Seaweed Slimming Cabbage

Sea gifts are the most important component of a healthy diet of each person. Being a source of useful components, seafood can increase immunity, strengthen health and even promote a decrease in body weight. Diet based on the consumption of dietary seafood, not only useful, but also very effective. The most popular detox product is the sea cabbage.

Sea cabbage and its features

Algae, Laminaria, Sea Cabbage, Slimming, Slimming Products

In the countries of the East, laminaria is not a successful laminarium as a means for the treatment of many diseases. Sea cabbage helps well and when weight loss.

In addition, in any form (pickled, dried or cheese), it retains its rich and useful composition, and this allows the use of algae almost everywhere.

Laminaria - Seaweed, which is mined in the White Sea from Solovetsky Islands, on the coast of the Far East. For the first time in food, this product began to consume the Chinese in the XVIII century. Then the Government of the PRC was issued a decree on the use of laminary as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases. Over the years, she began to appear in the diet of other peoples of the world and gradually arrived in Russia. The name of the naval cabbage laminaria received due to its external similarity with the leaves of white cabbage.

On the shelves of shops you can see canned algae or in the form of a dry extract for adding to different dishes.

The use of sea cabbage is invaluable, because in this product contains a large number of vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C, E and D. In addition, in its composition:

  • vegetable protein;
  • fructose;
  • iodine;
  • bromine;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • Analgine I Folic acid;
  • Micro and macroelements.

Algae, Laminaria, Sea Cabbage, Slimming, Slimming Products

  1. For the preparation of lettuce, sea cabbage needs to cut with scissors and rinse several times with water. Cooking the product is not recommended, otherwise you can deprive it with vitamins.
  2. After cabbage dried out of water, it must be put in separate dishes, spice and oil. Delicious dietary salad ready. Mayonnaise for refueling use no need.
  3. If the salad did not like to taste, you can add a marine cauldron to other dishes, for example, in soups, baking and other dishes. Just just 1 h. L. Dry product. Sea Taste will not be felt, however, the stock of iodine and iron you can replenish.
  4. For the preparation of a fat burning infusion, you need to take a handful of laminaria, rinse, pour clean water and leave for a weighty night. Straightening the solution in the morning, it is necessary to take it 2. L. Before each food intake. Dry laminaria acts as a light laxative, allowing to effectively clean the body.

Just cooking an anti-cellulite bath with sea cabbage. To do this, 100 grams of dry mixture of seafood should be poured into a bag of gauze. Next it needs to be suspended on the crane in such a way that the water takes through the gauze. Such a bath is useful for removing toxins and cheerfulness from the body.

Purchase follows only a certified product. Often it is sold in packs of 0.5 and 1 kg. Before you start using, you need to determine if you have no contraindications.

Contraindications for use

Algae, Laminaria, Sea Cabbage, Slimming, Slimming Products

To eat laminaria is not recommended for such diseases:

  • Individual intolerance I allergy;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • deficit Vitamin K;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose;
  • diathesis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation on the skin and hives.

Benefits of sea cabbage

Algae, Laminaria, Sea Cabbage, Slimming, Slimming Products

In addition to the fact that this product is specific and use it is not all, such «marine» The diet has a mass gain, among them:

  • reduces appetite, suppresses a sense of hunger;
  • Quickly saturates the body, thanks to food fibers. This ability of laminary provides it with the property of burning fat;
  • Due to the fact that in a dry product there is no salt, you can remove excess water from the body and get rid of the swelling.

Disadvantages of a moutio of sea carass:

  • With the full replacement of ordinary food, laminaria may occur a sharp deficit of protein in the body;
  • a lot of contraindications for use;
  • In addition, there is no sufficient quantity of complex fats and carbohydrates in the diet, and therefore is not balanced;
  • Due to the specific taste of a diet on algae sometimes heavily transferred.

During his stay on the diet, the MPsovets recommends limiting exercise and stress, so as not to apply the body even more harm. It is better to go to the gym at the stage of exit from the diet, and during the starvation you need to rest more and stay outdoors.

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