Why lays the ears

Everyone at least once in his life faces the fact that he laid her ears. Especially often this happens when lifting a large height or with a sharp drop down. Usually this phenomenon does not cause pain, but the feeling of a person gets unpleasant, so you need to know why it lays my ears and how to help yourself.

Ear mortgage in a healthy person

Pressure, lays ears, rumor, ears

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, it can be associated with various diseases or arising against the background of a sharp pressure drop, which happens at a very high height or depth. The ear does not have time to adapt to the pressure drops, and the drumpot is beginning to go into the Eustachiev pipe, then there is a feeling of the ear, which is sometimes accompanied by pain.

A healthy person should not put the ears even on the plane, because the pressure changes slightly, only one atmosphere. And, nevertheless, many people have this feeling, barely only the plane begins to gain a height. This phenomenon speaks of a weak hearing aid. In addition to pressure drops, there are some more options why a healthy person lays her ears:

  1. If the ear lays down at the moment when a person is in a calm state, for example, sitting on the sofa, and over time the situation does not change, it can talk about education in the ear of sulfur traffic jam. In this case, MyMedinform.COM recommends contacting Lore, it will help solve the problem in a matter of minutes, just flushing your ear. It is not necessary to conduct a procedure yourself, only a doctor knows under what pressure and an angle should go a jet of water so as not to harm the eardrum.
  2. If the ear lays down after bathing, it means that the water fell into the hearing pipe. It is necessary to get rid of it. It is just done: to click one leg, on the second jump, the body is slightly tilted in the one side with which the ear laid. If this method does not help, there is another one: winding on your cotton wand more cotton and insert into the ear, just carefully, you do not need to promote deep enough to damage the eardrum. Vata will absorb an extra moisture. But if this method did not help, it is not worth a despair, the water will still leave the ear on their own, only will have to suffer inconvenience in the form of income.
  3. Sometimes the ear lays out when a small insect gets into it. A person can sleep at that moment and do not feel that a living creature crawls along the ear shell. These cases are not uncommon, patients are often addressed to doctors, experiencing pain and congestion due to insects. It will help in this case only a specialist, it is not worth postponing a visit to it.

Ear mortgage and illness

Pressure, lays ears, rumor, ears

Each second pregnant woman is faced with such a problem as making the ears. Deals may accompany the future mom all nine months. And sometimes lays both ears, sometimes only the same thing - right. The reason for this phenomenon is the pressure drops: in pregnant women it can rise, and decrease during the day. Also future mothers need to be followed by weight, a quick set of extra kilograms can provoke, including the discomfort in the ear. Cope with the problem of women «pregnant» Methods will help:

  • If a woman has reduced blood pressure, a chocolate slice, a cup of coffee or an active walk will help her;
  • If the problem lies in Ranty pregnant women, then it is necessary to constantly wash the nose with a salt solution (a teaspoon of salt on a glass of water), as well as to bury with special drops that are allowed during this period;
  • If a woman gains weight too quickly, she needs to be included in his diet more vegetables and fruits, as well as reduce the consumption of flour products. The menu is coordinated with the doctor, it also assigns vitamins and determines the physical exertion.

In addition to these methods to eliminate unpleasant experience in the ear, a pregnant woman can use general recommendations. In any case, the phenomenon is temporary, as a rule, after childbirth, all unpleasant sensations disappear.

First assistance in the congestion of the ear

Pressure, lays ears, rumor, ears

If you have to fly on the plane or descend into the subway, put into the nose of vasoconducting drops. This method is effective, but it is often impossible to use it.

If you have a sharp ear, you can help perform such actions:

  1. Swallow saliva or drink water making small throats, the more you produce swallowing movements, the sooner it will be concluded in the ears.
  2. Open the wide mouth as soon as you can, as if you are going to yawning and uncheck in this position a couple of seconds.
  3. Close your nose and try to breathe air, and then swallow saliva.
  4. Look chewing gum, it is desirable that she was with a mint taste. Or snack fruit.
  5. If there is an opportunity, then you need to lie down and relax. In many people who accepted a horizontal position, the problem went by itself.

ethnoscience offers a healing complex that will help to cope with the problem. First of all, you need to make a massage: warm up your palms, then rub the ears up and down. Next, to confuse the uche of the ears in a circle and slightly pull their book. Take your fingers an auditory sink and make circular movements first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Ending the procedure, you need to stroke the ear and the skin next to it. Along with the massage, you can still be treated with influenza: take a handful of dry dill, pour the glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, divide into three receptions and drink to meals three times a day. Course treatment - two months. In the ears you can dig a decoction of blackberry branches. To cook it, you need to boil in half the liter of water hundred grams of branches, strain and bury out pipettes.

To achieve a result, it is better to deal with the problem in the complex, fulfilling the recommendations of the doctor and using folk wisdom.

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