Vitamins for women

Every person in order to feel cheerful, you need to observe a few simple rules: spend time in the fresh air, to eat correctly, lead an active lifestyle and take vitamins. Women's body especially need vitamins.

And in order to replenish your body with all the necessary vitamins, a woman must eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, up to ten servings per day! This is impossible. And if a woman wants to be beautiful, healthy, you need to take vitamins. Together with our site we will talk about what vitamins should be taken by the beautiful half of humanity.

About the benefits of vitamins

Vitamins, vitamins for women, women's health, lack of vitamin, vitamin benefits

We, women, vitamins are just necessary! We want to always look at all 100, and therefore we can not do without small assistants. It is the vitamins that help our body to cope with many illnesses, have shiny silky hair, clean skin and be charming, regardless of age. But you need to know that each age is vitamins. In childhood, future women need vitamins that will contribute to the right growth of the child, the formation of a bone skeleton. In the core period, vitamins are needed that have a beneficial effect on the bleeding system, at a replenish age - those vitamins that are able to maintain the body and strengthen the bone system. But you need to remember that there are a number of vitamins, regardless of that period, in which there are women who need to be taken and in any period.

Vitamin Mineral Complex

Vitamins, vitamins for women, women's health, lack of vitamin, vitamin benefits

Vitamin D

Contributes to the assimilation in the body of phosphorus and calcium. Fat-soluble vitamin. Reduces the development of diseases such as Arthritis, Scattered sclerosis and even prevents the development of cancer cells. Vitamin D is able to protect our eyesight. Vitamin deficiency leads to the fragility of bones, Osteoporosis. What to do? Every day, within a few minutes, being in the sun, it will be enough to ensure the daily rate of the required amount of vitamin. Vitamin D indispensable in childhood. All children with age up to one year, for the prevention of doctors, this vitamin is prescribed. Rich in vitamin D Such products like eggs, liver, milk and fat fish.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is necessary to strengthen immunity to saturate the body of the energy. Plays a major role in strengthening bones and blood coagulation in older people. Reduces the risk of heart disease. Present B Fishing fat, soybean oil and green tomatoes.

Vitamin B6

Main Vitamin Firming Immunity. In comprehensive treatment, it helps to fight depression. Heals heart disease. Supports blood sugar level. Pregnant women just need to use this vitamin. The lack of vitamin B6 leads to the development of anemia. Contained in such products as: bananas, avocado, fish, beans, oatmeal.

Vitamin E

An indispensable assistant in cosmetology has a rejuvenating property. It is part of many cosmetics for skin care and hair. Slows skin aging processes, prevents heart disease, memory loss, fighting oncological diseases. Thanks to the use of vitamin E, your skin and hair will look healthy and shining. In large quantities, vitamin E is contained in the hazelnut, spinach, peanut butter, fish oil, sunflower seeds and wheat embryos.

Vitamin B12

Treats depression and memory disorder. Indispensable vitamin for women, as necessary for normal metabolism. Used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, anemia. Vitamin deficit causes depression and irritability, as well as oral inflammation. Contained in eggs, fish, meat, milk and solid cheese.

Vitamin C

It is necessary to each person, regardless of age-age, especially in the off-season and in periods of outbreaks of colds. Strengthens immunity, helps the fastest healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a complex with other vitamins helps to cope with heart diseases, some types of cancer. Broccoli and White Broken, Grapefruit, Oranges, Pepper, Strawberry, Tomatoes, Kiwi.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

Important to the health of every woman, and especially for those who are planning pregnancy. Prevents heart disease, reduces blood pressure, stimulates brain. Contained in green vegetables, cabbage, parsley, peanuts, melons, strawberries, beans, eggs and food yeast.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Irreplaceable in the period of active growth of bones. Supports the optimal cholesterol level in the blood. Vitamin health for hair and leather. Biotin deficiency causes violations of the cardiovascular system, depression, anemia. It is necessary to use such products: potatoes, bananas, fish, melons, yellow fruits, peppers, nuts, cheese, milk, oatmeal, egg yolk.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Possesses a well-fastest effect on the body, provides metabolism. Riboflavin - Vitamin Growth. Strengthens immunity, fights fatigue and light nervous disorders. The lack of vitamin B2 leads to a deterioration in the appearance, the dimming of the skin and itching, the early appearance of wrinkles. So that this does not happen, eat meat, milk, cheese, vegetables, nuts and porridge.

Special vitamins

Vitamins, vitamins for women, women's health, lack of vitamin, vitamin benefits

Iron (FE)

If you do not replenish your body with iron, then quite serious consequences may arise, namely anemia. This trace element is simply necessary for every woman, since women suffer from his lack more than men.

So the female organism is arranged that every month during menstruation period the body loses a certain amount of iron and necessarily it is necessary to replenish the stocks of iron. Unfortunately, using products, using daily «Metal» Products, it is impossible to replenish into highly exhausted stocks of iron. But if you eat full, not «sit» On hard diets, it will be enough to use food such as greens, chicken liver, nuts, apples and grenades. Do not forget that iron from products is absorbed by only 10%.

Lack of iron in the body. Symptoms: dizziness, noise in ears, memory deterioration, frequent colds. With a lack of iron into the body, a person feels tired, he lacks energy, feels muscular weakness.

Iron deficiency is dangerous during pregnancy and can lead to complications of pregnancy and heavy breeding.

Hair becomes brittle, dim, «Sometimes» On the tips, the nails are laying, and the skin becomes dry, pallor and peeling appears.

How to replenish the stocks of iron. Take preparations that are quickly learned in the body, food additives, complex vitamins. With proper treatment, all the above-described symptoms of iron shortages are gradually passing. But do not forget that this is not enough, to take iron-containing drugs needed by courses, with a gap in one or two months. Daily need for women - 20 mg.

Zinc (Zn)

Excellent immunomodulator. An important trace element. Helps fight colds. Reduces allergic reactions on the skin, fights with acne, warns the appearance of early wrinkles. Zinc adjusts the fatty skin and is often part of the cosmetic skin care products. Useful for sight. Zinc - Vitamin Mood, especially helps to cope with the female body with PMS. We need people sick diabetes.

The lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and fragility of nails, infertility, bleeding during pregnancy, apathy, colds.

Zinc is contained in a lentil, soy, buckwheat, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, fish, corn, fish, cocoa. Daily need for zinc 12-15 mg.

Magnesium (MG)

Chief Mineral of Female Beauty. We are needed to maintain normal functions of the menstrual cycle, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. It is magnesium that helps to cope with irritability and fatigue in the PMS period. Indispensable mineral during pregnancy. Its shortage can lead to Premature Rodam.

Lack of magnesium. Hair loss, nail fragility, cramps, muscle spasms, irritability, increased fatigue, memory deterioration, insomnia.

Present in nuts, seeds, green apples, beans, green pepper, wheat bran. Take magnesium in a complex with vitamin B6. The daily rate of magnesium consumption - 300-400 mg.

Vitamins, vitamins for women, women's health, lack of vitamin, vitamin benefits

Vitamins for hair

To your hair always have silky, take Vitamins A, E, C and group in. Vitamin A: hair will be shiny and strong. Vitamin C will improve blood circulation. Vitamin E will accelerate hair growth. Vitamins of groups in prevent gray hair.

Vitamins for nails

Vitamins A, C, E and N. Vitamins A, C and E promote rapid growth of nails. Vitamin H - makes nails strong.

Vitamins for skin

Vitamins K, E, group B and C. Vitamin C makes female skin elastic.

So, in order for us, women, look always beautiful, fresh and full, you need to be in the fresh air, to eat and take vitamins and trace elements. But do not forget that take vitamins need to be correct to prevent the development of hypervitaminosis.

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