
In some cases, therapeutic physical culture is an equally effective means of therapy of certain diseases, rather than drug preparations. Such a complex of physical exercises, for brevity called LFC, is used to restore the operation of the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, as well as some internal organs.

Indications for exercises

Medical Physical Culture, LFC, Therapy, Exercises

Just like manual therapy, the LFC may be part of complex treatment or act as an independent therapeutic method. The main area of ​​the treatment of therapeutic physical education are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but it is worth noting that the LFC is used in such areas of medicine as gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, psychiatry, neurology, phthisiatry and some others.

The MirSoveto allocated the following diseases, in the treatment of which this method can be applied:

  1. Heart disease and other cordial system organs:
    • reduced blood pressure;
    • Ischemic disease;
    • injuries CNS;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • vascular diseases of the brain, leading to disorders of the motor and vestibular apparatus;
    • Pulk heart and others.
  2. Violations in the work of the lungs:
  3. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract:
  4. Exchange disorders manifested in excess weight.
  5. Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract:

Therapeutic physical culture is prescribed as a means for rapid restoration of the body after surgical interventions. This method helps to avoid various complications that may arise as a result of extensive operations, as well as operations on the lungs, heart or vessels.

As for the musculoskeletal system for the musculoskeletal system, this method as the therapeutic physical culture helps strengthen the muscles, develop joints, speed up the reduction processes of bone tissue. In addition, these physical exercises are used as complex therapy for patients undergoing plastic operations or a burn disease.

LFK may be useful even pregnant. It is used as a means of treating hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvis, the omission of the uterus.

Forms of therapeutic physical education

Medical Physical Culture, LFC, Therapy, Exercises

Such physical exertion can be carried out in three ways:

  1. In the form of individual classes. As a rule, this method is used in the treatment of patients who have undergone a serious operation and having limited motor ability.
  2. Group classes - a popular and effective method of conducting therapeutic gymnastics. From patients with similar diagnoses form a group that is engaged in the instructor.
  3. Independent work implies that before an absurd man from the hospital, it is trained in various exercises, which he will later practice at home.

As a rule, each study on therapeutic gymnastics includes three main parts:

  1. The introductory stage takes approximately 1/5 part of the time of all classes. At this time, patients perform a warm-up, which will prepare the body to further physical exertion. As a workout, walking, sedentary games, simple exercises for the body and limbs.
  2. The main part of the class occupies about 70-80% of total time. At this stage, patients carry out intense physical exertion, the purpose of which is the treatment of one or another disease. Exercises of the main part are selected with what kind of problem they are called to solve.
  3. The final stage lasts no more than 10 minutes. At this time, the intensity of loads decreases, breathing and patient pulse is restored. Exercises of the final part is easy walking and relaxation.

Dosage loads in medicinal physical education

Medical Physical Culture, LFC, Therapy, Exercises

Our site allocated the following dosages of the loads used in the LFC:

  1. Therapeutic - they imply such a number of exercises that will be enough to achieve the therapeutic effect in the treatment of one or another disease. Therapeutic loads are aimed at preventing complications after suffering.
  2. Toning dosages imply a moderate intensity exercise. This type of LFC is responsible for the consolidation of therapeutic effect, as well as for stimulating the operation of the basic systems of the body.
  3. Training classes are carried out in order to restore the normal operation of all organs and systems of the human body. Training dosages are designed to improve the overall condition of the body and improve performance.

Contraindications for exercise exercise

In conclusion I would like to note that therapeutic physical education, despite all its benefits, has some contraindications. These include:

Medical Physical Culture, LFC, Therapy, Exercises

  • Infectious diseases accompanied by increasing Temperature bodies;
  • various intoxication;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system in the acute stage: blood supply disorders, thrombosis, deterioration of coronary vessels, etc.;
  • bleeding various origin;
  • the presence of cancer;
  • Cardiovascular failure;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • complex mental illness;
  • Poor well-being, weakness, fatigue;
  • pronounced pain of different origin;
  • The presence in the body of foreign objects, which are located close to the main vessels of the body.

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