Treatment of inflammation of tendons

Creating a human body, Nature connected muscles and bones with a special ligament material - tendon. Inflammation of the tendons doctors consider a bad sign: in a short time, the fabric in the field of lesion can break, reborn or die. Scientific medical sources classify such a state as tendinite.

Tendinitis is not concrete, but a general concept. When making a diagnosis to this term add the name of the region that the pathology struck. So, inflamed heel tendon is known as Achilles tendinitis, and the patient's knee tendon is a palator tendinite. Our site proposes to consider ways to treat a tendinite of various locations.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation, inflammation of tendons, satellites, ligaments, tendon, tendinite

The inflammatory response can develop in tendons for the following reasons:

  1. After prolonged physical exertion (especially when it comes to professional activities in the world of sports).
  2. Against the background of various diseases. For example, the appearance of tendinite can contribute diabetes, tuberculosis or arthritis.
  3. As a result of professional activity, which is based on physical monotonous load. Musicians, artists often suffer from inflammation of tendons.

The inflammatory process is localized mainly in the area of ​​the achille tendon, shoulder tendon, knee cups, tendons in the field of ankle. Often the two-headed muscles and rear holing tendon suffers.

Signs of progressive tendinitis

Inflammation, inflammation of tendons, satellites, ligaments, tendon, tendinite

Significantly facilitating the patient's condition when trendy help the injection of anti-inflammatory means Cortisone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the patient from such therapy needs to be refused. Cortizon, acting on the affected area of ​​the tendon, effectively suppresses inflammation, but at the same time increases the risk of serious damage to the tissue up to rupture. If we talk about pills, they are generally inffective at all: in the area of ​​the tendon, poor blood circulation, and to eliminate the inflammatory response, very large doses of NSAIDs will need, and this threatens the patient with various side effects. These drugs are effective only in comprehensive tendinite therapy.

Alternative to the treatment of tendinita

To weaken the unpleasant sensations that arise during inflammation of one or another tendon, there are many unconventional methods.

Inflammation, inflammation of tendons, satellites, ligaments, tendon, tendinite

Achillovo tendon.

To prepare therapeutic agent, you need any vegetable oil, fir and lavender essential oil. Mix 2 drops of each essential oil from 1 h. L. vegetable oil. Rub the fragrant mixture with massage movements in the area of ​​the Achille tendon 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Procedure Perform every day until it facilitates.

Foot tendons.

Add to 1 h. L. vegetable oil to its taste 5 drops of geranium, clove and lavender oils. Apply the prepared mixture on the injured part of the foot and rub the light circular movements in the morning and in the evening. To reduce pain from fresh bruise, you can make a bummer. For the rods, prepare the following tool: Take 1 cup of ice water and add 5 drops of lavender oil to water. Impress the healing solution folded in several layers of gauze and apply 5-6 times a day to a sore place, keep 5-7 minutes. every time.

Tendons brushes.

Another very effective means for independent anesthesia of inflamed tendon is a salt bandage. To make it, take a glass of warm water and completely dissolve 1 st. L. Crash salt. Pour the napkin from gauze with this solution, squeeze out and put in the package to be placed in the freezer. Frozen napkin Attach to the victim's place on your hand, tightly borne and wait for the napkin to completely dry.

Tendinitis of different localization.

Prepare the infusion of the ordinary handbag: 1 st. L. dried herbs pour 1 st. boiling water and insist 2 hours. Moisten the freshly infused gauze napkin and attach it to the patient on the body, then bother. Bandage must be kept to complete drying.

In all cases, if inflammation is not accompanied by a complication, all painful symptoms retreat in 2-3 days.

Prevention of tendinitis

Inflammation, inflammation of tendons, satellites, ligaments, tendon, tendinite

All tendons of the human body are equally susceptible to inflammation. However, the most frequently affects the tendon vagina, located in the hands of hands. In this case, we are talking about tendovagin. Doctors believe that the main cause of pathology becomes a long excessive tension of the brushes - the reusable implementation of the same movement, for example.

If you have already been faced with a similar problem, you will most likely want to do everything possible to prevent this again. To effectively protect the injured tendons, you need to correctly calculate the degree of load on it. On the one hand, it is important not to overload a weakened tendon, on the other - it is impossible to deprive it. It is necessary to move leisurely and smoothly.

To support the patient, use elastic bands. In addition, this adaptation will not allow the appearance of edema. If inflammation struck the tendons of the feet on the recommendation of the doctor, you need to purchase crutches or cane.

In addition, painful sensations can be reduced or eliminated at all, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, butadion). To prevent the re-development of the inflammatory response, you can resort to physiotherapy or injections of the cortisone, but remember that you cannot engage in self-medication, without putting a doctor. If you do not feel better after 1 week, please contact the hospital for help.

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