First monthly girls

Girls have the beginning of active puberty associated with the onset of menstruation. If earlier, our moms and grandmothers were completely unfinished in such intimate issues, our children and grandchildren are much «Another experience» - About the menstruation they will learn from friends, from books and magazines and, of course, from TV shows and Internet.

Each mother must independently tell his daughter about what is «critical days» - This not only forms trust between two generations of women, but also will help the girl relate to questions related to intimate relations and perception of oneself as women.

MirSovet will tell about what menstruation is and what should be the girl, when she will begin the first monthly.

And what it is - monthly?

menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly, period of girls, beginning of menstruation, first monthly

Monthly - because every month. This is understandable, but what is this physiological process, which is accompanied by bleeding? Monthly - this is nothing but the phase of the menstrual cycle in women. At the same time, a woman in the body occurs a number of complex processes: in the uterus there is a separation of the surface layer - it is called the endometrium, which is accompanied by a blood hearing from the vagina. Someone has abundant allocations, and someone has scarce, but they are absolutely all women, except those who wears under the child.

During the monthly, the woman's body prepares themselves to conception, child pregnancy and drying. During «Critical days» The blood supply to the uterus is improving, and the thickness of the endometrium increases. All this will help the fetal egg - it will be able to attach stronger to the wall of the uterus.

The first periods of the girl - this is not a sign that its body is ready for conception and pregnancy, not at all. This is a message that can be interpreted as «From now on, pregnancy is possible» - but not more.

When the first menstruation comes?

menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly, period of girls, beginning of menstruation, first monthly

About a year or even two before monthly, the girl begins to change the body, emotional state and behavior.

First of all, the figure begins to lose the angularity and acquires women's roundness. At this time, hair appear - under the mouse and on the pubis. The external genitals increase slightly. This is visual manifestations, but more work on the restructuring of the body goes on the hormonal level. Due to the fact that sweat and sebaceous glands strengthen their work, girls may have acne - rash on face, back, chest, shoulders, dandruff, and skin and roots of hair are much faster than fat.

As for later signs, approximately three to four months from the vagina in the girl starts allocations - it was. They can be both completely white and completely transparent, but without unpleasant odor and itching in the perineum. White consistency can be any - whether it is liquid selection, or more viscous.

Immediately in front of the most time, the girl may have such a purely subjective sensations:

  1. Lower abdominal pain. It can be very minor unpleasant sensations of a pulling nature or vice versa very strong grasp.
  2. Headache. Often immediately before the monthly girls, attacks resembling migraine.
  3. Emotional instability. Most often, girls accompany signs of emotional lability: they are crying, capricious, touchy.
  4. Apathy. Deprive of peace, lack of interest in studying and classes that previously pleased and delivered pleasure.
  5. Aggression. Immediately before «Critical days» Girls may have aggression without much the reasons: they can tear the evil on loved ones, and completely safely.

What the first looks like «critical days»

menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly, period of girls, beginning of menstruation, first monthly

  1. The first monthly may be accompanied by weakness, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, dizziness, Nausea, Vomot.
  2. During the first monthly, the organism of the girl can lose 50 ml, and 150 ml of blood - it all depends on the personal characteristics of each woman.
  3. Most abundant allocations are available for 2-4 days - at this time the girl loses about 75% of the total volume of menstrual blood.
  4. During the first monthly, allocations have a special smell - this is due to the fact that the glands of the vulva are included in their work. After such a smell disappears.
  5. The first year, after the start of menstruation, the body can give failures in the duration of the menstrual cycle. Normally between bleeding passes from 28 to 31 days, and monthly can go from three to ten days. But in the first year, until the cycle is normalized, these data may be very unstable: for example, the intervals between «Critical days» can be up to three months.
  6. If the monthly mothers pass without any problems, then her daughters will not deliver special hassle, but if the mother has painfully and hard, then the likelihood is that her daughter will accompany the same unpleasant symptoms.

Menstruation hygiene

menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly, period of girls, beginning of menstruation, first monthly

Very important girl to tell, explain and show how during «Critical days» Mustoke yourself and your clothes from the leakage of menstrual blood. This earlier, in our grandmothers, there were many problems during menstruation, and today there is a huge amount of means for intimate hygiene - gaskets and tampons.

It is very important that mom or other close person told the girl how to use gaskets and tampons. The gasket must be changed every 4-5 hours, and tampons, as blood as absorb, approximately every 2-4 hours. This is necessary to strictly monitor, since in these hygiene facilities, microbes are very quickly multiplied, which can lead to inflammation or disease of the genital organs and the organs of the small pelvis.

Do not forget about the fact that during menstruation you need to go up as often as possible - at least 2 times a day, but it is possible, of course, more often. Panties to change preferably during each shift of the gasket, but do not change one - two times a day.

Gaskets have their markings - from one to 5-6 droplets, as well as «Night». Droplets show what the intensity of absorption of one or another means of intimate hygiene. «Night» Gaskets are wider and longer, in them there is a more absorbed gel, they are used during sleep.

As for the tampons, they can even use the virgin (earlier disputes were argued - whether there is a tampon to break the virgin spray or not, but today specialists claim - this is not real, the virgin will remain a virgin, no matter how much she has been tampon). During «Critical days the diameter of the virgin splava increases an average of up to 2.5 cm, while the tampone has already been used and does not exceed 1.5 cm.

Correctly selected and high-quality intimate hygiene products are comfort and excellent adolescence of the girl, do not forget about it!

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