Causes of rumor reduction

In our world with a bad environment and increasing noise level, the number of people with reduced hearing is constantly growing. Some people at first do not even realize that they start to hear worse. However, when accumulating various adverse factors, hearing thoughts progresses and becomes noticeable. Worsening hearing is much easier to warn than to treat.

In our world with a bad environment and increasing noise level, the number of people with reduced hearing is constantly growing. Some people at first do not even realize that they start to hear worse. However, when accumulating various adverse factors, hearing thoughts progresses and becomes noticeable. Worsening hearing is much easier to warn than to treat. That is why we offer readers our site to get acquainted with the main reasons for the reduction of hearing and ways to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

Age worsening hearing

It has long been known that the ear is reduced upon the occurrence of a certain age. In percentage ratio in a group of 40 to 50 years old, hearing loss is observed approximately 5% of people, and in the age group from 50 to 60 years already four times more. Such explicit changes in hearing scientists are associated with age-related atrophy of the cortis organ, the death of auditory receptors and the slowdown in the processes in the brain neurons. Each third of four cases is associated with a neuro-sensory cause. The reduction of hearing is infected with both age factors and infectious diseases, the effects of various toxins, injuries.

Reducing the hearing begins gradually and gradually, which is why the person does not notice that he hears worse. However, with age, age changes accumulate and become noticeable. First, the person ceases to hear high frequencies, then it is difficult to find a conversation in the company and against the background of noise, then does not hear and lower frequencies.

Prevention Otitov

Causes of rumor reduction, hearing loss
One of the possible reasons for the reduction of hearing is the transferred otitis. Otitis - this is inflammation of the ear. Since the structure allocate the outdoor ear, the average and internal, then the otitis happens the outer, medium and internal.

Otitis meet in adults, and in children, but because of the characteristics of the anatomical structure in children, the ear inflammation is significantly more.

The main causes of otite are infection in the ear, hit, delay and stagnation of water in ear, injuries and allergy. Infection is the most common cause of this disease. Sources of infection can be various items that we put in your ear, for example, a stud, toothpick, a wand that we are trying to clean the outer hearing pass. Infection can also get from the inside, for example, with a cold, angina and other inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

In order not to get sick otitis, you need to treat your ears carefully. Do not shove sharp items in the ears, warn you in the ears of polluted water. Try not to transfer. During the runny nose Otitis may arise due to mucus falling into Eustachiyev pipe and blocking it. So that this does not happen, try to blow it out too much, because during blowing the pressure difference arises, and the mucus can get into Eustachyev pipe and cause inflammation.

If you have such symptoms like bleeding from ear, inflammation, pain, long-term feeling «as if cotton was laid», selection from the outer auditory passage, then do not hesitate! Be sure to consult a doctor!

The impact of the uncontrolled reception of drugs

Causes of rumor reduction, hearing loss
Some drugs may adversely affect the state of hearing. The most well-known impact of antibiotics - aminoglycosides (for example, neomycin, streptomycin). The effect of exposure to hearing toxins is called withdoxicity. The danger of exposure to antibiotics on the organs of hearing is that the effect has a delayed action, often for many years. It happens that Antibiotic treatment It was still in youth, but it only manifests the 60 years along with natural signs of rumor reduction at this age. Effects are superimposed on each other, and the person gets a very pronounced degree of hearing loss.

It is known that the output of antibiotics in patients of different ages is manifested in different ways. Than under the age of the patient, the stronger the isotoxic effect. When applying antibiotics, he can almost not notice the changes of hearing. The schoolboy's child will feel a pronounced deterioration, and the baby can flax at all. That is why it is necessary to take care of the use of antibiotics in childhood.

Hearing deterioration is usually associated with long-term use of these drugs or their use in high dosages. The use of antibiotics at low doses is much less reflected on the hearing. If you do not just take antibiotics, and also have a job associated with a high level of noise, the harmful effects on the ears increase.

In order to prevent and minimize the negative effects of drugs for rumor, we recommend listening to the following advice:

  • Try not to take antibiotics by «Any occasion», For example, with a small cold;
  • Use antibiotics only when prescribed by their doctor, do not self-medicate;
  • Take antibiotics only in recommended dosages, self-decreased dosage can be reduced to «No» All the results of treatment, and the increase in dosage can lead to increased side effects;
  • If you have the intolerance to antibiotics, be sure to report it to your doctor;
  • If you have any chronic diseases, especially associated with the kidney liver, hearing, be sure to inform the doctor;
  • If you have begun to manifest some of their side effects of the appointed drugs, urgently report this to your doctor.

Harm Noise

Causes of rumor reduction, hearing loss
Related negative impact of noise on human hearing. Under noise, it is customary to imply a messy combination of sounds of various frequencies and intensity. Usually, when they talk about the effect of noise on human rumor, it is assumed that a person works at a factory or factory, that is, undergoing industrial noise. The prolonged effect of production noise per person leads to a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, including hearing diseases up to the development of hearing loss.

The development of hearing loss occurs gradually and depends on the noise level in this production, as well as from the experience of the employee's work. For example, noise with a frequency of about four thousand hertz has a strong damaging effect. If the effects of noise occurs not often, the person can adapt to noise, that is, its hearing is reduced by no more than 15 dB during noise and is restored for 3 minutes after termination. For workers with experience about 5 years old, initial hearing damage can be manifested, and with more than 10 years and more irregularities are very pronounced, manifested in violation of the perception of whisper and colloquial speech.

However, it is possible to harm your ears not only in production. Residents of large cities are constantly exposed to noise. It may be noise of motor vehicles on the roads, cries of people, sounds of construction equipment and tools from the neighboring construction, Lai dogs and T. D. The most important noise factors with which most complaints are connected - this is noise of urban transport and loud music. Proved the relationship between accommodation in large noisy roads and headache in people.

Loud music also adversely affects people's health. Usually, loud music can be heard on the street, on the disco, in the car, but there are lovers to listen to the favorite songs on the whole volume almost constantly. This applies to adolescents. Such children as a result receive not only the deterioration of hearing, but also violations of the vegetative nervous system, reduce the ability to concentrate attention, memorization, thinking.

Currently, another adverse habit of people was discovered - it's a habit of listening to loud music in headphones. Scientists and doctors are already beyond the alarm, as the number of people with a deterioration of hearing due to this habit increases. The thing is that when the sound is received in the inner ear through the headphone (especially that sticks into the ear), a very important stage of sound passage through the ears of the sink. The sound immediately falls into the auditory passage and is not amplified by the ear shell, because of which we begin to adjust the volume on MP3 player. As a result, we get volume, much higher than safe for our ear. The situation worsens when listening to music in headphones more than 1 hour per day.

The harmful effects of noise on human health is not just words. In addition to the above-described impacts, a general impact on human health was detected, which manifests itself in reducing the general protective forces of the body and increasing the incidence of various diseases up to 40 percent.

For the prevention of rumor reduction under the influence of noise, it is necessary to perform simple recommendations from MyMedinform.COM:

  • It is necessary to exclude a clear noise effect, for example, too loud concerts, listening to music at maximum volume and t. D.;
  • If you are subject to noise impact at work - do not neglect the ears protection. If you live in a noisy area, you can use home protection for the ears, as well as during sleep;
  • Use high-quality sound equipment and headphones, since when working with poor-quality equipment to the damaging effect of hands-free music, additional extraneous noises are added.

Harm of pressure drops

Causes of rumor reduction, hearing loss
A person meets with pressure drops during flights by plane, diving classes, that is, when it rises high above the ground or descends. This is due to the fact that any medium has its pressure, but various cavities inside a person have their own pressure. When changing the external pressure, it is necessary to change the pressure within the cavities of the human body, and the time is necessary.

If the external pressure changes not fast, the internal pressure can change and align. There are also special ways to change the pressure, for example, when taking off by plane, we perform swallowing movements in order to align the pressure in the inner ear.

If the external pressure changes quickly, then the difference between the inner and external pressure increases, which can lead to different injuries. The most serious injuries are the damage to the medium (the drummeal is damaged) and the inner ear (the membrane of the round window is damaged).

The injury that occurred due to the pressure drop is called a barryravm. It is characterized by bleeding, edema, decreased hearing, sometimes sharp pain or «strike» Inside the ear, noise and ringing in the ears.

To prevent borotrapers under water, you need to fulfill all the recommendations of your diving instructor: do special stops to redistribute pressure, perform «purge» ears, stop immersion at the first signs of barryravum, dive only with permissible speed.

The impact of the general condition of the body

Causes of rumor reduction, hearing loss
The state of hearing directly depends on the state of your body. Doctors observe a pronounced decline in hearing in vascular disease, for example, atherosclerosis. Arteries that feed the ear can be blocked atherosclerotic plaques, which leads to a loss of hearing. In arterial hypertension or diabetes, noise in ears, ringing and other hearing impairments and equilibrium may appear. In exacerbation of diseases, the ear also worsens. With an even course of these diseases without exacerbation of the hearing impairment, it will be minimal to be easily subject to correction.

Any infectious diseases can also affect the rumor. Especially dangerous meningitis, flu, angina. In case of illness with these diseases, it is necessary to pass a serious treatment, and not tolerate them on the legs.

Noticeable impairment of hearing occurs during alcoholism. Alcohol not only affects the ear through the deterioration of the main diseases, but also directly has a damaging effect on the hearing body.

Use of music

Positive influence of classical music on the human body known for a long time. A lot of studies have been conducted, which show the positive impact of music in the treatment of rumor reductions. Compositions of Mozart have been particularly proven. People with impaired hearing, they help restore it. When listening to this music, it helps the formation of a good hearing, affects attention, thinking and memory. Thus, correctly chosen music affects not only on rumor, but also on intelligence.

Reducing the hearing is quite frequent phenomenon that occurs with age. However, with careful attitude to the ears, the implementation of simple security rules and timely treatment, it is possible to maintain health and good hearing!

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