Pyelonephritis in children up to year


  • Caring for parents — Diagnostic element
  • Pyelonephritis in children: long-term treatment, prognosis is favorable

  • Pyelonephritis in children up to yearPyelonephritis refers to inflammatory kidney diseases, the causative agent of which are microbes living in the intestine of a healthy child. Among the predisposing factors should be noted, first of all, the urine delay, which can occur due to the mechanical compression of the ureter during injuries, tumors, constipation. Stagnation of urine in one year old kids who are not able to empty the bladder to the end — Base for breeding bacteria. The spread of infection can occur during diseases of the external genital organs, especially small girls are subject to the characteristics of anatomical structure. Sometimes the flow of pyelonephritis in children up to a year may be asymptomatic that somewhat complicates the diagnosis. Today, pediatricians have noted the increasing cases of pyelonephritis in infants, which is associated with a number of reasons. One of them is to reduce immunity in kids due to frequent use of antibiotics. Finally, the presence of an infection focus in the body of an infection, for example, with tonsillitis or intrauterine infection can also be an impetus for the development of inflammation.

    Caring for parents — Diagnostic element

    Urinary bubble diseases, urethra and ureters can also lead to the development of pyelonephritis in children, treatment is to be difficult and careful, but with a careful attitude of parents — Healing. In severe disease, the excretory function of the kidneys is disturbed, a picture of acute renal failure is manifested. Parents must be all the time on the age of all, the further fate of the baby depends on this and even his sexual health. During the child's illness, it is necessary to regularly take urine analysis, all the time be in contact with the attending physician, strictly fulfill all the appointments and orders of the pediatrician and the urologist to avoid possible complications. Among the consequences of this renal failure, sepsis, aposthoretous jade, kidney carbuncoon, paranefrit — These are the most characteristic diseases of the infants and babies.

    Lab diagnostics is an important step in the course of the disease, so regularly 1 time in 5-7 days it is necessary to carry out a general analysis of urine and an analysis of Nechiporenko. In the process of research, the color of urine is studied, its acidity, the proportion, the presence of pathological impurities: protein, leukocytes, red blood cells. Blood test, conducted in the acute phase of the disease, indicates moderate anemia, leukocytosis and an increase in SE.

    Pyelonephritis in children: long-term treatment, prognosis is favorable

    Pyelonephritis in children: long-term treatment, prognosis is favorableBefore proceeding with the treatment of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to eliminate all predisposing factors. Therapy is aimed at combating infection, restoring the stream of urine and kidney function. A child at this time is appointed urgents and antibacterial drugs for a long time. It is very important during this period to sanitize the existing foci of infection, the phytoprocessors using the diuretic medicinal plants were very useful: rosehip, dill, parsley, celery. The healing properties of asparagus, oats, hunter, sage, plantain, significantly improving the renal blood flow.

    For the entire period of the disease, it is necessary to ensure the baby bedding, create the most comfortable conditions with a rich warm drink. Especially useful cranberry and lingers, fruit juices and compotes, fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably watermelons, melons, zucchini. Child of any age, and kids especially, at this time shows a gentle diet and taking vitamins. Treatment is to have a long, in some cases up to 2-3 months, until the urine rehanging. After the main stage of therapy, there are ragners and renal teas from herbs fees with antiseptic and diuretic effects. Very useful in this period alkaline mineral water. A favorable forecast for life, the fatal outcome is rarely marked, only in the case of sepsis.

    Prevention is to identify risk groups for urinary tract infection: these are premature babies, artificially breeded, with systemic and immune diseases, manifestations of urolithiasis, as well as kids with anomalies and urinations of urinary tract.

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