Entrance feet

I think, many readers are familiar with such a nuisance - in the evening the legs become severe, fatigue arises, pain. It seems that legs «buzz». Again edema. There is a desire to remove attractive shoes and get to get to your beloved sofa. So how to get rid of your legs from such suffering and swelling?

I think to many readers our site is familiar with such a trouble - in the evening the legs are becoming severe, fatigue arises, pain. It seems that legs «buzz» or «burn». Again edema. There is a desire to remove attractive shoes and seek to get to your beloved sofa ..

So how to get rid of your legs from such suffering and swelling? In this article you will find useful recommendations and advice.

General information about swelling

Entrance feet
Doctors say that every fifth patient appeals to them at the reception complains of periodically arising or permanent swelling in the legs. In the hot season, this situation is exacerbated that it worsens the quality of life, prevents working and rest.

Most often, the result of the stretch of the legs are disturbances of blood outlet, lymphs, and fluid stagnation. The excess moisture accumulates in the cavities of the fabrics, and the volume increases and the forms are changed. Edema can be a symptom of a number of internal disadvantage in the body and diseases, excretory, cardiac, vascular systems, joint ventures, veins thrombosis. Sometimes pain and severity joined to swells signals about such an agement as «Heavy foot syndrome». Sometimes this disease arises as a result of hidden flowing Varicose - no legs «starfish», do not perform large veins on the surface, is not visually observed «Mesh». But you can note other characteristic signs of illness - «crawl» goosebumps by limbs, cramps of the calf muscles, tingling in the feet. Wine everything is hereditary predisposition or long, permanent and everyday leg load. Most often occurs at hairdressers, sellers, pharmacists and representatives of other professions, conducting most of the working day in a vertical position. The provoking factors are negative on the state of the feet: overweight, shoes are not in size, high heels, frequent stay in saunas, baths, solariums. Vienna stretch, overwhelmed with blood, its outflow is hampered, so liquid and accumulates in the limb tissues. If the legs swell due to fatigue and physical exertion, then it is easier to cope with the problem. More difficult when swelling is a consequence of the main disease.

Why legs swell

For proper treatment, it is important to know the cause of edema. They contribute to:

  • Close clothes, narrow shoes, which are very elegant, but not your size;
  • long and permanent stay on spectacular, but too high heels;
  • excessive body weight for you, flatfoot;
  • Long stay in the same position - standing or sitting;
  • Salted salty food, especially late evening;
  • Physiological restructuring of the body during pregnancy or climax.

And here are more serious reasons:

Consultations from specialists

If the edema is worried about you constantly, then you must take a ticket to the therapist. An experienced doctor after a careful inspection will send you to analyzes or to a cardiologist, nephrologist, phlebologist, endocrinologist. After identifying the reasons, the doctor will select the treatment you need. Do not make independently drugs, because in addition to therapeutic action they have undesirable effects and contraindications. Not knowing them, you can unwittingly harm your health. According to the testimony, the doctor may appoint physiotics, massage, wearing compression pantyhose or stockings. In some cases, during diseases of the veins requires operation. Now a lot of high-tech and gentle methods of its execution.


Entrance feet
Some believe that water is to blame for the formation of edema. This is mistake. From the course of biology at school, we all remember that a person consists of 70% water or even a little more. And if the excess water is deposited in the tissues, and not output, then it only suggests that in the body's malfunction. Agree that the legs swell most in the heat. So our body reacts to external factors and creates some «reserve», just in case. And if during this period we drink little, then the body perceives it as a signal that water ends. And what we do when in our tensile taps are thin? That's right, we think that the water will now disappear at all, and begin to store it in a bucket or another container. Here and our prudent organism begins to appreciate each adopted glass and put down moisture «in reserve». That's why swelling and strengthening. So, we conclude - it is impossible to limit yourself in water if the edema appears. This is provided that the kidneys and heart are healthy. In healthy people, the surplus liquid will always be removed - with urine, then, breathing. In addition to clean water, use green tea or «Carcade», Possessing a diuretic effect. If you wanted to drink, it is better to eat a juicy cucumber or a tomato, a glass of rich in vitamins and a lifeful moisture berries, endowed with the same diuretic action - strawberries, raspberries, currant, cranberries, lingers. Here we will help watermelons and melons, unsweetened grapes. Do not forget about healing natural juices - apple, pineapple, carrot, grape.

But after 19 o'clock in the evening, try not to drink any drinks, because at night the body will also rest, and put the water in the fabric. Will have to abandon excess salt, that is, limit in the diet of cheese, herring, mayonnaise, smoked, sausages, conservation. More vegetable salads with the addition of diurendic ingredients - greenery of dill, parsley, celery. Want to be healthy - eat right.

If there is a tendency to swells, try to acquire practical, comfortable and comfortable shoes made of genuine leather so that the legs can «breathe». It is not recommended to wear constantly thin, high heels, if you really want to stand, then wear such shoes only a few hours a day. Also pay attention: the backs should not be rigid, but the block should be stable and convenient. Do not buy narrow shoes, take your size. In the summer, it is even better that there was a small margin, because in the evening, as a rule, the volume of the feet becomes more.

During the day, periodically free the legs from the shoes or sandals. You can put a stand or a small chairs for your desktop, periodically raise my legs, thus facilitating the bloodstream. Learn yourself from habits to cross legs, because the vessels are squeezed in that position.

Make simple foot exercises several times a day:

  1. Get up from the workplace and transfer the center of gravity on the socks, lifting «on chick», and then again on the heels. It is convenient to do on the steps of the stairs, the railing or wall will come as a support. Three minutes of such classes - and the tone of the vessels will improve.
  2. Put small items on the floor (buttons, a big candy candy, pencil, pen) and lift them, clamping and holding the legs. First it will be difficult, tension and fatigue can be felt, but gradually everything will start to get.
  3. Houses periodically go to the sofa, raising legs up. Fluid outflow from the limbs is well when performing well-known exercises - «Birch», «bicycle».

To prevent swelling and venous failure, it is useful to engage in sports such as the blood circulation in the limbs - jogging, swimming, cycling, badminton. And in general, the movement contributes to the prevention of edema.

In the evening or even during the day, if there is free time, then do therapeutic foot baths. We will need a bucket with warm water, sea or even the usual salt. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, you can more. At this time, you can watch your favorite series or interesting gear. Meanwhile, salted water will pull out an excessive fluid from the fabrics of the legs. Already after the first procedure, you will notice a positive result. You can add essential oil - juniper, lavender, verbena ... or pour in advance prepared by infusion of herbs, birch leaves, linden flowers, chamomile or calendula.

Coniferous extract.

Stimulates blood circulation in the legs and a contrast shower. First, pour the legs cool, then hot water. Complete the procedure after several alternations without changing water.

In disruption of venous blood circulation, doctors recommend patients pharmaceutical ointments and creams containing menthol, chestnut extract and other substances, such as, «Venitin», «Hepatrombin», «Escalent»..

Famous folk remedies

Entrance feet
A wonderful diuretic tea of ​​black currant leaves has a wonderful effect. For the same purpose, I recommend using medicinal plants - birch leaves, lingonberries, Tolokniki, Blueberry shoots, ledge grass, field horsetail. These natural tools will bring more benefits to the body than furosemide diuretics, hypothiazide, indapamide.

Ele lot from toxins and excess liquid tea from ginger root. It is better to take a piece of root and grind. Bay boiling water, let break lightly frightened a drink for 20 minutes. If desired, lemon circle is added to such tea. If there is no raw root, then the replacement will be a ginger powder, bought in the supermarket, in the department «Spices».

While swelling, a good assistant will be the seed of flax, bought in the pharmacy. We take 500 ml of water, add one or two tea spoons of the flax seed, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Overflow into thermos or wrap. Leave for several hours. This decoction is taken during the day. If you do not polish, but drinking with soft seeds, then also the intestines will be well cleaned.

Delicious medicine from edema is yellow or orange pumpkin. Eat the half of the big glass or even on a whole glass of grated pumpkin per day. There are even varieties of pumpkins «Pineapple», it is possible to eat slices.

Just do not accept the above funds shortly before sleep, otherwise your «Internal alarm clock» will constantly apply the signal, as a result of which you can not sleep.

If you have a natural apple vinegar, cooked at home, then you can wipe your legs several times a day.

In hot weather, with edema, the baths are cut off with the addition of kefir from Tibetan milbs. Enough 20 minutes, and in the legs again ease, cheerfulness, and the skin on the feet is tender and pleasant!

Often swelling annoying for a long time after operations, protracted diseases and Antibiotics reception, In such cases, the decoction of rosehip will help. He and the body will strengthen, saturate with vitamins and excessive fluid will bring. 2 tea spoons of fruits per 250 ml boiling water. Just remember that it is necessary to drink a fluid infusion through the straw tube so that the enamel of the teeth from the acids does not destroy. And after rinse your mouth with ordinary water.

Pro swelling feet in pregnant women Women wrote our site in detail in one of its articles.

Entries arise for various reasons - it may be just an effect of hot weather, long-term loads on feet, fatigue. But sometimes this is a signal that the body occurs in the work of some organ or system. Therefore, when you constantly disturbing you edema, dear readers, visit the doctor and go through surveys. And you should not immediately buy expensive medicines, because nature in your storeroom prepared a lot of healing plants that can help and significantly improve health.

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