Eclampsia in pregnant women

Eclampsia is customary to call a disease in which a pregnant woman is as high as the pressure rises that there is a threat to health and life, both the future mother and the future child. This disease usually occurs on the third trimester of pregnancy. And most often it develops in young girls who give birth to for the first time or in women who give birth for the first time after forty.

blood pressure, pregnancy, gynecology, hypertension, eclampsia of pregnant women

Eclampsia today is considered one of the most frequent causes of death during pregnancy. The disease is rare, but at the same time extremely dangerous. Fortunately, due to the development of scientific progress in particular medicine, the mortality rate from this disease is noticeably declining. In general, this disease is known since the most ancient times. Another Hippocrat described this disease, whose attack is similar to the attack Epilepsy. Moreover, up to the 18th century, this disease was considered a specific form of epilepsy, which manifests itself during pregnancy.

With this pathology, a woman develops a brain swelling. At the same time, point hemorrhages can often occur. Much more dangerous hemorrhage becomes if the disease develops against the background of an already existing hypertensive disease. Due to the fact that there are thrombosis, hemorrhages, can occur under the liver capsule. At the same time, the liver cell decompensation usually occurs. Various degenerative changes in the kidneys are also possible. In some cases, the kidney cortical layer is possible.


Eclampsia usually develops in women with sharp kidney diseases. In particular, it is nephropathy, jade and rarely with chronic form of jade. The main reason for the attack is a sharp increase Arterial pressure, As a result, leads to the spasm of brain vessels, brain edema and violation of cerebral circulation. If you select the main factors provoking the occurrence of eclampsia in pregnant women, then the factors include a genetic factor (the disease occurred from the mother), the first births at a young age or the first birth after forty, kidney disease, multiple pregnancy, as well as systemic red lupus.


blood pressure, pregnancy, gynecology, hypertension, eclampsia of pregnant women

In the event of an attack, the woman urgently must be provided with emergency care. And the first thing you need to do is cause a doctor. After which the patient needs to be put on the left side, on a flat surface, which will help to avoid injuries. Then the patient needs to open the mouth and fix it in the open position. This can be done with a spoon, wrapped in gauze, or a special rotator. In addition, it is necessary to capture the woman's language so that it does not get sked and did not lead to a suffocation. In order to protect against injury, you also need to put a patient with a blanket, and under my head you need to put a soft pillow. After the end of the attack you need to remove the foam from the mouth with the help of gauze, you also need to remove vomit masses and mucus. If there are signs of a heart attack, then it is necessary to make a closed heart massage. 25% magnesium sulfate is introduced to prevent repeated cramps. After the attack, the patient must be delivered as soon as possible in the separation of intensive therapy. At the same time during transportation, the upper part of the patient's body must be raised.


blood pressure, pregnancy, gynecology, hypertension, eclampsia of pregnant women

The only way to eliminate pathological manifestations is considered to be abortion. In this case, a comprehensive treatment should be carried out, which is to stabilize the state of pregnant and prepare it for early childbirth. If there is no possibility to conduct early childbirth, then emergency cesarean section. At the same time, blood loss should be fully restored.

The existing methods of treating eclampsia in pregnant women will significantly facilitate the state of the patient and are able to even prevent the further development of this dangerous disease. In the treatment after the extraction of the fetus, it is necessary to ensure absolute peace. At the same time, it should be completely eliminated by the presence of a room where the patient, any audio and visual irritants is placed. Also need to get rid of pain and any other tactile sensations.

The Chamber, where the patient is contained, should be darkened, ventilated. At the same time it is necessary that there was a permanent medical supervision. In the treatment, therapy should be carried out to remove the vascular spasm, which causes arterial hypertension. In addition, dehydration therapy must be carried out, which will prevent brain swelling. In the treatment of eclampsia, oxygen therapy is also used, and protein preparations are introduced for protein level correction. With my own, a patient with eclampsia cannot do anything. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly observe a specialist in order to reduce the danger of disease development.

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