Temperature without symptoms in a child


Temperature without symptoms in a childIncreased body temperature in children above 37° — The phenomenon is common and does not always require urgent medical intervention. The rise in temperature, or fever, can be observed in a child as an allergic reaction or as a result of penetration into the organism of microbes, toxins and viruses. Such a phenomenon may be observed after a child vaccination or with physical or emotional loads.

If the child has risen the body temperature, and other symptoms are not observed, you do not need to panic. Temperature below 37.5° Do not hurry to shoot down. Provided that the temperature increased to 38.5 °, You can apply external physical impacts to reduce it (wiping moisture and applying cold, but in moderation). If the thermometer column rose above 38.5°, It is recommended to receive medicines according to the prescription of the pediatrician. These recommendations do not apply to children with neurological disorders, with birth hypoxia, hemorrhage in the brain or heart defects.

Causes of asymptomatic temperature increase in children

The common causes of the asymptomatic increase in the body temperature of the child include:

  • overheat;
  • cutting teeth;
  • vaccination reaction;
  • allergic reaction;
  • stress;
  • Viruses and bacteria in the body.

The temperature of the body of newborns depends on the ambient temperature, because the thermoregulation of the child has not yet developed. Children under the year normal temperature can be 37°, And by the year it is leveled to the indicator of 36.6°. Asymptomatic temperature growth in children aged older than a year can be observed on the soil of long staying in the sun and in a poorly ventilated room. Increased temperature after vaccination should not exceed the mark 38°. Temperature can fluctuate in children against the background of emotional arousal and experiences of various kinds.

What to do if the child has increased temperature without symptoms

What to do if the child has increased temperature without symptomsHigh body temperature — This is a sign of an inflammatory process in the body. If your child got a temperature, then carefully inspect his body for other symptoms and watch his behavior. If the child behaves as usual and on the body you didn't find anything superfluous, it means that the temperature rise is asymptomatic. If such a state is saved for 4 or more days, you need to visit the pediatrician. With raising the temperature against the background of the reception of the antipyretic means, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance: such a state requires hospitalization.

Consult a pediatrician in advance and select the drugs lowering the temperature. Be sure to find out the doctor with a dosage you need to your child, and the features of the use of medication. Prepared in advance, you will be fully armed when your child has a temperature without symptoms.

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