What is a wandering nerve

Often, an absolutely healthy person who has no bad habits, suddenly begins to feel bad: painful spasms throw their heads, it is difficult to breathe, shawls the heart ... It is possible that the diagnostic examination in this case may identify the disease of the wandering nerve. What it is and why such serious health problems appear, consider in the article.

12 pairs of nerves come from the base of the crank. Each couple is responsible for the transfer of a nervous impulse to those or other organs. The tenth pair of this nerve complex was called a wandering nerve, since the brain sends the signals through it to almost all organs of the human body, and those, in turn, transmit the response nerve impulses into the cerebral bark. The path of the wandering nerve runs from the base of the cranial box along the neck, chest and peritoneum.

The wandering nerve is represented by a fiber with a very complex structure and a fine organization: there are motor, secretory and sensitive fibers in its fabric. The defeat of the wandering nerve does not foreshadow anything good, because many organs and organism systems suffer from this.

The value of a wandering nerve

wandering nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve

The normal functioning of this nerve provides the following vital functions of the human body:

  • swallowing;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • cough;
  • gastric activity;
  • operation of the respiratory system;
  • Work of the heart muscle.

If the wandering nerve for some reason suddenly fails, the heart will immediately stop fighting and the person will die.

Causes of pathologies related to the work of the wandering nerve

Diseases based on the problem associated with the work of 10 pairs of nerves are treated, relying exclusively on the external symptomatic picture. The main factors for the development of pathology are considered:

  1. Damage or pinching the wandering nerve during operational intervention.
  2. Negative impact on the nerve of the increased concentration of blood sugar when Sugar diabetes.
  3. Diseases of the organs of the respiratory system of viral etiology.
  4. Severe chronic diseases (for example, HIV or Parkinson's disease).
  5. Chronic alcoholism, against which the patient develops alcoholic neuropathy.

Signs of pathology

wandering nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve

Pumping the wandering nerve turns around for man angioores and neurasthenia. At the heart of the first group of diseases lie violations of the vessels, the second is based on the high excitability of the central nervous system and nervous exhaustion.

The most common diseases in the defeat of the wandering nerve believe:

  1. Migraine - a continuous attack of a strong headache that is worried about man from time to time (episodically).
  2. Meniery's disease - the peripheral department of the CNS and the brain suffers, in connection with which appear Dizziness, Reduced the quality of hearing.
  3. Reino disease - there is a disorder of the nervous system as a whole. On this soil, hands, legs and individual sections of the face are pale and become cold, excessive hot-tempered appears in the character of the patient.

Treatment of diseases of the wandering nerve

wandering nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve

The forecast for this disorder is rather unfavorable: the pathology of the nervous fiber can be treated very hard. That is why any signs of nervous disorder are a convincing reason to consult a doctor.

In the treatment of a wandering nerve, official medicine uses a certain set of funds:

  • hormonal medications (for example, prednisone, hydrocortisone);
  • Vitamins complexes with the predominance of group vitamins in;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • Anticholinesterase agents - medicines of this group suppress the activity of the enzyme, due to which the excitation impulse falls into the nervous system (for example, neuromidin, prozerne).

In the treatment of disorders that are associated with pinching the wandering nerve, physiotherapy methods are often used. Good results shows treatment with diadinamic currents in the place of concentration of pain.

When the patient's condition causes great concerns among doctors, take cardinal measures in the form of electrostimulation or plasmapheresis (cleansing the body at the cellular level through blood filtering with special devices).

Treatment of the vagus nerve passes under the obligatory medical control: incompetent therapy in serious disorders of some bodies may cause the patient's death.

Folk ways of treating pathology

wandering nerve, neuralgia, neurology, nerve

Our site notes that ethnoscience does not play a special role in the treatment of lesions of the wandering nerve. With the help of phytotherapy, you can some extent to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, but not to cure it. However, at the request, the experience of traditional medicine can be used to enhance traditional treatment, after providing its attending physician.

We offer several cooking recipes for improving overall well-being:

  1. Take 1 Article. L. Dried grass of vibrants and pour it 50 ml of boiling water, then insist the agent of a quarter of an hour. Divide the drink on 4 portions and drink throughout the day.
  2. Mix the dried grass of mint and melissa and fill 2 st. L. mixtures 1 cup of steep boiling water, give the agent for 20 minutes. Deliver a portion to 2 equal parts and drink during the day.
  3. Handful of fresh clover flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Then strain and drink a drink for 2-3 reception.

To facilitate the condition of the patient with disorders caused by the defeat of the wandering nerve, also use therapeutic baths.

  1. To prepare the bath you will need AIR root, yarrow, souls and pine kidneys. Take 5-6 st. L. Each means and fill this mixture 10 l steep boiling water. Aromatome «medicine» need about 5-6 hours to breed and purchase the desired concentration. When the time has expired, pour the infusion into hot water and immerse yourself in the healing liquid approximately 15-20 minutes. At the same time you need to fully relax. Remember that the temperature of the water should not exceed 33 ° C.
  2. A visible positive effect has proven itself a bath, which includes the following sedative components: AIRA, Lavender root, rosemary leaves and peppermint leaves. You will need 3 st. L. Each phytosteria - a mixture must be pouring 10 l of steep boiling water. Insist «medicine» within 6 hours, then filter and mix with hot water in the bathroom. We can be in the water from 10 to 20 minutes. Therapeutic bath stimulates the activity of nervous, respiratory and cardiac systems, eliminates inflammation and painful migraines.
  3. In pathologies of the wandering nerve, it does not hurt and the bath prepared according to the following recipe: Take 0.5 st. Dry crushed leaves of Sage and Valerian root and pour this mixture of 8 l steep boiling water. Give the agent of 5-6 hours to insist, and then pour it into the bath with water, the temperature of which is above room for several degrees. Sit in the fragrant fluid 10-15 minutes, completely relaxing. Therapeutic bath effectively eliminates headaches, eliminates spasms with disorders of the digestive system, improves coronary blood circulation.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to fully cure the consequences of pinching the wandering nerve. In order not to be a victim of the hardest disease, you need to carefully follow the state of your nervous system. Even with insignificant suspicious symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor for competent treatment. Reliable attitude to their own health and illiterate self-treatment has not yet been beneficial.

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