How to lose weight in a month

You have to visit an important event, and your favorite dress has become little? It's time to act. Still there is a whole month in order to get rid of the extra «Bockov» And enjoy the party.

Your task is to lose weight for the month. You think it is unrealistic to perform? Mistake! Together with the worlds, you will get rid of excess weight in just a month, and to extend yourself with hungry diets and load the body with heavy physical exercises.

The main rule

Fast weight loss, diet, food, lose weight in 30 days, lose weight for the month

As you know, extra centimeters on the waist and hips came to you not in one day. From day to day you accumulated and accumulated stocks, absorbing one after another bun-candy-cupcake. And so, with the onset of heat, suddenly found that half of the summer wardrobe became small. Tune in to the fact that it will not have to get rid of one fell from excess fat.

You should not extend with strict diets - all of them are guaranteed to promise fast weight loss and will have to pay for all the rules - almost completely abandon many products that, by the way, are vital.

Lose weight naturally

Fast weight loss, diet, food, lose weight in 30 days, lose weight in the month

Whatever it was, but to fulfill the main rules still have:

  1. Replace 200 grams of oily roasted meat on the same amount of boiled or stewed vegetables. The stomach will like it, it's the same as the meat will be full. Try to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits. Meat wanted? Give preference to low-fat pork, beef, use turkey or white chicken meat. Prepare it on a couple or bake in the oven.
  2. When you cook myself, try not to load it with additional ingredients. Do not add fats, breadcrumbs. It will be better if you cook meat for a couple, adding some greenery and spices.
  3. No need to starve! Every eaten food piece should work on you. Products, getting into the stomach, must burn fat themselves. Forest fish, and if it is not for the pocket - buy a bubble in the pharmacy with Fish grease. It will help speed up metabolism. Also every day you need to eat fresh apples, the root of ginger (drink tea, add to fresh salads), garlic - these products help more actively burn fats.
  4. Drink a lot water. If you wish to get rid of extra kilograms for a month, then on the day you need to drink more than two liters of fluid. Would you like to eat less? Then drink a glass of cool purified water before eating. Forget about sweet drinks, soda, packaged juices and alcohol. You can drink water, vegetable and fruit fruit, green tea without sugar.
  5. Do not try to eat. It will be more effective if food intakes are divided for five to seven times. Each reception eat small portions. Breakfast Try not to skip, so the body will work more actively. Hungry? Arrange snacks from nuts, raisins and cups of kefir. But it is not worthwhile to absorb nuts and raisins, a few pieces - and enough.

Health recipes

Do you know how painlessly in the first days to reduce the volume of the stomach? Schitrit! We make yourself for breakfast sandwich with salmon and smoke on two halves. One need to eat very slowly and to postpone. Exactly an hour after an hour came the second half. Only on one breakfast, Based on the principle of separation of portions, you can lose 1-3 kilograms in a month.

Quick recipes:

  1. We replace cakes and candies for useful sweets. The protein of two eggs beat up to the formation of foam, add some berries (fresh or frozen) and whipped some more. All, dessert is ready! Its caloric content is only 50 calories!
  2. By the same principle you can do «Merengi» - beat squirrels, add a sugar substitute, some cocoa powder and send to the oven.
  3. Degreased cottage cheese mix with any dried fruits, add some oatmeal (grind on a coffee grinder) and one egg. From the mass you need to blind cheesery and fry them in a pan without oil. Such one delicious cheese will have only a little more than 50 calories!

Fastening the result

Fast weight loss, diet, food, lose weight in 30 days, lose weight in the month

That ended the month. You got up for scales. Long-awaited and solemn moment. Hooray! Happened! Managed to get rid of five to ten kilograms! Joy overwhelms you. Now you can wear a favorite dress or proud to demonstrate girlfriends a new swimsuit.

And what to do if kilograms do not want to part with you? First - not despair. A couple of kilograms aside «minus» - Already deserve praise! Well done! Keep it up! You can pamper yourself upgrade - buy yourself new jeans or shorts, and keep working on yourself.

The main thing when it was already possible to see a small result, not relax. It is impossible to return to the previous way of life - a great risk, losing everything, and even gain, and more than it was! Boast your success before colleagues, friends, invite them to visit and make your favorite new useful dish. Tell us about your feelings, perhaps you will have allies and will be easier for you to continue to keep a healthy lifestyle.

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