Apizartron, instructions for use

Faced with injury (household, sports or after an accident that occurred), pain in the joints or other problems of the musculoskeletal system, anyone is looking for ways to help yourself. The question arises - what tool to choose in a pharmacy so that it quickly and effectively helped the body to recover, saved from pain?

General information about the drug

Apizartron, Pain, Ointment, Bee Poison, Sustaines

Apizarrtron Ointment Fees in Tuba at 100, 50, 30, or 20 grams. It is a homogeneous mass, it has a white or slightly yellowish color, there is a smell of methylsalicylate.

The composition of ointment includes:

  • Poe bee (standardized);
  • methylsalicylate;
  • mustard oil (allylizothiocyanate).

As auxiliary substances take: Vaseline, alcohol Cetilstearil, water, sodium laurel sulfate. These ingredients provide fast ointment suction.

Apizartron belongs to the group of drugs that have a local depleting and analgesic (anesthetic) effect.

About Bee Yade

Apizartron, Pain, Ointment, Bee Poison, Sustaines

Active components of ointments, total interacting with each other, give apizartron several pharmacological properties. The bee poison is dominated in the composition, which is released by lyophilization from living bees, then they are given for tests (biochemical, pharmacological), subject research and standardization. Especially useful components of poison bees are considered: Melittin, hyaluronidase, phospholipase, histamine, Apamin, peptide MSD, norepinephrine, dopamine. Bee poison shows its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and painkillers.

Now about another active ingredient ointment - methylsalicylate. It penetrates very well through the skin, refers to the NSAID group (deciphered as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds). He is able to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation. These advantages are repeatedly enhanced under the influence of synergists such as the peptide of MSD and Apaamine.

The third ingredient is mustard oil, its task includes a local action - the irritation of the local zone. At the same time, there is a reddening of the skin, it becomes hot. The effect is enhanced with the participation of histamine and melittin. As a result, the indisarter stimulates the nerve peripheral ending in the application zone, the local blood circulation, tissue cells are cooled with oxygen, increases the evacuation rate from the inflammation of toxic substances, so the patient's pain decreases. In addition to heating and analgesia, an improvement has been observed metabolism, Increase the elasticity of muscular and connective tissues. Musculature tone is noticeably reduced. Already a few minutes after applying to the patient, the APIZARTRON action begins.

When the ointment apizarrtron is assigned?

Apizartron, Pain, Ointment, Bee Poison, Sustaines

Apizartron ointment is recommended for the following states:

  • Arthritis, Arthrosis, rheumatism and other inflammatory processes affecting joints;
  • Nehuritis, Osteochondrosis;
  • Neuralgia, Radiculitis, Lumbago, Ishiase, arthralgia;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders in some parts of the body;
  • Malgiy, pains that appeared after traumatic damage to the tendons, ligament apparatus, muscles.

Apizartron successfully applies in sports medicine. This agent, tested by time, is present in the first-aid kit for many athletes, because they are subject to strong loads, often traumatized. People cannot for a long time to take a hospital leaf for a long time, so they resort to the help of a drug that can quickly return them to training, competitions. Yes, and heating the muscles to the drug well manage.

How to use apizartron?

Squeeze out of the tube to the sore place a strip of ointment with a length of about three or four centimeters. Caution evenly distribute it along the patient. Soon you will notice that the site has flusted, feel warm (usually everything described happens in two or three minutes). Now intensively cover with light movements in the skin ointment. Try to keep the patient in the heat, apply the apizarrtron three times a day. Treatment lasts until the disturbing symptoms of the disease disappear (but no more than ten days). After the ointment caused, thoroughly wash your hands with soap. Do not allow the ointment in any way into the eyes or other mucous membranes!

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Apizartron, Pain, Ointment, Bee Poison, Sustaines

This ointment cannot be applied to the skin when:

  • its diseases, injuries and damage when there are open wound surfaces;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • special sensitivity to salicylate, bee poison, isothiocyanates, allergies to these components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • chronic pathologies of liver or kidney;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oppression of the functions of blood formation;
  • mental disorders;
  • children up to 12 years of age;
  • The appearance of irritation on the skin associated with Outflows;
  • During sharp inflammation in the joints.

In some patients, sometimes at the use of apizartron appear in places of rubbing the drug skin allergic reactions.

Although the medicine can be bought at the pharmacy without presenting a recipe, be sure to contact the doctor's doctor, carefully read the instructions invested in a package with an aluminum tube. The greatest efficiency of Apizartron shows in cases where there are no deep anatomical changes in the sore joint.

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