But we are stubborn with you: for pickled mushrooms and in the fire, and in water, and in the nearest landing! And since nothing with our instinct «Mushroomnika» You can not do, our site today tells about how quickly and qualitatively provide the first help to a person who poisoned mushrooms.
Total picture of poisoning
At that moment, the enemy falls into the human body from outside, the mechanisms of a pathological state begins to work, which is called poisoning. Poisoning is an independent impairment and internal intoxication caused by, for example, pathogenic bacteria, has no relation. When the toxic doses of various poisonous substances fall into the body, vital functions fail and human life is dangerous.
The main feature of this state is suddenness, fast progress and serious flow. In addition, poisoning most often happen in «uncomfortable place in uncomfortable time», What significantly makes it difficult for their diagnosis and assistance.
Mushroom poisoning: Symptoms and hospital treatment
The poison of this mushroom in the process of heat treatment is destroyed, but not completely. Toxins are striking mainly liver, kidneys, heart and brain.
The hidden stage of poisoning takes from 30 minutes to 6 hours. No later than 2 hours from the moment of poisoning, the damage to the digestive tract begins: it is pronounced by nausea, exhausting vomiting, pain in the abdomen, strong disorder. Also, the poisoning of the Municipality manifests itself with increased sweating, abundant separation of saliva, increased secretion of bronchi, narrowing pupils. Moreover, there is a sinusiness of the skin, a sick problem, loses consciousness, he can have cramps.
In the hospital is washed with a stomach through the probe, then apply to infusion therapy by intravenous administration of the glucose solution of 10% to 2 l per day, vitamins of group B, ascorbic and glutamic acid, cardiovascular preparations.
Smorchchki and lines

I can choose poorly supracted mushrooms or mushroom broth. Toxins of this type of fungi affect the red blood cells, provoking their hemolysis; Liver and kidney suffer. First on poisoning «Reacts» Gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea, strong abdominal pain. Kidney defeat indicates red urine. Liver lesion expressed jaundice.
In the hospital after washing the stomach drip-intravenously injected sodium bicarbonate solution 4%, the prevention of renal and liver failure is carried out.
What needs to be done before the arrival of ambulance
At the first suspicious changes in health Call an ambulance. If possible, check the preservation of a mushroom dish, which ate victim - Chemical analysis will determine the toxins to which you can choose an antidote.
Discover the window to provide the victim's maximum influx of fresh air. In some cases, heart failure in the Musorinic syndrome it helps a sick person to survive.
Algorithm of your actions Next (do not panic, act clearly and quickly):
- In anticipation of ambulance brigade, rinse the patient of the stomach. The patient should drink no less than 6-7 cups of clean water, after which it is vomiting.
- Stomaching continues until pure liquid appears without impurities of food residues.
- When the stomach of the victim is purified, spread the burned magnesium (magnesium oxide, magnesium oxide - the names of the name of the substance) and give the patient to stimulate the intestinal cleansing. Magnesia is one of the most effective laxatives.
- Grind 8-10 tablets Activated coal, dilute water and let you drink the victim. Child Coal can be replaced by two portions (packages) smects.
- Arrange the victim so that he is half off, resting in something head. With the appearance of painful sensations in the heart, the patient can take 1 tablet nitroglycerin sublingual (under the tongue).
Additional actions do not undertake yourself, wait for the arrival of the ambulance brigade. Only a specialist can assume the consequences of the interaction of therapeutic drugs with toxins, which were in eaten mushrooms.
Try to give the doctor the most detailed information: where did you take mushrooms or in what place they gathered how they looked like you were preparing them. This will help the doctor quickly decide on the overall picture of treatment.
Prevention of poisoning mushrooms
Take a little passion «quiet hunting» - You need to confidently distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous, correct copies from false. Never eat mushrooms that have never seen or the appearance of which causes you at least the slightest doubts. During the collection of mushrooms, make sure that small children do not try to eat their own fungi found.
After collecting the mushrooms, you proceed immediately by arrival home, strictly stick all the rules of cooking mushroom dishes. Beware buy canned mushrooms in lovely old women in natural markets, as well as factory conservation of dubious manufacturers.
Do not store canned preserved making mushrooms, even if they are confident in their non-toxicity. This product after a 6-8-month period is no longer suitable for food, as poisonous substances begin to concentrate in edible mushrooms.