About the composition and form of release

Fluimucil is produced in several forms, the dominant role in which acetylcysteine is played:
- Film tablets used to prepare an oral solution, that is, then used inside. Limonic acid, aspartame, sodium bicarbonate, lemon flavoring are used as auxiliary agents.
- 10% injection solution, in packing 5 ampoules 3 ml. Auxiliary substances: sodium hydroxide, injection water, Dinatari Edetat.
- Granules in bags used to prepare a solution consumed inside. Each sachet contains 200 mg of active substance and auxiliary ingredients: aspartame, sorbitol, beta-carotene, there is an orange flavoring. This is most often used dosage form, so our site will tell more about it in more detail, in the package you will find 20 bags. Packing 30 or 60 packages.
How Fluimucil acts?
Active substance that has a medical action in all listed formas of release is acetylcysteine that has a strong musolithic effect. This substance can ignite the sputum, increases its number, facilitates evacuation from the respiratory tract. There are sour mucopolysaccharides in sputum. And the presence in acetylcysteine sulfhydryl groups intensively contributes to the breaking of disulfide bonds of molecules of mukopolisaccharides of sputum, so it is diluted, it becomes less viscous, then the person is much easier to pump off. Medicine is actively, even if pus is present in sput. If it is treated with floimucil, then in patients suffering from chronic Bronchitis, Different forms of fibrosis, the number of exacerbations decreases, and if they occur, they proceed in a more easy form. Sulfgidrile groups of the Fluimucil active substance can be binding free radicals. In this regard, the drug is often recommended to use for diseases for which the appearance in the respiratory system of a large number of condensed, viscous secret. The active component of fluimucil deftly penetrates the cells, protects them from various toxins and cytotoxic substances, acting as an antidote. Lumpy is produced less viscous, bacteria are less accumulated to epithelial cells located on the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Fluimucil dilutes the secret formed with the inflammation of ENT organs.
When prescribed drug?
Fluimucil is advisable to take with such a littleness when the normal detection of exudate (sputum) from the respiratory tract is disturbed, namely:
- with bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotrachites, bronchiolites;
- at Pneumonia, Bronchiectatic disease, Bronchial asthma;
- in emphysema, an abscess, atelectasis of lungs;
- In cases of fibrosis;
- at Otitis (catarler or purulent), hymorites, Others Sinusitis - To facilitate the destruction of secretory masses.
The medicine helps to remove a viscous secret from the respiratory tract after injury or operations.
Mode of application

If you bought a floimucil in the packing in bags in the pharmacy, then opening one of them, you will find white-yellow granules with orange splashes and a characteristic sulfur and orange smell in it. Do not be afraid of sulfur smell, when dissolving the contents of the bag in water and the use of fluid inside, you do not even feel it. Pour the granules from the bag into the glass, pour 80-100 ml of water there, mix well with a glass or wooden wand. Our site draws the attention of readers to the fact that neither spoons nor other metal objects can not be used!
Adults and children who are already over six years old, is usually recommended to take a medicine twice or three times a day of 200 mg of active substance. If the child is from two to six years, then the reception scheme is as follows: 100 mg three times a day or 200 mg twice a day. If the baby is from year to two, then it is enough to give 100 mg twice a day. Newborn give this medicine only under the control of a pediatrician, which necessarily calculates the dose according to the weight of the child. So small kids prepared solution give to drink from a bottle or with a spoon.
If you have purchased hyperships, please note that they contain 600 mg of the active component, so only adults and adolescents are appointed older than fourteen years. Them, too, before applying inside it is necessary to dissolve in one third of a glass of water, but take only once a day.
With acute diseases, the course in most cases is from five to ten days. But when chronic ailments, he can be extended for months.
Whether side effects are possible?
Yes, unwanted effects, although rarely, but still in some patients there are. The manufacturer warns about the following possible side effects:
- headache;
- tachycardia;
- tinnitus;
- Radiating, vomiting;
- dyspeptic phenomena;
- stomatitis;
- hives, itching;
- anaphylactic shock, Outlet Quincke.
The medicine cannot be applied at:
- increased sensitivity to the components indicated in the preparation;
- Light bleeding;
- hemofrave;
- exacerbations of ulcerative processes of the digestive system;
- phenylketonuria (due to the presence of aspartam);
- Ampulic drugs can not be used with heavy pathological processes in kidneys or liver, bronchial asthma, when there is no wet thickening.
It's important to know
Suffering from bronchial asthma when using flohimucil should be under the control of their attending physician because of the risk of bronchospasm, if it originated - then the drug immediately cancel.
With the hereditary intolerance to fructose, the granulated dosage form is better not to use, because when it is manufactured, sorbitals are used.
The decision on whether a pregnant or nursing woman is appointed, only a doctor takes.
The drug should not have contact with metal or rubber products.
Easy sulfur smell should not be considered an indicator that the medicine has spoiled, it is only a specific property of the active substance.
Anti-flush drugs used in floemucil treatment may cause wet wet, because their action is directed to suppress the cough reflex.
If you, in addition to Fluimucil, are appointed such Antibiotics, As ampicillin, tetracycline, amphotericin, it is impossible to use them at the same time, only with the observance of a two-hour interval between admixes, otherwise their activity will decrease.
If you take at the same time Nitroglycerine and fluimucil, then this is fraught with the strengthening of vasodilatory and disaggregative effects.
This tool can eliminate harmful effects Paracetamola.
In the case of consumption of activated carbon, fluimucil efficiency decreases.
Do not dissolve floimucil with other medicines in one glass.
The medicine can be bought in the pharmacy network without a recipe, it is effective, but still you should consult with the doctor, guided by its recommendations. There is a drug and synonym - it ACS.