There are many medicines intended for the treatment of ARVI, influenza in pharmacies. What drug to buy in order to quickly recover or prevent the development of infection?
When choosing drugs, and especially - to get rid of Influenza or Colds, It should be paid attention not only to therapeutic properties, but also to consider how drugs affect other organs. Unfortunately, many drugs that are actively advertised and intended to combat influenza and other viral infections are also affected by the liver, have a number of undesirable effects. And yet there are medicines that do not require liver intervention. Such gentle means refers cycloferon. This is an interferon inductor, produced in tablets, liniment and ampoules. The cycloferon does not load the body, having its own medical action, it is already in a day excreted by the kidneys. Our site offers a detailed story about this tool - its mechanism of action, indications for use, methods and receiving schemes.
Recognize influenza
A typical influenza infection begins with a sense of alert, weakness and temperature lifting. The thermometer column stops at a mark from 38 ° C to 40 ° C. There are symptoms of intoxication of viruses of viruses: chills, headache, lubrication in muscles. In the nose first appears a feeling of dryness of the mucous membrane, ticking, smokery. In the throat of Sadnit, tricks, there is a dry cough, in which there is pain behind the sternum. And if you immediately take action, the symptoms will disappear after 5 days of illness or even earlier. But if a person continues to go to work, engage in affairs, attend children's institutions, then bacterial infections are also joined, accompanied by discharge from the nose, a strong cough when the sputum is difficult to leave the respiratory tract. Weak people, children and elderly, complications often arise.
A variety of antiviral equipment
Pharmacologists have currently developed a lot of antiviral funds. Many of them are advertised on radio and television. But some of these drugs are effective only in the early stages of infection. Some medications, if they often receive them, are addictive, cease to act, show side effects. You can use interferon preparations for treatment. But there are cases that the introduction of finished interferon leads to the fact that the body ceases to independently produce its interferon. But there is another group of medicines called interferon inductors. The principle of their work is significantly different from the above preparations. Such means stimulate, «Slept» own immunity of man, that is, the ability to destroy foreign agents who have fallen into the body. Then immunity reacts to any viruses that have fallen into the body, destroys them. Interferon inductor representative is cycloferon.
General information about the drug
Group of Russian scientists managed to create a cycloferon almost 20 years ago. A lot of clinical studies have been conducted over the years, which showed that the drug is effective, safe. Its children are allowed to give from a four-year-old age. Two hours after receiving the first dose, the work of the body's protective forces is launched.
It is allowed to take the drug, even if a person suffers from chronic ailments and constantly drinks other medicines.
Packaging There are 50, 20 and 10 tablets having a bicon-like shape and yellow color. They are covered with an intestinal shell.
Active substance in each tablet is meglumum acryon acetate. As auxiliary substances are taken: povedium, hypimloose, polysorbat, calcium stearate, ethyl acrylate copolymer, methacrylic acid, propylene glycol.
More cycloferon is made in ampoules for introducing into the muscle or vein and as a line.
The mechanism of action of the drug
Inside our body, there is a mechanism that should be protected from alien agents, called immunity. When the virus is introduced into the body, the immune system mobilizes and begins to produce interferons - special substances in the task of which includes a fight against viral cells. But here is the response time and immunity response for each person. Therefore, it often happens that the immune system does not have time to take action on time, therefore illness is developing. To reduce the time of the disease, to prevent the appearance of complications, it is important to have an emergency preventive work in the first moments of ailment. And so if we take the cycloferon in the first hours or days when the first symptoms of ARVI or influenza appear, the immune system to reflect the viral attack is quickly launched. And, the drug is active not only from influenza viruses, respiratory infections, but also Herpes, hepatitis A, Tick-borne encephalitis, cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus.
Even if you start receiving this medication in a later date, the improvement will necessarily be, the days of the disease will reduce.
As soon as cycloferon falls into the body, then the cells of the immune system (macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes are starting to actively produce interferon in the spleen, lungs, liver, slim intestinal mucosa. Cycloferon gently resembles killeram cells that it is time for them to engage in their «work» and save the body from viruses.
There are anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties in cycloferon. It suppresses the reproduction of viral cells in the early stages in the first five days of illness. At the same time, virus offspring significantly decreases infectiousness, in other words, infectiousness. The body's resistance to bacteria and viruses increases.
When cycloferon is accepted?
Our site will list the diseases in which the drugs are prescribed by doctors in comprehensive therapy (or for prevention)
- flu and other respiratory infections;
- Herpetic lesions;
- immunodeficiency states;
- Ampoules are effective chlamydia, urogenital infections, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, rheumatic lesions, deforming osteoarthritis, hepatitis, Lyme disease, serous meningitis, HIV infections;
- The line is effective in chronic periodontitis, nonspecific vaginosis and vaginites, herpes rashes.
Application options

The cycloferon in the form of tablets is applied 30 minutes before meals, swallows, without riser, and 100 ml of water is driven, once a day in a certain age dose:
- adults and adolescents (after 12 years) - 4 tablets on the reception;
- Children aged 7 to 11 years old - 2-3 tablets;
- Children from 4 to 6 years - enough single pill.
Adults already sick orvi or influenza, will need 20 tablets for the course. The reception must be carried out on the following days of the disease: the first, second, fourth, sixth and eighth.
If the flu begins hard, then the first day is allowed to take six tablets, and then four already.
In children, the course can range from five to ten techniques (it depends on well-being), it usually happens on the first, second, fourteenth, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth twentieth and twenty-third days of treatment.
If herpes appeared in an adult, the medicine is accepted in the first, second, fourteenth, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth, twentieth and twenty-third days of illness. In this case, the course will require 40 tablets.
In children, with herpes, the reception is carried out on the first, the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, eleventh and fourteenth days.
If you have to contact with patients with influenza, and you want to protect yourself from viruses, you can conduct an emergency prevention rate, taking a medicine for this to the first, second, fourteenth, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth, twentieth and twenty-third days.
Injections to the muscle or vein are prescribed with more severe diseases, the scheme is set by a doctor. The solution in the ampoule must be transparent and yellow. If the color of the medication in Ampoule has changed, or at the bottom you notice the sediment, then the drug can not be used.
The line is used by applying the sections on the Herpes hit twice a day. Usually enough five days of treatment. If the herpes is genital, then for 10-15 days it is recommended to introduce 5 ml of a liniment in the vagina. Similar method, the line is used in gynecological diseases. So that the medicine does not flow out of the vagina, after its introduction, the entrance to the vagina closes for two or three hours a sterile cotton tampon.
For treatment Periodontitis First, the periodontal pockets are washed with antiseptic solution, and then the line is applied. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Rub the drug in the gum do not need. The course lasts two weeks. Our site immediately warns that the taste of the liniment is bitter.
About contraindications and side effects
It is not recommended to use a drug:
- with individual intolerance to the substances that are part of;
- pregnant women or baby breastfeeding;
- Children, if their age has not reached four years, since they are still imperfect in swallowing;
- With decompensated Cirrhosis of the liver.
Caution should be taken cycloferon during the exacerbation of duodenitis, Gastritis, Ulcerative processes in the digestive tract, tendency to allergic reactions. It is also worth consulting a specialist in those patients who suffer from thyroid disease.
Application experience shows that only one side phenomenon can manifest itself in a patient - an allergic reaction, but it happens rarely. If the cycloferon is used locally, it sometimes arises burning, but it goes very quickly.
These properties have cycloferon. Tablets and line can be purchased at the pharmacy without presenting a recipe, it will only be required if you come for buying an ampoules. Follow the instructions of the instructions and advise with your doctor when treating diseases.