Alcohol coding

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, she ruins people, destroys families, cripples life. The problem is that the patient himself does not see where it rolls, and independently «Tie» With green serm, only units. Alcoholism - this severe disease, which was not found for a group of mental illness. What can be taken to cure alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a terrible disease, she ruins people, destroys families, cripples life. The problem is that the patient himself does not see where it rolls, and independently «Tie» With green serm, only units. Our site tried to figure out whether the alcohol coding is performed.

I think if you read this article, the problem of alcoholism is familiar to you not to be. Do not expect that we will write down the recipe, and you buy a magic tablet / syrup / capsule and cure or cure a close person in one day. Any such promises - clean water quarrel! In many forums, the same wonderful drugs are widely advertised for which a whole condition will have to pay. None of them will help. For alcoholism - this severe disease, which was not found for a group of mental illness. The whole problem is in the head of the patient! Let's talk today about what you can do to cure alcoholism.

How to help an alcoholic?

Alcohol coding
Many know that any kind of dependence - the lot of weak people. And no matter how hip it sounded - strong people alcoholics do not become. But it's not about the terms. All this i'm talking only because to help the patient to make a decision on the necessary treatment obliged his close. The heart is compressed when reading on the forums of Mothers Mathers and Wives about help. They ask the address of the grandmother, the name of the drug that helped, any advice. Unfortunately, relatives are often «accomplices» Sick people. They are drunk alcoholics, solve their problems (debts, fights and t. NS.) From despair themselves give them money to drink. Remember in the film «Moscow does not believe in tears» Former spouse gives the latest money «on beer» Once a famous athlete. This is a mining! It is at the expense of such actions alcoholics feel great and not even think about the refusal of alcohol.

If you want to help your native person, to start stop «cover» and «protect» his! And only at the end of the feed, but not during the status of a hangover, speak with the patient! Create examples of healing, ask friends and authoritative people to influence the opinion of the drinking. For no coding will help until the person himself decides «Tie» forever and ever!

Many ask a question «How to make an alcoholic go to the doctor?». But you will not make it. You can only bring a person to a conscious independent decision. And prayers, tears and persuasions will not help you. Understand that the encoding does not treat alcoholism, it just makes temporarily impossible alcohol intake. Doctor can restore the body, instill a disgust for the alcohol, but the patient needs a strong motivation. I will not be unfounded - I will give a few examples.

Some 42-year-old man named Victor Disturbantly drank more than eight years. Saw not myself, but with a drink-friend. During this time, no one could «force» Its treated. Only after the sudden death of a friend-alcoholic Victor stopped drinking. It happened at one moment - he just decided to live, was afraid of death. Doctors helped recover (two months of rehabilitation), and for more than seven years a man does not drink.

The second story happened in the distant 90s. Artem - a small businessman - owed a solid amount of money, lost the company and went into pie. Left the native city, hid, very long enough drank and simply begun. But one day, lenders found him, taken out in the forest belt, tied to a tree and, ahead, «A little missed». This shot sledged the guy, he tied up at the same minute, and after two months «Split» And returned debts. Almost twenty years not a drop!

Such situations, and not the tears of his wife or mother are able to change consciousness! You only need to think carefully, which will help in your particular case. Drink after all start not from a good life - loss, problems in business and personal life and even boredom can gradually turn a person into an alcoholic. It is important to give a drink to understand that all this is only temporary difficulties «And it is necessary to survive». Need to deal with circumstances, and not to indulge alcoholic. Needless to find strength!

Why is needed and what is the encoding from alcoholism

Alcohol coding
I repeat, any alcohol coding is carried out only with the consent of the patient. No procedure can begin while the person is drunk or is in a state of hangover syndrome. For Medical coding Mandatory condition - at least two days of sobriety (in different methods different times), for psychotherapeutic - two weeks.

In the first case, the patient takes potent drugs (pills, injections, «Bearing») who are not compatible with the adoption of alcohol (block its splitting in the body), and in the case of a breakdown cause severe reactions (nausea, dizziness, fainting, reinforced heartbeat). Pavlov's dog principle - you drink, it will be bad or very bad. Those who came on the coercion of loved ones, break off, drink and suffer, or come to decoded themselves. And then they say that «did not help».

Dear Wives and Moms, do not make decisions on the admission of certain drugs on their own! Efficient and safe (what is important!) tool can only choose a doctor! He will prescribe drugs to restore the liver and preventing aggressive states, sleep disorders, memory. Your case is to choose a decent doctor (some agree to encode, violating the rules, just to get money) and convince the drinking in the need.

Psychotherapeutic methods no less effective than drug, safe, but for some reason are not so popular. The thing is that before the beginning of such treatment it is necessary to prolonged abstinence from alcohol.

One of the most famous methods is the method of Dovzhenko. With the help of a special tactic of hypnosis, the patient is inspired by a persistent disgust for alcohol, which is valid for some time, then treatment must be repeated. A session can be group or individual, lasts about four hours and has contraindications (violation of consciousness, heart problems and some others).

In the treatment of a hypnomhydrate method, the patient is inspired by disgust for alcohol and is given to a sobriety. This method has no side effects, the qualification of a specialist plays a major role. He is contraindicated to people with strong changes in psyche and those who were previously encoded.

Can be combined with drugs and psychotherapeutic treatment. But in any case, the encoding is a change in consciousness and this fact no one cancels.

People suffering from alcoholism, can be recommended to read the book Alena Carra «Easy way to quit drink» (There are many good reviews about it). Decide about the sober life without encodings you will be helped by groups of anonymous alcoholics. Now online many sites, where people help each other to cope with addiction.

Our site wishes to all successful cures and faith in yourself!

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