morning and in the evening for a month. 1 Art. L. Table vinegar dissolve in 1 liter of cool water. Then put the baby in the bath and for 3 seconds. Pour all the water to the area above its navel.
  3. Mlinotherapy. Clay is one of the most useful natural substances given to human nature. It is famous for its regenerating and nutritional qualities, as well as a whole set of valuable trace elements that it saturates the body fabrics. For the treatment of umbilical hernia, take 2 st. L. red clay and add 1.5 st. L. water. Form from the resulting mass of a cake and wrap it in gauze. Heat the pellet to the temperature in 380 and attach it to the umbilical hernia. Such «compress» keep until the clamp starts to push. The procedure is repeated for 3 weeks.
  4. Oak bark. This natural material is notable for its high knitting qualities, with which you can achieve stabilization of connective tissue. For treatment prepare infusion: 1 st. L. Oak bark poured 1 glass of steep boiling water, boil the next 5 minutes, and then insist for 4 hours. In the cooked medium, wetted folded in several layers of gauze and, applying it to the place of hernia, insulate. Compress need to hold about 1.5-2 hours. With the help of Dumped Corn are treated within 1 month.

Prevention of umbilical bumps

hernia, belly, navel, navel of the newborn, bubble hernia

To prevent the development of umbilical hernia, bring the child to physical education from early childhood. The medical gymnastics for kids that suffer from constipation is very often important. Before feeding such kids, you must lay out on the stomach and replenish the complex of daily gymnastic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular abdomen:

  • lifting straight feet in turn and together from the position lying on the back;
  • «bicycle»;
  • Promotion of baby to active use;
  • Bending the back in the upper and lower departments from the position lying on the back;
  • Changing position lying on the back on the sitting position;
  • Promotion of baby to getting up with a support for an adult hand.

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