Do there be vaccine from rubella?


  • Blood on infectious rubella
  • Antibodies for rubella virus — Diagnostic element
  • Do there be vaccine from rubella — Away doubt

  • Rubel Rubber - First SyndromeDisease pathogen — The virus, which is transmitted by air-droplet when conversations, laugh, sneezing and settled on the mucous healthy person. The life expectancy of the virus in the body is up to 21 days, and in most cases without any manifestation, the incubation period occurs. Actually, the infectious disease itself begins with a sharp increase in temperature, general alert, cough and cold, and, of course, the most important symptom is expressed by rash. With a rubella, it has the kind of small pink-red specks, scattered throughout the body that do not merge into general redness, as for measles, but existing independently, without causing pain and itch. A few days later, usually 3-4, and sometimes 5, the rash, leading during a crushing symptom disappears absolutely without a trace, leaving no pigmentation on the skin of the patient. Sometimes the body temperature does not rise at all, the rash appears literally for several hours, for example, at night and it is easy to not notice. Similar course of the disease is called asymptomatic, and it is rarely accompanied by complications.

    Blood on infectious rubella

    How to pass blood on rubella?Based on the results of various tests and analyzes, it seems possible to establish an accurate diagnosis, and already depending on it, to develop tactics of the treatment of this disease, usually requiring not specific treatment, but only symptomatic. The disease in children proceeds is not difficult, it is much harder to carry adults and therefore it is necessary to highlight the risk group — These are pregnant women, when the main object of the attack of viruses is becoming not yet born child. In the middle of the last century, the Austrian scientist Gregg studied this problem. Based on multiple blood tests and serological tests, he managed to establish that the virus provokes a number of defects in future children, especially if the infection occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In addition, the virus may be the cause of spontaneous late miscarriage and birth of a dead child. Pregnant women should avoid contact with patients, and in case this happened, immediately visit the doctor with a subsequent mandatory examination.

    Antibodies for rubella virus — Diagnostic element

    The presence of Ig g antibodies to the virus of acute rubella makes it possible to carry out differential diagnosis. While the antibodies to the IG M virus appear in the first days of the disease and, reaching the level of maximum value, soon disappear, IG G markers remain for life. Blood analysis on rubella confirms the rise of the antibody titer to the rubella virus 3-4 times, and also indicates the presence of an acute infection. To prevent the spread of the disease, sick isolate for several days. Specific prophylaxis in women from risk group are very important, and it should not be remembered that primarily the infection is dangerous for a child possible congenital vices. The results obtained are determined by the further tactics of pregnancy, and if such contacts occurred in a period of up to 18 weeks, it is possible that while the child will have to abandon.

    Do there be vaccine from rubella — Away doubt

    Vaccination of a live vaccine gives a very high positive result, and serves as an indisputable resolution of doubts: Does the vaccination from children's rubella. After all, having a vacuum from rubella, and it will work in about 3 months, you can count on a steady lifetime immunity, which means never to get sick of this disease. What antibodies to the virus virus are diagnosed?No fears and doubts: do it? Grafting from rubella — This is a lively vaccine strain, absolutely safe for a developing fetus, affecting the formation of persistent immunity. In addition, we should not forget that this vaccination is required for girls, future mothers, and is held at the age of 13. Mandatory vaccine-philatics is determined by the World Health Organization Protocol since 1997, and since 2002 there has been a mandatory revaccination of children from 6 years and immunization of girls, starting from 13 years. There are almost no contraindications for universal immunization, with the exception of rare cases of allergies and immunodeficiency.

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