Currently, interest in phytotherapy increases, that is, treatment with natural agents. In recent decades, the effectiveness of medicinal plants and drugs from them has already been proven. Scientific medicine now actively uses plant treatment and their potential. Modern biopreparations are produced by plants having high-tech equipment. Quality control of these plant preparations multistage. These drugs include the canofron used to treat the urinary system. Many doctors, including pediatricians, are actively prescribed to patients. Therefore, our site decided to tell you more to your readers about this natural medicine.
General information about the preparation, its composition

Original phytopreparation Kanefron N produces a firm from Germany «Bionorica AG» For many years. He studied well in different countries. Safe and easy tolerated patients. Therefore, prescribe it to patients at any age, even kids. There are 2 dosage forms - a solution for receiving inside and dragee.
The color of the solution is yellowish-brown, it can be transparent or slightly muddy. The medicine is fragrant smell and bitter taste. If you were taken out of the package, the bottle was discovered at the bottom of the sediment, then do not worry, it is quite acceptable. Just scolding the bottle before the dosing and reception procedure. Dragee has an orange color and a round biconide form. These dosage forms in their composition contain the same active substances, their three: Lovent root, Rosemary's leaves and the grass of the gold masculine.
Herbaceous Perennial Lovers Many grown on their summer cottages as a spicy plant. The roots found essential oils (mainly phthalides), coumarins, phenolic acids, terpenes, phytosterols, secoiridoids. Component Falkardiol has been identified as an antibiotic.
And evergreen rosemary shrub with fragrant leaves also many sign. The leaves contain a large number of essential oils (among them camphor, borneol, pinen, cineol; flavonoids and phenolic compounds.
The gold masculine is a representative of the family of advocacy, the plant lives one or two years, has a height of up to 35 cm. Cinnamon and phenolic acids, alkaloid gentinean, secoiridoids, flavonoids and phytosterols are found in the grass. Plants on the basis of which the drug was created was carefully studied and have a very rich chemical composition.
In addition to crushed medicinal raw materials in dragee there are auxiliary substances: corn starch, monohydrate lactose, silicon colloid dioxide, povene. The shell consists of riboflavina, red iron oxide, dextrose, calcium carbonate, mountain wax, sucrose, talc, titanium dioxide, castor oil ..
The solution is made as a water-alcohol extract from medicinal plants.
The amount of dragee in one pack - 60 or 120.
The bottle contains 100 or 50 ml of medication and is equipped with a drip-dispenser.
pharmachologic effect
Here, such comprehensive effects have ingredients on the state of the urinary system:
- Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic, antispasmodic action.
- Reduce the permeability of the renal filter, warn the loss of proteins and other large molecules.
- Improve kidney supply blood.
- Provide normal permeability of capillaries in kidney glomes.
- Prevent the formation of stones (concrections) in the kidneys and their increase in size.
- Increase the effect of antibiotic reception.
- Normalize the act of urination.
- Prevent repeats (recurrences) diseases.
Indications for use
The medicine is used in complex therapy of urological diseases: Pyelonephritis, interstitial jade, glomerulonephritis, Custitis. This phytopreparation can be used to patients not only at the acute stage of the disease, but also to prevent the repetition of symptoms in chronic patients. Now nephrologists are widely prescribed the drug in order to prevent the formation of concrections (stones) in the kidneys and after the operational treatment of urinary tract. Russian specialists studied the effectiveness of the use of Kanephron with the complex treatment of the ICD (this is the abbreviated name of the urolithiasis). It was revealed that if you apply the drug on the eve of lithotripsy (so called the procedure for crushing stones), it increases the rate of decay of harmful concrections. If you use the drug and then, after lithotripsy, the functions of the kidneys are restored faster. When analyzing urine, the indicators characterizing the work and the state of the kidneys are improved. A decrease in the concentration of uric acid and an increase in the amount of urine per day. Positive changes are observed in blood tests.
How to use a drug?

Adults need to abandon 50 drops into a small amount of water three times a day. For children, the number of receptions is the same, but the dosage is changing: schoolchildren are prescribed 25 droplets, and 15 droplets preschoolers. Up to the year children do not recommend prescribing medicine. And only in special circumstances, a children's doctor may appoint a child to a year a solution of 10 droplets per reception. Sometimes children complain that the medicine is bitter, then it can be abandoned not in ordinary water, but to replace it with juice.

If you choose to treat dragee, then adult patients need to be applied by 2, also three times per day, just swallow, without having. And schoolchildren are enough one dragee, it is not necessary to reduce the amount of receptions. Previously six years not use.
Another advice - during treatment, use more fluid. Treatment is always conducted by courses, the duration depends on the disease, the state of the patient and analyzes.
Side effects and contraindications
Patient observations show that the canofron is well tolerated, even with long-term use. Allergic reactions occur very rarely, such as itching and rash on the skin. With the appearance of such symptoms, the reception of Kanephron should be stopped. Our site offers people who have a predisposition to allergies, be sure to get acquainted with the composition of the drug and consult with the doctor.
The medication cannot be used in the following cases:
- when aggravating ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
- intolerance to the components;
- The solution due to the presence of alcohol in it is not given with alcoholism or a tendency to it.
Caution Show in the case of the use of a solution in diseases of the liver, brain pathologies and brain injuries.
special instructions
Do not forget that the dragee is allowed to give children only after six years.
Kanefron can be used with antibacterial drugs, as it enhances their effectiveness.
If you have a kidney or heartfelt enemy, then you can not use a lot of liquid.
The contents of the open bottle with the solution must be used for six months.
It is more expedient to acquire the drivers, because ethanol is present in the solution.
During pregnancy, some women are worried Otki, Gestosis. Therefore, sometimes a doctor to improve the state can write down the phytopreparation canofron, but only if there is no other contraindications in the patient. But the drug is undesirable to use nursing mothers, because some therapeutic components are removed with breast milk, which can provoke allergies in infants.
Special conditions for keeping the drug at home is not required. But it is necessary to place it in those places that are not available for young children.
Urban and nephrologists have recently been often prescribed a canofron for their patients. Yes, and chronic patients to prevent unwanted symptoms of their illness also resort to the help of this medicine. The drug has vegetable origin, it is safe, of course, if the dose is chosen correctly and there are no contraindications.