In childhood, allergic pathologies are quite easy to succumb to drug therapy. But first need to be diagnosed. How to diagnose bronchial asthma in children?
Bronchial asthma proceeds for a long time and without treatment often
gives recurrences. This disease is especially dangerous in childhood. Attacks
Choosing may arise suddenly, so parents are especially careful
Treat the child's health and notice the first disturbing signals: Increased
Reaction to insect bites, tendency to allergic rhinitis and skin ras.
If any doubts occur, it is better to contact the specialists and pass
Full examination of the child's body.
Timely diagnosis
Bronchial asthma in children helps to identify early forms of illness and
Take active steps to eliminate causal allergen or decrease
the sensitivity of the body kid to it. One of the most effective ways
Therapy is the introduction of allergen microodosis under the control of experienced
specialists, which causes the adaptation of the child's immune system and helps
significantly lower or eliminate the increased reaction to contact with
Pollen, saliva or other potentially dangerous objects.
Modern methods of treatment
bronchial asthma is very effective, but it is very important to turn on time
for help. A special role is given to the dispensary
Children: Kids with bronchial asthma
must regularly attend doctors and undergo preventive inspections.
Diagnostic capabilities
bronchial asthma in children
Quality diagnostics
bronchial asthma in children — Guarantee of appointment of effective treatment.
When examining a child, the doctor carefully studies history, development history
Pathology at the kid and its closest relatives. This allows maximum
Fully cover the painting of the disease and choose safe and effective treatment of bronchial
Diagnostics can involve a variety of specialists
(pediatricians, allergists, immunologists, neuropathologists), as allergic pathologies
often combined with violations in the work of some organs and systems and requires
Comprehensive approach.
In a complex of research at bronchial asthma can
Contain the following methods:
- Wayergometry:
Special test, which is carried out under the control of vital indicators
(Pulse, Hell, ECG), in a state of physical activity (during the rotation of the pedals
Waerurgometer); - Picofloumetria: Method for the maximum
The speed of the forced exhalation is used to study the degree of defeat
respiratory tract, obstruction severity in the presence of bronchial asthma or
other chronic pathologies of the respiratory system; - X-ray studies;
- Laboratory studies of urine, blood, sputum.
During the diagnosis of bronchial asthma in children of the doctor
draw attention to the presence of additional reasons that may
Promoting the development of frequent brochospasm attacks: Polyps in the field of nasal
cavities, tumors and foreign bodies of respiratory tract, bronchogenic cysts,
obstructive bronchitis.