Massage for children up to the year

Many experts agree that in the first year of life, a child like plasticine - everything that you will put in it, what the foundation will give, with that he will go through life. And no matter how healthy your baby was born or with small (or large) deviations from the norm - you need to do it! In this case, I mean massage.

Children's health - the main thing in the life of parents. And on how serious and responsibly adults will suit the health and development of the child, the life of the kid himself depends.

Many experts agree that in the first year of life, a child like plasticine - everything that you will put in it, what the foundation will give, with that he will go through life. And no matter how healthy your baby was born or with small (or large) deviations from the norm - you need to do it! In this case, I mean the physical development of the child, namely, a massage, with the help of which healthy children are ahead of their peers in development, and children with serious diseases receive a chance to become full-fledged members of society. You can not imagine what miracles creates massage!

Time leaves, and you will not be back. And so that in the future do not regret the missed opportunities, do the health of your child now, do not delay!

Therapeutic properties of massage

Massage for children
Massage distinguish therapeutic, correction and prophylactic. Preventive massage contributes to the full development of the children's body. Parents on their own initiative appeal to the children's massageman or make massage themselves. Massage healthy child can start doing from 1.5-2 months. Before you independently do a massage to a child Consult a pediatrician.

Therapeutic and correctional appoints a pediatrician doctor, depending on which pathology has revealed children's neuropathologist, orthopedic or surgeon. By the time you will be 2 months old, you must visit these professionals. Feel free to ask questions you are interested in, tell everything that worries you. The correctness of the diagnosis depends on this. If something does not suit you in the answers or you doubt the competence of the doctor, go to another specialist. You can not risk baby health. We slightly moved away from the topic, but it is really an important moment on which it was worth staying. Let's go back to the massage, namely I would like to draw your attention to the fact that massage in the first year of the child helps to cope with the disease.

These are diseases of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia, Conference, flatfoot, scoliosis), therapeutic diseases (hernia, rickets, hypotrophy, krivoshoye, hypertonus, hypotonus), respiratory diseases (pleurisites, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

If your child has any disease or born premature, pediatrician consultation is required! Please do not engage in self-medication, contact professionals!

Contraindications for therapeutic massage

If a pediatrician who observes your child, revealed any of the following diseases, massage to the baby is contraindicated. These are diseases such as: all sharp feverish diseases, purulent and other acute inflammatory lesions of the skin, subcutaneous fiber, lymph nodes, muscles, bones (eczema, pemphigus, impetigo, lymphadenites, phlegmons, osteomyelitis, and t. D.), diseases accompanied by fragility and soreness of bones, sharp form of rickets, sharp arthritis forms, tuberculosis bones and joints, congenital heart disease, sharp nephritis forms, hepatitis, large navel, femoral, inguinal and scrotal hernias with a significant loss of the abdominal organs or with pronounced inclination to infringement. In all other cases, in the presence of hernia, massage is made with a mandatory fixation of its patching bandage.

And once again I remind you if your child has health problems, massage treatment should be carried out strictly according to the testimony of the attending physician and only with the participation of a professional children's massage. I emphasize the children! It is important.

Where to find a baby masseur

Massage for children
Talk about where to find a professional you will beat your baby's health.

First of all, you need to decide what result you want to achieve. If your child is healthy, then you can do it home yourself. Locating massage is not difficult. A little later you can familiarize yourself with the main techniques and rules of massage. But if your child has health problems, then you need a specialist. Where to find it? Possible options are presented below.

Municipal children's polyclinic. Pluses: Masseur has a guaranteed medical education, the service is free. Minus: recording for massage is usually a few months ahead, and you will also have to get on your own.

Private paid clinics. Pluses: Friendly attitude guaranteed, it is possible to leave for a house for an additional fee, of course. Minus: the qualifications and experience of the massage therapist are not guaranteed (as lucky), the service is quite expensive.

Private persons practicing massage concurrently. Plus: Departure is possible to house. Cons: you need to make sure the qualifications of the massage therapist, checking its documents; Paid service.

Children's rehabilitation centers (there are paid and free). Pros: Qualified specialists. Minus: you have to get yourself.

Often parents make a choice in favor of a massage player who will advise friends familiar, regardless of where it works. Maybe it's right. The choice is yours. Analyze all options available for you.

Rules for holding children's massage

Massage for children up to the year
I want to draw the attention of those readers our site that decided to make a massage to the child on their own, on the basic rules of massage:

  • Do not forget about a positive client. It is important that the baby was in a good mood, not hungry and slept. Massage should be carried out about an hour before feeding or 30-45 minutes after it;
  • Be affordable and friendly. It will help to establish contact with the child;
  • You must be comfortable dressed, nails are trimmed, without jewelry on your hands (so that it is not accidentally damaged to the gentle skin of the baby). Hands must be clean and warm;
  • It is better not to use cream, oils, powders, so as not to cause allergies;
  • The room should be spurred, well lit. Air temperature not less than twenty-two degrees. If you feel that the room is slightly cooler, the child should be covered with a warm diaper, in addition to the massable region, of course;
  • Massage is better to do on a solid surface (on a changing table or on a regular table, you can put a thin blanket) to be able to come from different sides;
  • To begin with, use simple techniques, gradually complicate them, add new items;
  • Massage do neatly, do not make sharp movements;
  • After the massage, it is recommended not to go out into the street at least 30 minutes;
  • Massage is not recommended before bedtime;
  • and in no case leave a child one unattended!

Massage for a child is not only a medical and wellness procedure, but also positive emotions, do not forget about it.


Massage for children
I think, along the course of reading, you have arose about such questions: «How to make a massage?», «What movements?». Let's understand. The duration of the exercise of the first lessons is approximately 3-4 minutes, then gradually increase to 15 minutes. But remember everything individually. If the kid began to be capricious or express explicit displeasure, try to distract it and go to the next exercise. If the child does not calm down, stop the massage, continue later.

Let's talk about the technique of a child's massage until a year Read more. Remember, all your movements should be directed to the center (from the brush to the elbow, from the elbow to the shoulder and from the heels to the knee, from the knee to the groin area). And do not forget - no sharp movements!

Child massage up to the year includes the following techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Let's stop more detail on each of them.

Stroke. Stroking technique is shown for children literally from birth. Touch of warm mother's hands will reassure the baby. In the first three months of your child's life, use exclusively this technique. At an older age, start and complete each session of massage strokes, as well as apply them between rubbing, kneading and vibration. Gentle strokes relax, prepare the skin for further manipulations. Your movements should be smooth and light.

Trituration. You can use this massage technique when your kid will be 3 months old. Rim the child's skin intensively, but neatly. It is to rub, and not stretch. You can rub a thumb with a pillow or the base of the palm, in a circle or in a straight line. There are different exercises in which one or another method will be useful.

Sensing. Associates this technique with how dough. But do not forget the skin of the child is very gentle, it is impossible to press. Perform movements vigorously, but gently. Using this technique, you affect the muscles of the child. Therefore, perhaps the first time your baby will be dissatisfied with this technique. Rehend to this with understanding, try to distract it with a bright toy, talk to him. Increase the exercise duration gradually. A few days later he will get used and will receive pleasure from it. Muscles your baby pads with finger pads, pinching the skin, and the base of the whole palm, when you use the felting method (let's talk about it later).

Vibration. This technique is a soft tapping, the pillging of the pillows of the fingers or the edge of the palm. In no way presumpt! Usually vibration is used for breast massage and back.

The main techniques of the child's massage from birth to the year

Massage for children up to the year
There is a conditional calendar of the development of the child (at that age he should be able to do this, at the other age must perform that). And in order to prepare the kid muscles to a certain load, perform various exercises using the appropriate massage technique. It is for this reason that I advise our website to use massage techniques in accordance with the age of a child. So, let's stop at the main techniques of the massage of children up to the year.

Child age 1.5-3 months. As mentioned earlier, doctors recommend starting a massage from 1.5 months. But why such graduation, up to 3 months? If you look at the newborn, then you will immediately get into the eyes that his hands are compressed in cams and bent in the elbows, legs are also bent. By 3 months it should pass. But in no case can not dramatically clean the muscle tone. Therefore, for children of this age, use only the technique of stroke.

Start with hand massage. Put the baby on the back to lay my legs to you. When you make a massage of the right hand of the baby, hold it with your left hand, and, on the contrary, when stroking the child's left hand, hold it with your right hand. I hope not confused. In fact, it is not fundamentally, just so convenient. And do not forget: from the brush to the elbow, from the elbow to the shoulder. Strokes do palm from the inner surface of the child's hand.

Now let's talk about the massage legs. Let the child remain in the same position. Easy hand movements make a massage of the whole child's foot surface, excluding the knee area and the front of the shin. And do not forget your child should enjoy the massage process. As for the foot massage, perform circular movements with a thumb top and bottom to draw as the eight, carefully stroke each finger. This is a very useful exercise, because, as you know, there are many points on the foot foot, the massage of which affects the entire body.

Breast massage at this age is light strokes with palms or the back of the hands. Your movements should be directed from the middle of the chest to the sides. Then go down below and begin the massage of the abdomen. Circular strokes clockwise help to save the kid from abdominal pain. This is a very pleasant calming exercise for a child. After performing the following exercise: Movement up and down, carry out alternately palm and the back of the hand. Next, use such a reception: grab your baby lower back and strokes in the direction of the belly of the baby. Performing all these exercises, in no case do not put on the right side of the child. Go to the back massage.

Back massage I advise you to perform as follows: in the direction of the bottom up stroke the back of the child with the back of the hand, and in the direction from top to bottom - palm. Strict recommendation on the time of each massage does not exist, but focus on about five repetitions of each exercise.

Massage for children up to the year
Child age 3-4 months. At this age, the child should be able to keep his head well, lying on his stomach and leaning on the forearm, about four months old kid must raise his shoulders and head, lying on his back. And to prepare his muscles, I recommend using such a reception as rubbing. But do not forget: to start and finish each exercise is necessary stroking (features are described in detail above), performing each exercise by about 2-3 times.

Algorithm of your actions does not change, start with hand massage. Rubbing themselves as follows: Girth the wrist of the child with a large and middle finger (or indicative, to whom it is more convenient) and move from the wrist to the elbow and from the elbow to the shoulder, carrying out twisting movements. When you finish massaging both hands, do similar action with the feet of a child, just do not massage the knee area.

Next go to the foot massage. The trituration of the stop includes: circular rubbing of the pillow of the fingers (draw eight) and rubbing the inner and outer part of the foot from the heel to the fingers. Also recommend adding light tapping. Straighten the index and middle finger and rhythmically, but gently tapping, move from the heel to the fingers and back.

Ground rubbing do neat - rhythmic, but very easy to press the baby on the chest. In no case do not put on the ribs! Movement Send from the middle of the chest to the sides. After the abdominal massage with the pads of bent fingers, clockwise. Do not press the liver! «Picture» Circles around baby navel. This exercise will love your child! Then go to the massage of the berry and back.

Rubbing buttocks and backs also spend the withdrawal of bent fingers. Watch out for the movements of the hands: one must shift the child's skin up, the other is down. Gradually move from the buttocks to the neck. The following reception, which is used in a massage for children of this age is the simultaneous multidirectional circular motions (right hand clockwise, left - against).

Child age 4-6 months. At this age, the child should be able to roll over, so you need to prepare the muscles of the abdomen and back. And, of course, legs, because the turn is due to the fact that the child eats one leg to another and transfers the body weight. I draw the attention of readers Our site to the fact that now the intake of kneading is added to stroking and rubbing. That is, you perform all the same actions, in the same order, a new element (kneading) Insert after rubbing.

Hand massage, stop and chest of a child of the age of 4-6 months are similar to those of a child's massage 3-4 months, that is, first strokes, then rubbing, then strokes again.

The main reception of foot massage for a child of this age is the kneading. Imagine that you are the dough. But do not forget, moves soft and neat. Another reception is called felting. Put the child's foot between your palms and make energetic movements in the opposite sides (imagine that you are trying to make something out of the snow, give the form).

Perform the abdominal massage just as when the child was 3-4 months, but add a new element - pinching around the navel. This exercise will strengthen the abdominal muscles and delivers the pleasure of your baby.

A new element that I recommend to introduce a back and buttocks for massage - this sawmill. Movement sliding, up-down, are performed by the edge of the palm along the whole back of the child. Another technique that you can add is shifting. Alternately turning out her fingers, shift the skin of the baby from the bottom up. Next go to the buttocks. Only in no case do not touch the zone area. Applying equipment, plugging and bleaching, you will improve blood circulation, and when the skin of the baby becomes pink, I advise you to complete the massage strokes. And do not be afraid to do something wrong. Your child you «prompt», You will definitely feel hurt or unpleasantly.

Massage for children up to the year
For a child's massage aged 6-12 months All the same techniques that are described above are used. I recommend to watch educational video on children's massage, it can be easily found on specialized sites on the Internet massage. And the last advice. Start to do with the child as early as possible and daily. You will be much harder to start making a massage a nine-month baby, just because it is difficult to keep it on the spot for more than ten seconds. Here, perhaps, all I wanted to tell you about children's massage. I think this information will be useful for you!

So let's summarize. Child massage up to a year - is the treatment and prevention of many diseases. I hope I managed to convince you of massage. And the dilemma arose before you: contact a specialist or make a massage yourself?

Option first. Seek help from a specialist. The choice in the market of paid medical services is now large, plus there are free clinics and centers. And the qualifications of all specialists are different. Seriously come to this question, the health of your child depends on it.

Option two. Massage yourself. When choosing this option, do not forget about compliance with the required conditions: Consultation of the doctor (pediatrician), the lack of a child in diseases in which massage is contraindicated, the fulfillment of certain rules for massage, knowledge of equipment and main massage techniques.

In fact, whatever the option you choose you should clearly realize that we must give your child a maximum of all the best, useful, good (health, useful and correct habits, norms of behavior and t.D.), then, unfortunately, maybe late.

Successes to you and, of course, health!

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