
To combat various bacterial infections in the Arsenal of doctors there are antibiotics. One of them - Augmentin. Our site describes this drug, will explain when and how to apply it.

General information about Augmentation

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, aggotin, inflammation, infection, antibiotic reception

The pharmacy meets three varieties of this drug. On the package may be inscription «Augmenten», «Augmentin CP» or «Augmentin EC». The active substances in these commercial versions are the same, so the testimony for use, the effect provided and the rules of application are identical. There are differences only in the form of release and dosage. There are several dosage forms of Augmentin:

  • powder used to prepare a suspension;
  • powder used for the preparation of injection solutions;
  • pills.

«Augmentin CP» - These are tablets for which a modified release and a longer action is characterized.

«Augmentin EC» - powder, which is designed to obtain a suspension used for internal use.

Please note that when the doctor discharges this drug, then next to the title «Augmentin» He writes the type of dosage form and dosage (for example, 400 + 57). Why two numbers? This will be discussed later.

As part of any variety and dosage form, there are two main components:

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, aggotin, inflammation, infection, antibiotic reception

Tablets need to swallow integers, drinking water (100 ml). Grind and riser should not.

The required amount of prepared suspension is measured using a measuring cap or syringe. Dose you just need to swallow. Children are permissible pre-measured amount of suspension dilute in water (1: 1) and then drink. Be sure after the admission of a syringe or a measuring cap well, rinse with water.

Best to take Augmentin before eating.

Injection nurse enters only Vienna (using droppers or syringes).

It's important to know

  1. Intravenous administration, as well as suspension and tablets, should be made with equal time intervals. For example, if you are scheduled to drink tablets twice a day, the interval between their receptions should be 12 hours.
  2. The minimum course of use should be at least five days. The maximum allowable rate should not exceed 14 days. Only a doctor, conducting relevant surveys, can extend the term of treatment to 21 or 28 days.
  3. Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, aggotin, inflammation, infection, antibiotic reception

  4. Dosage for treatment calculates the doctor, taking into account age, the degree of gravity of infection, diagnosis, body weight.
  5. In the pharmacy, buy only the dosage of Augmentin, which the doctor wrote down.
  6. To make a suspension, you need to add 60 ml of water to the contents of the bottle. It should be boiled, cooled. Close the bottle with a cover, shake it energetically. Leave the bottle for 5 minutes on the table. Then see whether underestimated particles were left on the bottom. If you stay, then you need to shake the bottle for some time. Your goal: so that after a five-minute settling at the bottom there should be nothing to stay. Then you can open a lid and add it even to a tag of boiled water.
  7. It is necessary to store the cooked suspension on the door of the refrigerator. If within seven days you used not all the solution, then the residue cannot be used, it is thrown.
  8. Before each admission, the suspension must be shaken, and only then dose with a syringe or a measuring cap.
  9. If a suspension is used for treatment, then rinse the oral cavity several times a day, be sure to clean your teeth to avoid painting them.
  10. It is allowed to carry out the treatment of Augmentin during pregnancy and in breastfeeding. But the destination is only a doctor.
  11. If the patient has a liver disease, then in the treatment of Augmentin, it is assumed to monitor the operation of this organ.
  12. This drug can only be prescribed to those people who do not have allergies on antibiotics of penicillin and cephalosporin rows. If allergic reactions appear after acceptance of the Augmentina, then the medicine immediately cancel.
  13. If there is a suspicion of infectious mononucleosis, then this medicine is not prescribed.
  14. If high doses of this drug are discharged, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of water during the day. This will warn the formation of crystals in the urine.
  15. During the treatment, refrain from driving a car. This is due to the fact that some people have this medicine may cause dizziness.
  16. There is information that Augmentin can reduce the effectiveness of COC (these are combined oral contraceptives). Therefore, it is recommended not to neglect additional methods of contraception.

About side effects and contraindications

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, aggotin, inflammation, infection, antibiotic reception

In some cases, such side effects were recorded in the treatment of Augmentation:

  • Candidiasis of mucous tissues and skin;
  • Dizziness, headaches;
  • Skin rashes, Outlet Quincke, vasculitis;
  • changes in blood;
  • Subtaching, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • hyperactivity, excitement;
  • insomnia;
  • Changes in behavior, anxiety;
  • Causes;
  • Dental enamel;
  • liver damage;
  • crystals or blood in the urine.

Our site warns that Augmentin cannot be applied under the following circumstances:

  • If a person has previously been noted allergic to antibiotics from a group of penicillins or cephalosporins;
  • with allergies to other components of the composition;
  • If earlier during the reception of drugs containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, a violation of the liver and jaundice was already observed;
  • If the age of kid is less than three months;
  • If the child is less than twelve years, then the pills are not prescribed;
  • Suspension does not give children with phenylketonuria and some kidney violations.

If Augmentina is not in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist has the right to offer you synonyms, for example, amoxyclav, Medoclav, Ecoclav, Flemoclav Solutab, Panklav.

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