Useful properties of bee pollen

Pollen-composure is a unique product that is going to bee from various plants and has uncommon treatment properties. Eating in food Flower pollen makes it possible to eliminate many diseases, restore forces, as well as preserve youth and longevity.

The composition and therapeutic properties of pollen

Use of pollen, beekeeping products, bees, pollen, pollen-slip

The bee pollen is called the cluster of pollen bins on various blossoms. In this regard, the product has the extraordinary wealth of the chemical composition, which nature was predetermined to ensure the development of a new plant. The substance contains over 250 components: proteins, amino acids, many vitamins and macroelements, phytohormones, enzymes, fats and much more. What impact on our body has pollen, will tell you our site.

Depending on the plant on which pollen was assembled, the substance may have a different color, shape and magnitude, but the content of chemicals remain unchanged. It has over 28 micro and macroelements: phosphorus, potassium, uranium, barium, manganese, lead, chrome, arsenic, nickel, silicon, gallium, beryl, tin, vanadium, silver, calcium, molybdenum, zinc, titanium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, zircon, strontium, copper, etc. In addition to this pollen is rich in vitamins A, E, D, B, RR, C, phytohormons, as well as antibacterial substances that are aimed at protecting the immune system from viruses and bacteria.

By the content of the useful substances, the bees pollen is much superior propolis, Royal Milk and medical. The number of amino acids is 7 times higher than the same indicator in other products enriched. This made a substance with a natural storehouse of components, so that the level of tissue proteins is replenished in the human body. In addition, the product contains from 8% to 30% of proteins.

As part of bee pollen-obverse, a record volume of routine - a substance that performs the functions of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It helps strengthen the walls of capillaries and vessels, which is especially important for the older people. In addition, pollen contains a number of enzymes that are biological catalysts, improving the functionality of metabolic processes.

In bee pollen-upsion contains from 25% to 48% of natural carbohydrates, which fully fill the level of energy material without prejudice, which, as a rule, cause products with sugar. Due to this pollen, the indispensable ingredient in the diet of people suffering diabetes.

Sphere of use of bee pollen

Use of pollen, beekeeping products, bees, pollen, pollen-slip

This substance is used in many countries in the form of a drug of natural origin. It is not surprising because pollen has unique healing properties. Consider them in more detail:

  1. The product has powerful reducing and strengthening properties, which contributes to accelerated recovery in the postoperative period. Also, this quality is becoming relevant in the recovery period after the injuries suffered.
  2. This substance acts as Natural antibiotic, Normalizing the neurasthenic states of the body, stabilizing the mental activity of people.
  3. High content of hormonal components makes pollen in a valuable product when age disturbances associated with dysfunction of the domestic secretion glands.
  4. This substance is extremely useful in disorders of the cardiovascular system, as well as hematuria, deceleration of rhythm, Psoriase, Eczema, Glaucoma and Beach. This is due to the beneficial effects of the product on the organism exchange processes, due to which pollen is often called «Elixir youth».
  5. Also bee pollen is useful for representatives of creative professions or students of students, since the high content of amino acids increases the efficiency and performance of mental labor.
  6. Pollen produces a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, reducing the signs of prostate hypertrophy. In addition, this product contributes to the enhancement of sexual entry.
  7. The bee pollen-pump increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as leukocytes and erythrocytes, which contributes to the curable of Malokrovia and radiation disease. In addition, the bee pollen contains growth hormones and Antibiotics, which delay the development of cancer cells.
  8. This substance normalizes the intestinal function, normalizing the balance of pathogenic microorganisms. In connection with which pollen is used with diarrhea, enterocolite, Dysbacteriosis intestine.
  9. Pultsy treatment is also relevant with elder weakness, impaired vegetative nervous system and chronic kidney disease.
  10. Pollen is an indispensable component to accelerate the processes of regeneration of damaged cells, including hepatic tissues, which leads to a quick reconstruction of the liver. In addition, the substance has diuretic, radio protection and choleretic properties.

Use of bee pollen

Use of pollen, beekeeping products, bees, pollen, pollen-slip

The natural set of microelements and essential chemicals led to the relevance of the use of bee pollen pollen as a pharmaceutical preparation in the treatment of many diseases. Consider the most popular recipes for the application of this substance.

Universal recipe, the action of which is aimed at the general strengthening of the body, the normalization of cardiovascular disorders and the stabilization of the nervous system, has the following. For the preparation of Cashitz you will need pollen and honey liquid consistency in a 1: 1 ratio. There are two reception schemes: either use 2 h. L. once a day or 1 h. L. twice a day. With any of them, reception is carried out 20 minutes before meals. The preventive course lasts 20 days, after which it is recommended to take a break for 10 days and repeat the reception course.

Important! Flower pollen-composite - a product that cannot be stored for a long time, the maximum period is 12 months, because then it loses 80% of useful qualities. For this reason, you should not postpone the treatment for a long time. Use a freshly broken product or save it in a tightly closed jar at a temperature of +8..+10 ° C.

For the recipe of composition treated with chronic gastritis and acid failure, such ingredients must be prepared:

  • Aloe juice - 75 g;
  • Honey liquid consistency - 500 g;
  • Pollen - 20 g.

Preparation occurs as follows: Scroll to pollen with honey in a separate container, then add plant juice and mix the contents thoroughly. After 1 hour, put the cashis to the refrigerator, where it should be stored. Consume 1 h. L. twice a day, preferably 15 minutes before meals.

With gastritis with impaired secretory function, chronic jade or Pancreatitis It is necessary to consume pollen in pure form. The treatment diagram looks like this: 1 time per day to eat 1 h. L. Pollen 30 minutes before meals. Course duration - 45 days.

For the treatment of ulcer disease gasts, you need to use another recipe. To do this, you need to prepare the following:

  • pollen - 30 g;
  • Liquid honey - 30 g;
  • Boiled water - 50 ml.

For cooking you need to mix bee pollen with honey in a separate container. Then split the resulting mixture in 50 ml of water, then leave for 3 hours. Treatment duration - 25-30 days. Admission course Next: Take 1 st. L. warm infusion 3 times a day. To enhance the result, it is recommended to drink tea from herbal collection intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers.

When violating the functions of the liver is also recommended to take honey with pollen without any additives. For this you need to mix 1 h. L. Flower substrate and stirred with 1 st. L. Honey. Take the resulting mixture after meals 1 time per day. The duration of the course of treatment is 30-45 days, depending on the rate of obtaining the desired result.

Consumption of pollen in pure form is also recommended for people suffering from Meetability, susceptible to stress, as well as patients who are on the rehabilitation stage after the submitted. In this case, the recommended dosage of the substance is 20 g per day, but in extreme cases it is possible to increase the daily rate to 50-60 g per day. Drinking pollen occurs 30-40 minutes before meals.

Thus, the bee of pollen is an efficient and simple means that allows to eliminate a number of diseases. The high content of vitamins, macro and trace elements, enzymes, phytogormones, amino acids and other substances contributes to the complete restoration of the body's forces, curable heart disease, digestion disorders, the normalization of mental activity, cell regeneration, etc.

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