Electrotherapy: types and treatment principles

Sometimes it happens that the doctor, in addition to tablets, injections, ointments, discharges the patient who came to him for help, appointment to physiotocreders. There are people who doubt - whether to visit the clinic every day to fulfill such procedures, whether they help?

Physiotherapy can be called an integral part of a comprehensive approach to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from various ailments (including chronic) suffered injuries. For many, these procedures are useful, effective, contribute to rapid recovery, soften pain, warn the recurrences of the disease. Currently, physicians in the arsenal have good techniques that allow us to use the usual electric current as healing force. Such types of therapy include: Elektroson, UHF exposure, electrophoresis, darsonvalization and others. Already the name itself «physiotherapy» suggests that the patient will be influenced by natural or other physical factors, artificially created. These factors seem to be encouraged by the organs, forcing them to work more actively, it contributes to health restoration. Such factors include a magnetic field, infrared and UV radiation, therapeutic dirt, climate, water, electric current.


Darsonvalization, Diad dancerapy, Ultra-Core, Physiotherapy, Electroson, Electrophoresis

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, electricity has become applied to therapeutic purposes. The founders of these useful innovations were Luigi Galvania, Faraday, Dushene, D’Arsonval. The electrotherapy is based on the effects of electric currents, magnetic (or electromagnetic) fields in a certain dose. The main difference between the currently used electrotherapy methods is to use certain types of current (permanent or variable character), different voltage, frequency and strength. All this is selected individually, including the duration of the course. And now our site will introduce readers with the most common procedures relating to electrotherapy.


Darsonvalization, Diad dancerapy, Ultra-Core, Physiotherapy, Electroson, Electrophoresis

The method provides for the use of diadynamic currents for rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of diseases in patients. There are other names familiar to many - Toki Bernard, DDT. The method allows you to stimulate the exchange in the tissues, remove pain. Other positive effects:

  • improving the supply of tissues with nutrients;
  • removal of wretchedness;
  • weakening the inflammatory process;
  • removal of spasm;
  • Normalization of the work of endocrine glasses.

Most often, patients suffering from neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, arthritis, pebbles, spikes in the abdominal cavity, bruises, gynecological inflammations, go to such procedures. DDT helps restore the mobility of the joints, reduce scars. During the session, the patient lies. Nurse places in patients with electrodes. Dosing the current help moistened in water. The patient should feel clear vibration. Depending on the disease, the session lasts from two to ten minutes, the course includes the minimum 5 procedures, the maximum - 20.

Ultra-thoroughly wave therapy

Darsonvalization, Diad dancerapy, Ultra-Core, Physiotherapy, Electroson, Electrophoresis

The essence of this method is that the body is affected by the field of ultra-high frequency, summarizing to the patient using condenser plates. More famous name - UHF therapy, decoding: ultravyhonic therapy. During the procedure, it is possible to:

  • relax the walls of the bronchi;
  • reduce the secretory activity of bronchial glands;
  • Strengthen bile, stimulate motility and stomach secretion.

Before the procedure you need to remove the chain, hairpins, other metal elements. Session should last no more than ten minutes. Thin clothes, plaster or bandage treatment do not interfere. Electrodes must be arranged with an air gap parallel to the patient's body. Made from five to ten therapeutic procedures. For the same area for a year more than two courses can not be carried out.

UHF therapy is prescribed at:

  • Otitis, Angina;
  • Carbuncoules, furunculach;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • injured lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.


Darsonvalization, Diad dancerapy, Ultra-Core, Physiotherapy, Electroson, Electrophoresis

Developed such a method’ARSONVAL, physiologist from France. The basis of the imposition during treatment with impulse high-frequency electric winds to certain areas of the body. The voltage is also high, but the power is small. The technique found the application and in cosmetology. Thanks to it, the appearance and condition of the skin is significantly improved, wrinkles, hair loss, flabbiness, soloity are warned. Darsonvalization is recommended at:

How the procedure is carried out which electrodes are used, our site has already reported in detail by its expensive readers in a detailed article «Darsonvalization».

Common contraindications for treatment

Darsonvalization, Diad dancerapy, Ultra-Core, Physiotherapy, Electroson, Electrophoresis

In order for the electrotherapy to do not harm, it should be aware when its kinds are contraindicated, these are diseases and conditions as:

  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis in active form;
  • veins thrombosis;
  • neoplasms identified in any fabrics and organs;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • heavy heart pathology, vessels, implanted artificial cardiac rhythm driver;
  • heat;
  • pronounced renal or liver failure;
  • bone fractures when there are unfiliated debris;
  • Individual intolerance to the procedures.

Each each individual type of treatment and its contraindications. Therefore, if you have chronic diseases, then consult the physiotherapist before starting the course of treatment. We add that if during the passage of the physipesis you are making such surveys as MRI, CT, X-ray, vaccination, it is better to refrain from the session on this day, saying the employee of the physician.

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