Symptoms and treatment of erosive bullbits

Erosive bullbits - not an independent disease, but a variety of another disease of the gastrointestinal tract - duodenitis. All bullbit forms have clearly pronounced symptoms and require immediate treatment.

From Duodenita Bullbits is distinguished by the localization site: Duodenit is affecting a portion of a 12-rosewood, which is close to the stomach, and Bullbits covers the inflammation of its bulb output in the output dump of the gallbladder. Pathology concerns the mucous membrane of the body, as a result of which bleeding ulcers appear on its surface. In essence, the bullbits can be called the harbinger of ulcers. The disease is found mainly in women and children, although it is believed that sex and age «Preferences» No disease does not have.

Causes of disease development

gastroduodenitis, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, erosive bullbits

  1. Bullbits may arise on the basis of too high mobility of a 12-robes of a person (this is an individual feature of the body). At the same time are formed «Lyland» Loop organs that represent a serious obstacle to free passage by the intestine. If the semi-stewed mass is stuck in one of these loops, ideal conditions are created for active breeding pathogenic microorganisms, a certain percentage of which is always inhabited by the intestine. Any little less unfavorable factor (strong stress, poorly digestible food, bad habits) immediately provokes the development of Bullbit.
  2. The emergence of this disease can serve gastritis. In this case, the surface appears, and subsequently erosive bullbits - hydrochloric acid falls into the 12-point intestine, thereby causing inflammation there.
  3. Provocateurs of chronic shape of the disease include gliste invasions, giardiasis and Crohn's disease.
  4. The injury to the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol abuse, an incorrect diet and a long admission of some drug groups may be for the development of acute bullbits.
  5. There is an opinion that Bullbits - the result of genetic predisposition.

Clinical picture of the disease

The disease can develop years, so its signs initially are not expressed, but over time they gain strength.

gastroduodenitis, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, erosive bullbits

In the treatment of erosive bullbits, medicines that have wound-healing properties (methyluracyl), suspension with enveloping effect (Maalox, Almagel, Hofitol) suspension. In addition, the reception of drugs that block the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid (ranitidine, omens, metoclopramide) is required. Elimination of the harmful effects of this substance on the mucous membrane is the fundamental principle of recovery, because it is salt acid that causes ulcers and erosion on a damaged section. In the complex therapy of erosive bullbits is often used by Vashinzim and Esssential. The first drug enzymes and acids increase the tone of the digestive system, the active substances of the second drug improve the work of the liver, which is experiencing a certain load due to the intensive treatment of Bullbits. Significantly improves the well-being of a patient Sanatorium resort.

Acute bullbits force the patient to take not only antacid, but also painkillers (But-shp, Papaverin): Preparations effectively remove the spasms of smooth muscles and eliminate pain. With this form of the disease in the first days of food refuse, subsequently adhere to a strict diet. In most cases, the patient with acute bullback should be treated in the hospital. There can be a stomach in time if it becomes a real threat to severe body poisoning. If no intoxication is avoided, a dropper is prescribed with a physiological solution to eliminate signs of poisoning.

To suppress the liveliness of the Helicobacter sticks, due to which the chronic and catarrhal bullbits develops, select the optimal course for the patient treatment with antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed taking into account the susceptibility to them of the causative agent (amoxicill, Sumamed, de Nol, Metronidazole, etc.) It is necessary that the patient completely refused smoking and sat on a strict diet. The measured lifestyle, devoid of strong experiences and stress. Of course, taking into account the specifics of modern life, this recommendation looks somewhat utopian, so the excitement and anxiety is suppressed with the help of sedatives. In general, the treatment is long, and over time, the familiar life of the recovery change is changed radically.

How Trechits Bullbits People's Medicine

gastroduodenitis, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, erosive bullbits

For the treatment of this disease, infusions, tincture and decractions made from therapeutic raw materials are most often used. Remember that the attending physician should be aware of the patient's independent treatment by folk methods.

  1. To prepare this effective anti-inflammatory tool, you will need 3 st. L. Fresh plantain juice and 1 h. L. Honey. Mix the components and take the drug for 1 hour. L. immediately before meals.
  2. Toning and anti-inflammatory effect has a tincture of propolis. For its preparation of 60 g of propolis, dissolve in 250 ml of pure alcohol. Then the medium will need 6 - 7 days to stand. When the medicine is ready, take it, dissolving 5 ml of tincture in 150 ml of water. Healing solution drink small leisure sicks.
  3. Many positive feedback received the infusion of the Zverboy. Take 2 Article. L. crushed plant (fresh or dried) and pour them 200 ml of steep boiling water, then insist for 50 - 60 minutes. Drink a remedy for 50 ml in the morning, day and evening before taking food.

Prevention of the disease

gastroduodenitis, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, erosive bullbits

The fundamental measure of the prevention of the development of erosive Bullbits is a fence of its health from all factors that can provoke the appearance of this disease.

  1. Pay close attention to the fact that we eat - the power must be balanced and useful. Refuse food additives and fast food.
  2. Correctly organize your day: Food techniques, sports, work, rest - all your time. Only so you reach harmony.
  3. Make yourself a gift: Get rid of bad habits. First of all it concerns smoking.
  4. During meals, do not rush - carefully chew food.
  5. Do not allow mechanical, chemical or thermal injuries of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. The treatment of any foci of inflammation is timely: caries, hymorit or cholecystitis are very dangerous in terms of complications of diseases.
  7. Do not forget about prevention and treatment Gliste invasions.
  8. Fully rest and definitely pour.
  9. Always remember that it is much easier to change your gastronomic addiction to a more useful diet than to take the handustrians of the tablets in the hope of regaining the former well-being and health.

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