What is endorphine

Endorphine system is a very important component of the human body. Thanks to «hormone joy» Our brain is able to respond to external stimuli, confront stress, poison pain, and in addition, to show creative abilities.

In this article, our site tried to figure out what an endorphine, from where they take and what role they play in our lives.

What is Endorphin?

hormone joy, hormones, mood, joy, endorphin

The existence of this hormone scientists proved about 150 years ago, referring to the observations that all positive emotions: vigor, happiness, joy and fun - arise directly in the human brain. Through the time it was found that endorphine - nothing but a natural painkiller, which is produced by our body in response to strong physical exertion. That is why people actively engaged in sports, after intensive training, have a significant mental lift and a tide of a good mood. Thanks to its property, cause such an inspiration, endorphine can form a certain dependence in man, causing it more and more load his body in return to obtain a new portion of joyful experiences. The name of this hormone itself consists of a combination of two words: endogenous morphine. Thus, the endorphine is a substance produced by the body, in its characteristics and exposure to a person similar to morphine.

Causes and consequences of endorphic failure

hormone joy, hormones, mood, joy, endorphin

In pursuit of a good mood and receipt of pleasure, some people can resort to the use of various narcotic drugs or alcohol. If the worldview of the individual and its moral norms do not contradict such a way to deliver joy - often it is fraught with severe addiction.

Reception of psychoactive substances provokes powerful and fast emission of endorphin into blood. The body gradually gets used to obtaining such a large amount of hormone, increasing the number of receptors that perceive it. Regular admission to the brain of morphos-containing drugs from outside leads to the fact that through time the production of natural endorphins in the brain is reduced. A person falls into the psychological trap: the inability of the body to produce a hormone of joy leads to apathy and depression, this state, in turn, makes it look for the source of morphines in an external environment, and their use further exacerbates the situation.

Hardless ways of raising the level of endorphins in the blood

hormone joy, hormones, mood, joy, endorphin

Fortunately, in addition to the use of various narcotic substances, there are also simple and natural ways to increase the level of hormone hormones in the body:

  1. Music - Excellent stress removal and mood improvement. Melody, which when listening causes positive emotions and brings pleasure, contributes to the blood of the necessary substances into the blood. Any mental lift and bad experiences at the time of the perception of the song is the right sign that endorphins come to your brain.
  2. New impressions are also a great way to get pleasure. Hike to the theater or cinema, traveling to another country, meeting with an interesting person - a great stimulus to generate hormones of happiness.
  3. Any positive experiences, as a rule, raise the mood. Meeting with the old friend, buying a pet or watching a favorite comedy - all these sources of joy.
  4. Good sex is considered one of the fastest and most reliable ways to obtain a huge number of endorphins. The main condition - the process must delight all its participants.
  5. Sport classes help brain to produce endorphins in response to physical exertion. The thing is that this hormone is a natural substance that helps the muscles to deal with pain. For more efficient production of endorphins, physical education classes must be regular and fairly intensive, as well as include a 15-minute warm-up. Do not forget to listen to your own body, because the load should bring joy, and not to wear the body.
  6. Positive thinking - a sure way to maintain a constantly good location of the spirit. Smile and laughter activate certain receptors, which provokes endorphins into blood.
  7. Sunny weather plays an important role in our health. Many have noticed that in a cloudy and rainy day I don't want to do anything, while the bright sun outside the window increases the mood and makes us active. In addition, at such a time our skin produces hard Vitamin D, which also plays a role in the production of endorphins.
  8. Desire and the ability to create something new - a wonderful way to experience joyful experiences. The person participating in the creative process receives pleasure from this, and the result of his work is an additional reward in the form of positive emotions.
  9. Ability to relax correctly should not be neglected. Good relaxation helps to put all your feelings and nerves. There are several ways to effectively relaxation:
    • yoga classes;
    • Daily short meditation;
    • walks in the open air;
    • massage.
  10. Moderate and rational food, with presence in the menu of certain products, can become an effective means of replenishing in the body of joy hormones.

What products contribute to the generation of endorphin?

hormone joy, hormones, mood, joy, endorphin

What should be included in your daily diet in order to not have a deficit in positive emotions? Let's give a list of the most common products:

  1. Chocolate is considered the king of a good mood. Be sure to keep in mind that this product should be natural.
  2. Strawberry is a sweet fragrant delicacy that leaves no one indifferent. It contains a lot of useful elements: folic acid, iron, magnesium, vitamins C and E. It is an excellent antioxidant, improves pressure and work cardiovascular system. In the season of fruiting, try to use as much strawberry berries as possible.
  3. Banana - Another useful fruit, firming the nervous system and promoting energy generation.
  4. Freshly squeezed orange juice - energy «bomb», Educating vigor for all day. Eat this juicy bright fruit, and you will forget about a bad mood.
  5. Spicy pepper - rich source of endorphins.
  6. Sweet vintage berries are not only rich in vitamins, but also contain glucose and fructose, so necessary for the good location of the Spirit.

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